"blame me! Blame me for everything!"

  Blind mother-in-law, perhaps calling her Mrs. Huo is more suitable.

  Even if her son is unconscious now, she still dare not touch him, even though she has been missing her children all the time all these years.

   "Sister Fang, you can't blame you all. If so"

   The face of the middle-aged woman who was previously blamed by Huo Xiao was also very sad.

  Before that, besides caring for their children, they also had a little bit of extravagance.

  The blood is connected, and they are eager to reunite with their children.

   did not expect that the children left, I am afraid there is only hatred.

   For a time, the two came from the grief and could not help crying with a headache.

Next to   , Long Tianyu rubbed his brow.

  Ya'er also raised his ears and raised his face. Don't mess this up.

  Now it seems that he is inevitable because of his wife's beating.

   But the pain of the skin is still second.

  If his wife was angry, he was punished for sleeping a few days outside, then he would be miserable.

  Long Tianyu had no choice but to secretly find a way to push these people to get rid of his guilt.

   "Mrs. Huo."

  Long Tianyu whispered: "It is better to think of a solution than crying here."

   At this moment, Mrs. Huo has collapsed.

   Today's sudden meeting with Huo Xiao has made her a mess.

   Now, where else can she speak?

  Long Tianyu is not very good at dealing with women, so he has to use the simplest and clearest language to communicate with each other.

   "Huo Xiao complains about you, it just means that you abandoned them at first. Maybe you are suffering, but more importantly, let him feel your sincerity."

   is a son of man, a husband, and a father. Although he is not an exposed person, he still feels some things about some things.

   "Sincerity?" Mrs. Huo blinked her eyes and looked at her sister, and turned to him as if she saw the Savior.

   "Your Highness please tell me how can I make Huo Xiao feel my sincerity!"

   After Long Tianyu pondered for a while, he slowly spit out two words.

   "Show weakness."

   "Well, what does this mean?" Mrs. Huo was confused.

   Long Tianyu has now regarded Raider Huo Xiao as a war, and quickly played his strengths in using troops as gods.

"Huo Xiao is soft and not hard. If you forcefully explain to him, he will not only believe it, but he will also feel that this is an excuse for your evasion and responsibility. When that happens, I am afraid that you want to resolve the misunderstanding, especially It's even harder."

   Madam Huo wiped a tear and nodded obediently with the sisters.

  So, Long Tianyu, the hard-to-find general in the world, was a good old uncle this time.

"So treat Huo Xiao, you have to show weakness first, and take all the blame on your body. Then put on a look of blame, no matter what he says, you should not go to your heart. If he says too much, you use Tears to soften him."

   If the two of them are treasured, they don't want to forget one word.

Even Mrs. Huo kept busy and asked, "After that? The child's temper is too hard. The thing he recognized was that he wouldn't be able to pull back the ten cows. I'm a little bit wrong, so I'm afraid The child finally refused to forgive me!"

  The words here, Long Tianyu had to mention them.

   "Mrs. Huo, if you think you can't stand this grievance, I advise you to quit early, maybe you can still leave a bit of love."

   He said righteously: "Neither you nor your companions. You only know that you miss them in the ancient race, but how can you know how much suffering they have suffered outside?"

   said something, Mrs. Huo was speechless.

   Seeing that they were about to shed tears, Long Tianyu had to ease his attitude.

"I know it's not your fault, but your years of forbearance are for them to let those people do harm to them. Madam, you know how those Bu people lived just before we came to the ancient tribe ?"

   Mrs. Huo nodded with a wry smile.

   "I have heard a little bit, so I only"

"Ma'am, the suffering that can be heard in your ears may be less than two-tenths of what they suffered. I have no position to persuade them to forgive you, but these injuries are indeed real. If you are only a whim Make up, or if you want to please both days, then I think you should give up."

   These words shocked both of them.

   In the end, the two also left in a hurry, without giving him any answer.

   But this is all in his expectation.

   "Move people and things back to the camp first. Today's affairs are temporarily not allowed to inform my wife."

  Long Tianyu took command and took Huo Xiao back to the camp.

   Along the way, he was thinking about it.

   It is obviously not enough to repair the sheep, it is best that he still has to punish the crime.

   At this moment, Lin Mengya, who is intensively treating Wang Yan, did not know that his man just solved a big problem for himself just because he did not want to sleep alone.

  If she knew, she would have to push people out to sleep every day.

   Maybe for a few months, the world will be peaceful.

   Unfortunately, she not only has no time to take care of the problems outside, but also waits for the final result like a needle.

   This medicine is divided into two parts, one part is oral, and the other part is for external use.

   Fortunately for external use, the blood poison content is very small, plus the use of drugs to neutralize, for the injured patients like Wang Yan, there is no much danger.

   The most important thing is her oral medicine.

  A bowl of unprecedented medicinal soup was carefully poured into Wang Yan by her.

   She stood in front of the bed, not paying attention to the other party's reaction with blinking eyes.

   As long as there is something wrong, she will rescue the patient immediately.

   Ten seconds, twenty seconds, half a minute

   These thirty seconds can be called the most difficult and slowest thirty seconds of her life.

   At this moment, she has only one idea.

   Medicine must succeed!

  After a minute passed, Wang Yan remained unresponsive.

  Just when Lin Mengya thought she had failed, Wang Yan's life values ​​suddenly changed.

   "Master! We succeeded!"

   In the system, the sound of Xiaoyao filled with joy sounded.

   Lin Mengya hesitated for a while, and then slowly reacted.

   "Me, did we succeed?"

   "Well! Not only that, the owner's new medicine also comes with some unexpected effects!"

   The next moment, Xiaoyao's data appeared in front of her eyes.

   "His data seems to be reactivated!"

  Looking at the data, Lin Mengya immediately understood the excitement of Xiaoyao.

   If Wang Yan who had a high fever before was like a virus-infected computer, then now he is like a positive

   Rebuilding the computer of the new system.

   The aging data eroded and tampered with by the virus gradually disappears, and the new data that has not been threatened by the virus is reassembled into a new system.

   "Monitor at any time, open the simulation laboratory, I want to know why this happens."

   She noticed the strangeness of it and immediately gave instructions to the system.

   Xiaoyao replaced her to monitor Wang Yan's situation in real time.

   And Lin Mengya entered the simulation laboratory.

  After repeated demonstrations, although her new blood poison drug may have anti-inflammatory and sterilizing effects, it is completely different from the mechanism of reactivation.

   Now, she just wants to understand why this happened.

   It's a pity that no matter how she tinkers with the experimental data, the final conclusion is different from the facts.

Outside of the system, Xiaoyao is recording all the data of this clinical trial.

   And Wang Yan's breath gradually changed from weak to stable.

   Judging from the current situation, Wang Yan should have been pulled back from the death line.

   Turning around, Wang Yan briefly sobered for a while.

   Xiaoyao immediately called out his owner.

   Lin Mengya also had to put down half of the simulation results observed and hurried out to take care of the patient.

   "You just woke up now, you can signal me when you are not comfortable."

  She checked Wang Yan's physical data.

   has to say that he is very good now, and I am afraid that he will recover almost like Huo Xiao within a few days.

   Wang Yan shook his head gently, but his eyes kept staring at the door.

   Lin Mengya knew what he was worried about, and whispered: "Brother Huo and Wu Ying are all right. Most of your companions have also been rescued. They feel relieved and they need you."

   Wang Yan nodded hard, closed his eyes tiredly, and slept again.

   She observed the day and night again, until she was sure that the person really passed, Lin Mengya opened the door of the cabin.

   Everyone outside the door was unconsciously set in place.

   Pairs of eyes looked at her nervously, for fear that the news she brought would be contrary to everyone's expectations.

   "Fortunately, it is not humiliating."

   She had a small smile on her pale face.

   Even those two **** bags looked very touching.

Wu Ying, an unshaven man, widened his eyes and asked her in disbelief.

   "Wang Yan, did he save?"

   Lin Mengya gave a heavy "um" sound.

   "As long as you let him take a good rest, it will be fine, now you don't go in and quarrel him, you can let someone take care of him later."

   Wu Ying immediately agreed, the tip of her excited nose was red.

   At this time, everyone was immersed in the joy of Wang Yan being rescued.

   No one noticed how sloppy her footsteps were, and even balance was difficult to grasp.

   walked a few steps crookedly, she just felt dark in front of her.

   Then, the person was caught in a warm and solid embrace.

   She looked up and smiled at Long Tianyu.


  As soon as she finished a word, she closed her eyes and lay lied in his arms and fell asleep.

  Long Tianyu's worries between the eyebrows gradually dissipated, holding people firmly and tightly.

   "Okay, go to sleep."

   lovingly put a kiss on her eyebrow.

   His wife, his little hero!

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