Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 2596: Unexpected news

  Fang's master is still reading the letter. After a while, he spoke lightly.


   "What else can you do?" the butler asked earnestly.

  Master Fang ignited the letter and threw the burnt paper ash into the tea bowl.

   "Should our eldest lady come back?"

   The housekeeper said with a smile: "Yes, I heard that this time the elder aunt also let the younger son follow. I don't know how long the younger son can stay in our house this time."

   mentioned that her daughter and grandson finally brought a smile on the face of Master Fang.

   But I do not know what I thought of, a hint of coldness leaked out of my eyes again.

   "Recently outside is too chaotic, what should not let A Yao know, no one is allowed to talk."

  The butler also knew his master’s taboo, and said cautiously at the moment: “Master, don’t worry, no one will mention this to Missy.”

   "That's good, let's go down."

  After the housekeeper left, Master Fang was still sitting in his chair, thinking about the news he had just received in the letter.

   "Huo family's evil seed, hum, he was lucky that he didn't die, but he dare to come to the ancient tribe!"

At the next moment, Master Fang twisted the mechanism on the shelf.

   Then, an entrance to the secret room appeared in front of him.

   He walked in quickly.

  The door was closed again, and no one knew how many conspiracies were stained inside.

   After sending away the Fang's family, Lin Mengya they could not take it lightly.

   The man they had released before was taken away by his companion.

  Although their people have been watching closely, they still have no way to find out what the origin of that person is.

   And what surprised her most was that the other party did not continue to entangle with them, but chose to leave.

   But something happened to her heart.

   Those people actually had contact with the Zhao family!

   "They must have recognized our identity, so I want to take us to the Zhao family for a reward!"

  Wu Ying has always been worried.

   But he was in a hurry, but the two Buddhas were stable.

  Especially Lin Mengya, not only did she have to escape her life, but she began to plant flowers with great enthusiasm.

   "What anxious, the soldiers came to cover up the water and the earth. Wu Ying, how about this flower?"

   Wu Yingji's head was covered with sweat, how could she appreciate her flowers.

   "No, I have to tell the boss about this matter and let him help you find a way."

  Lin Mengya looked at his hurrying back and shook his head with a smile.

   "It is because he is still a military division that he can't breathe at all."

Next to   , Long Tianyu was holding a large basin.

   He looked at his wife tenderly.

   "Regardless of him, my wife is really a pair of clever hands, obviously only unremarkable wildflowers, how come it is even more beautiful than peonies in your hands?"

   "Yes! Or do you have a vision."

   Lin Mengya didn't know what humility was, and she was even complacent.

   After she had poured all the flowers, she took her man to wash her hands and returned to Huo's study.

   "Unexpectedly, those people still have contact with the Zhao family. But fortunately, the enemy's friend is our enemy. If they dare to come, I will brag them."

   said it was arrogant, but Long Tianyu smiled.

   "I don't think they dare to come directly."

   Lin Mengya glanced at his man.


   She thought she could tease her own man like Wu Ying.

  Who knew that person didn't give her a chance at all!

   "Okay, I don't know your wife with your heart."

   Lin Mengya pretends to be disgusted: "Who wants to be with you?"

  Long Tianyu but did not smile.

   Actually this matter is easy to guess.

   The other party's men were very familiar with Huo's family, but they sent a group of thieves to steal Huo's things.

   Obviously, they did not want people to notice the Huo family's secret.

  Those thieves don't know anything, even if they are caught, there is no way to provide who is behind the scenes.

   What if the other party knew the Zhao family?

   Unless he wants to share secrets with the Zhao family.

   But the thieves and the last killer were all rushing out.

  This shows that the other party's purpose is to swallow.

   Therefore, although they have to guard against the other party's sneak attacks at any time, at the same time, the other party will keep this secret well.

   has to say that in some ways, their enemies want to make this a secret more than they do.

After being broken by Lin Mengya, Wu Ying suddenly realized that she seemed a little too irritable.

   He shut himself in the room and after a good reflection, finally recovered his lost reason.

At the same time, Lin Mengya and Long Tianyu also learned some new situations.

   "The Sheng family was not divided by those families, but was taken back by the Presbyterian Church. As for those families, somehow they all agreed."

   Long Tianyu's news came very timely.

  After listening to Lin Mengya, she had a bad feeling in her heart.

   "I thought they would fight because of the uneven distribution of stolen goods. Now it seems that this Presbyterian Church has quite a few brushes."

   Although their people spread a lot of news, but after the Presbyterians came in person, those families received orders from their respective owners.

  Now, although everyone will fight for some property, the situation has basically stabilized.

   This is what they do not want to see.

   "It's just a bigger interest in exchange for their immediate interests."

   This kind of routine, he watched a lot when he was a child of Long Tianyu.

   Lin Mengya is also curious.

   "How much benefit did they give up this opportunity?"

   Long Tianyu shook his head.

   These things are too confidential, and are the orders of the various heads of the family.

   It can be imagined that the reason why the people of the Presbyterian Church came late was to lobby the families.

   "What about the Zhao family?" This is what she cares most about.

   Now that the Zhao family has determined that they are murderers, they are looking for their traces like crazy dogs.

  Long Tianyu touched her long hair.

   "Don't worry, they can't find us."

   Lin Mengya rested her head on the shoulder of her man.

   "We just don't have evidence now, otherwise, I'm not afraid of them."

   It's tough, they may not lose.

   Only in this way, they will become street mice in the ancient tribe.

   This is not what she would like to see.

   "There will be."

  Long Tianyu lightly kissed her forehead, eyes fixed.

   As long as it is what his wife wants to accomplish, he will definitely remove all obstacles.

   No one can block her path.

   In the next few days, Huo's old house was calm.

  After six days, everyone's injuries have almost been raised.

   That person from the Fang family sent someone to ask for money, but this time, the person brought a message.

   "What? We can only stay here for another five days? Why is this?"

   Lin Mengya was a little surprised.

  According to the other party's greed, the longer he lives here, the more money he can get.

   How can I be willing to catch people?

   The man was distressed when he looked at Yinzi.

  You must know that this time the oil and water can withstand more than half a year.

   To this end, he secretly revealed a small message to Lin Mengya.

   "It's not that the little ones want to rush you, the living God of Wealth, but the young lady of our family, to come here to worship. Alas, our Fang family is great, and there are many rules. Please also take care of the young lady."

   "Your eldest lady?" Although she had already guessed it, she asked.

   "Fang Yao, who is also the head lady of the Zhao family, is our first lady."

   When he introduced it, he was quite proud.

   And Lin Mengya was a little unexpected.

   Aunt Fang is actually Mrs. Zhao's own wife!

  How much did she know about Zhao Qian?

   "Okay, I know. You can rest assured that we will disappear completely."

   The man left with great gratitude.

   Lin Mengya told this news to Long Tianyu and Wu Ying.

  The former is still calm, while the latter is an accident.

   "I only know that Aunt Fang is married again, but I did not expect that it was Zhao's family!"

   But Long Tianyu knocked on the armrest of the wheelchair subconsciously. Then he said: "Does Zhao Jia know the relationship between Huo Xiao and Fang Yao?"

   Wu Ying immediately reacted, his face ugly.

   "I don't know very well. At the time, the marriage between Uncle Hob and Aunt Fang was regarded as a shame by Fang's family, and it was not allowed to be rumored at all. So there are not many people who know other than us.

  If the divination group knows, then this matter is not a secret.

   Fang's family has Fang Yao, and Zhao's family may not even have a marriage with a foreigner.

  If the Zhao family knows Huo Xiao's relationship with Fang Yao, then sending Zhao Qian to deal with Huo Xiao is obviously not that simple.

   "Are we going to leave?" Long Tianyu asked Lin Mengya's opinion.

  After thinking about it, the latter said: "In the past few days, we have tried to secretly meet Aunt Fang. I think she should help us."

   She had to figure out how Aunt Fang felt about Zhao's family.

   There is also Zhao Qiao, what is the relationship with Aunt Fang.

  The fact that they were framed may be related to the Zhao family.

  If Aunt Fang would help them, wouldn't it be more effective for them?

  After the three agreed, Wu Ying and Long Tianyu went to find a more concealed place to live temporarily.

   Lin Mengya took Qinghu together and hurried to Fang's house.

  From Bu town to Fang's house, it is only a half-day trip.

   But along the way, Lin Mengya felt Qinghu's vague sense of alienation from herself.


   As soon as she was about to speak, Qinghu took out a pot of water and handed it to her.

   "Hurry up for a long time, get thirsty. You take a sip of water first, I will go ahead to find the way."

  Looking at the Fang's range, Lin Mengya did not object.

   It's just that she was holding the kettle, but her eyes fell on Qinghu who was moving away.

   She can be sure that Qinghu is ready.

   But why is he not as close to nature as he used to be?

   There was an invisible barrier between them.

   It was just that she tried hard to break through, but Qinghu was consciously dodge.

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