Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 2592: Nightmare struck

   Lin Mengya looked at the night outside with some worry.

   "Not yet back, I have sent someone to meet him."

   Long Tianyu only noticed the time at this time.

   Qinghu’s martial arts he knew very well that if it was not a particularly difficult opponent, he would be able to return soon.

   But no one expected that until dawn, Qinghu and the few people who responded to him still had no news.

   Lin Mengya once again sent people to find.

  Who knew halfway, they came across Qinghu, who had a bad complexion, and those dying friends who were about to be seriously injured.

   Several people returned to Huo's old house, Lin Mengya immediately healed several seriously wounded.

   The opponent's method is very shady.

  If they didn't have all the secret medicines developed by Lin Mengya, I was afraid that even if they survived by chance, they would become a waste.

   "This injury is a bit strange."

   Lin Mengya quickly inspected the wounded.

  The injuries on them were not caused by any weapons, but more like the ones scratched by the claws of the beast.

   And those wounds are already showing bruising and redness. Obviously, what caused these wounds is poisonous!

   "I've given them all your poison pill."

   Qinghu's face was even worse.

   Lin Mengya thought he was also injured, but after some inspection, it was found that Qinghu was only a bit off.

   could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

   "Who did you meet last night?"

   This is seriously injured and poisoned. I am afraid that the enemy they encountered last night must be very dangerous.

   Qinghu pursed his lips tightly, and after a long time, he spoke reluctantly.

   "Last night, we encountered a ghost."


   Lin Mengya was even more surprised.

  To know that there are so many people in the family, Qinghu has always sneered at ghosts and gods.

  In his words, if there is a ghost, then he must have been killed by those who killed him.


   Qinghu nodded, but involuntarily grabbed Lin Mengya's wrist.

   "Girl, the person I met last night was the first person I killed."


   Lin Mengya is unimaginable.

   Although Qinghu's memory is confusing, some things that he turns into gray will never be forgotten.

   For example, the first person he killed was the guy who used him as a plaything.

   That person became his deepest nightmare, throughout.

Lin Mengya hugged him distressedly, put his head in his arms, and said softly: "Impossible, don't you mean that you burned the other's body with a fire? How could he appear?" it's here?"

   Qing Fox's body was still trembling slightly.

   In fact, he also hoped that he was dazzled and misunderstood.

   But when they fought, they shook for a while.

   It was then that he saw the other person's face clearly.

   A face that he would never forget until he died.

   Even the man smiled at him, disgusting, making him think of an expression that would make him sick, and hit the heart directly.

   also because of the momentary surprise, almost let the man take out his heart.

   The same is true for that man.

   is not enough after tormenting him. He even has to take out his heart in front of everyone and use it as a booty.

   "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, no one will hurt you, I promise."

   Lin Mengya couldn't help but worry.

   Qing Fox's heart is tough, but every

  Person's heart will be buried with an image that will scare him.

   For Qinghu, the man was the fuse that set off his psychological defense line.

  Fortunately, in addition to conditioning the body of Qinghu on weekdays, she often gives him some positive psychological guidance.

   Otherwise, what she sees now is either a body without temperature.

  Or, it is a madman who has fallen into the nightmare quagmire.

   "I will take you to rest first."

  She held Qinghu's hand, and her soft voice was soothing.

   Long Tianyu who heard the news asked her what was happening with her eyes.

   Lin Mengya just motioned his eyes to tell him later, and then helped Qinghu to rest in another room.

   After a long time, she returned to Long Tianyu with a tired look.

   "Qinghu, is there any problem?"

  Although there is some taste in his heart, Long Tianyu is not the kind of unreasonable person.

   The situation just now, even a layman felt troublesome.

   Lin Mengya shook her head.

   "He was psychologically implied, but fortunately I used to give him a strong psychological lock with the teacher. Otherwise, he will lose control because of emotional breakdown."

   The situation of Qinghu is somewhat special.

  Although now he looks just like ordinary people, in fact his heart is never normal.

   But these could not be corrected. In order not to let him get out of control in the end, Lin Mengya combined the principles of modern psychotherapy, plus the method of Qingzheng spectrum, and the teacher’s many years of clinical experience, which gave him a psychological hint.

   is like using a sturdy container to lock in the psychological problems like lava.

   But last night, this lock was almost forcibly destroyed.

  Even after Qing Hu was awake, Lin Mengya could not guarantee that he would leave any sequelae.

   "Is someone deliberately targeting Qinghu, or is it?"

  Long Tianyu also noticed the seriousness of the matter, but he thought more.

   "I think this should be the other party's attack method."

   Lin Mengya has come to such a conclusion.

   "The psychological problems of Qinghu are not known to anyone except me and the teacher. Moreover, if the other party really came to Qinghu, then last night, he would definitely not be able to wake up so easily."

   In other words, they have an opponent who is good at drilling loopholes.

   opponents like this will definitely be extremely difficult.

   Long Tianyu squeezed her cheek.

   "Don't worry so much."

   He wrapped his wife's hand in his palm, and his tone was full of confidence.

   "Since he didn't succeed in Qinghu last night, it means that he is still a lot worse than my wife. You don't have to be afraid of someone weaker than you, we just need to be careful."

  Lin Mengya listened to her man's rainbow fart, and was very relaxed.

   "Be careful to drive a ship for thousands of years, even if it is a screw, maybe at some point, it has the ability to decide the life and death of tens of thousands of people."

   Long Tianyu shrugged.

   "I understand the truth, that is, I have to ask my learned wife, screw, what kind of screw?"

   Lin Mengya rolled her eyes and said quite proudly: "Huh, I thought you were so capable, I didn't even know the screws!"

  Long Tianyu was not angry at all, but nodded in agreement.

   "It is true, then I will learn more from my wife in the future, and please ask me to give me your advice."

   "As long as you know it, please call me sir first."

   "Mr. Lin is courteous." Long Tianyu shouted well.

   Who knows the next moment, Lin

  Meng Ya slapped it on his forehead.

   "The dead wood cannot be carved! You are too stupid, Mr. Ben is too lazy to teach!"

   finished speaking, quickly walked out of breath, and then turned back and made a grimace to him.

  Long Tianyu couldn't help crying, but he was relieved.

  He couldn't bear to see his beloved woman too sad because of this matter, but there were some things he couldn't help.

   glanced over the two rooms where the wounded were living, his expression gradually sinking.

   It seems that Master is right.

  The ancient people were not as simple as they thought.

   This pool of water is getting deeper and deeper.

  In addition to Qinghu, Lin Mengya also prepared some necessary psychotherapy measures for several other people.

   But probably because they are to save people, or because the enemy's psychological hint is only for one person.

   So they were lucky and unaffected.

   But Qinghu fell asleep for a whole day.

   Lin Mengya also kept him for a full day.

   "Do you want to go to rest first?"

  Long Tianyu accompanied her, and gently massaged her sore waist with her big hand.

   After all, she could not completely avoid the pregnancy reaction.

  In addition to people getting tired easily, there are other uncomfortable reactions.

   Lin Mengya has not eaten well for two days.

   Fortunately, Long Tianyu and Qinghu prepared a lot of sweets for her so that she would not be hungry.

   "I'm fine."

   She shook her head, her eyes still on Qinghu.

  Although the other party seemed to be sleeping peacefully, he did not know how deep he was trapped in the nightmare.

   This seemingly powerful man, in fact, has been full of holes in his heart.

   She blamed herself for failing to protect him.

   "You don't have to put all the blame on yourself."

  Long Tianyu did not know where she was thinking or thinking.

   hugged her more firmly in her arms and gently stroked her long hair with her big hand.

   "Clear Fox is our common responsibility, no matter what he becomes, I will help you together and cure him."

   Qinghu is a "family" for him and Ya'er.

   is a family, so no matter how much the price is paid, it must be protected.

   This point, his attitude has never changed.

   "Okay, let's wait for him to wake up together."

   Lin Mengya slowly relieved her breath.

   At this time, Qinghu on the bed suddenly opened his eyes.

   "Clear Fox!"

   But before Lin Mengya's surprise, he saw the man suddenly sneered.

  Long Tianyu, holding her waist, was shocked, holding her wife in an instant and sliding out of a few meters in a wheelchair.

   And in the place where they were originally, there was the long sword that Qinghu used to nail.

   Lin Mengya looked at him incredulously.

   Qing Fox, actually want to kill them!

   "Qinghu, what are you doing? Stop it!" she exclaimed to stop.

   The sword was so deep that Qinghu couldn't pull it out for a while, so he bullied him and attacked them with his palm.

   The space in the room was too small, and Long Tianyu guarded her again. For a while, he evaded difficulties, and he was forced into the corner.

   "Clear Fox, stay awake, don't be controlled!"

In difficult times, Long Tianyu also tried to remind Qinghu with his voice.

   People outside were also shocked by them.

   Immediately, several guards wanted to step forward to protect them, but Long Tianyu was repelled.

   "Don't come over!"

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