Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 2578: Blind woman delivering medicine

   "But you must promise me that as long as I do what you say, this piece of paper will never be available!"

   Zhao Qiang is also hanging his heart.

   He didn't want to die, and he didn't want to betray his family.

   Now doing this is due to the situation, and as long as he arrives at Zhao's house, he will immediately report the matter to his father.

   Although his father may be angry, as long as he is alive, there are countless ways to make this a secret forever.

   Lin Mengya caught a glimpse of his hidden viciousness, but didn't care.

   She didn't really want to fight against the Zhao family, she just wanted to stop Zhao Cai's mouth and keep him from talking nonsense.

   At the moment, he quickly asked the other party to sign and draw.

After   , she put the piece of paper away properly in front of Zhao Jian.

   "You have to collect it, if your negligence hurts our Zhao family, I will never spare you!"

   Zhao Qian is in a very bad mood.

   But Lin Mengya just patted her chest.

   "Four masters can rest assured that, as long as everything goes into my pocket, even if the king of heaven comes, he can't take it away."

   Zhao Qian snorted coldly, and stopped talking.

   At this time, the person in charge of delivering the news hurriedly ran back to tell them.

   Lin Mengya asked Zhao Qiang to be taken to the rear, and only then learned from Yu that Qinghu had rescued Huo Xiao.

   But because Huo Xiao was eager to save people at the time, he stayed in the fire for too long, so that he was fainted by the smoke and had severe dehydration symptoms, so the person was still in a coma and was not out of danger.

   The husband and wife discussed it one by one, and decided to check Huo Xiao's condition first.

   "What about him?"

  Long Tianyu motioned with his eyes that Lin Mengya and Zhao Qiang were still there.

   "Let people take him to Shengjiacheng first. He wants to grab other people's things, then I will let him watch those things and be moved away."

   Lin Mengya had already thought about where Zhao Siye would go.

   Hearing this, Long Tianyu shook his head helplessly.


   The two were divided into two groups with the remaining guards.

   Following the mark left by Qinghu, it was not until dawn that the couple found their temporary rest camp.

   There are countless people lying on the ground, not knowing their life or death.

   This is all I ran out last night.

   There are still some people who stay forever in their hometown.

   She took a deep breath, only feeling a little bored in her heart.

   "You are here! Brother and they are in there, go and have a look!"

   Wu Ying, who hadn't slept all night, blushed her eyes.

   When I saw them, I just forced myself to pick the corners of my lips. I didn't know that it was in Lin Mengya's eyes, but it was more uncomfortable than crying.

   "Well, let me see the situation, don't worry."

   Faced with her comfort, Wu Ying could only smile wryly.

   "Patriarch of the palace, please."

   Faced with Wu Ying, who became polite, she didn't know what to say.

Inside    is a dilapidated wood cabin.

When    entered the door, she saw Qinghu sitting there with her eyes closed.

   Hearing the movement, he immediately opened his eyes, but Lin Meng Yaqiang pressed his shoulder first.

   "You sleep with you."

   Qinghu nodded at her tiredly, closed his eyes again and went to sleep.

   After Lin Mengya saw that there was no obvious trauma on his body, he was relieved and turned to look at others.

   The cabin is empty

   was limited, so only three seriously wounded were released.

   She knew two of them, one was Huo Xiao, and the other was Wang Yan, who hadn't seen him for a long time.

   At this time, both of them were messed up with herbs and wrapped in dirty cloth towels.

   Despite this, she can still see some burns that have not had time to be treated.

   Even in a coma, the two of them still frowned and seemed to be worried about something.

   Lin Mengya immediately stepped forward to check the situation of the two.

   "Patriarch of the palace, brother and Wang Yan, two of them"

   Wu Ying was a little choked and blamed herself.

   He could not stop the eldest brother, nor could he stop Wang Yan.

  If they really died because of it, then he, he might as well apologize with death.

"At present, they are caused by high temperature dehydration and excessive smoke inhalation. In this way, you can find a few healthy people to take care of them, and remember to add more water. Other people, go to the mountains with me medicine!"

   The wound medicine she carries is limited, even if she uses all of them, it may not be able to cure all the wounded.

   Fortunately, there is a forest not far from here.

   I hope there are some medicines that she can use here.

   Wu Ying was at a time when she was flustered and had no mastermind, and she no longer turned around like a headless fly under her command.

   Soon, the entire camp began to operate in an orderly manner.

   Lin Mengya checked the condition of the wounded, and personally took the people to the mountains and forests not far away.

   At this time, the morning dew was deep, and Lin Mengya was not familiar with the situation here, so she could only let the small medicine enable the detection function to find the medicinal materials that she could use.

   I don’t know if it’s because of their bad luck or that the herbs are not produced here.

   In short, she almost walked through most of the woods, but did not see a few medicinal plants.

   Not to mention other people, and nothing more.

   "Madam, should we go out and buy?" the guard suggested upon seeing this.

   but she rejected it.

"No, those fire-fighting people are still hiding in the dark. We are all fresh faces. I'm afraid they will be noticed by the other party as soon as they show up. Moreover, even if it is the nearest town to buy, the injured may not hold on. ."

   "Then what shall we do?" The guard also looked embarrassed.

   Know that among the injured people are his companions.

   Lin Mengya thought for a while, but temporarily gave up the idea of ​​picking medicine.

   "You go and get back all the medicines for the wounds we had left before, even if we are going to buy medicines, we have to go far away."

   That batch of wound medicine is something she keeps to save her life.

   But now that the injury matters, she can't take care of that much.

   The guard immediately fetched the medicine, but she returned with someone without success.

   But on the way, she received a message.

   "Madam, our people found that an old lady seemed to be looking for us around."

   Old lady?

   Lin Mengya was slightly surprised, but soon, she saw the old woman.

   "Meet again, the old lady has met the Palace Master."

   The person was still hiding under the black robe, but Lin Mengya smelled a strong smell of medicine on her body.

   "Mother-in-law, are you hurt?"

   The blind woman shook her head.

   "Palace Patriarch’s good-spirited nose, but it’s not me that hurt, but you and your companions, right?"

   "So mother-in-law came here thinking about it?" She asked suspiciously.

   The blind mother no longer sells her, instead she unwraps a big package on her body.

   "These are all medicines for treating burns. Although they are not good, they are enough to save lives."

   Lin Mengya glanced at it, and the big package was full of medicines for burns and scalds!

   It’s just that some are fresh, some are already prepared, and there are some powders and pills, which are panicked at first glance.

   "This medicine"

   "It's just a little bit of my heart. My old lady can guarantee her life. There is absolutely no problem with this medicine!"

   Lin Mengya is not the medicine for suspecting blind mothers.

   It's just that she was a little curious. She had clearly rejected the blind mother-in-law once before, so why did she take medicine to save others.

   Besides, how did she know she needed these medicines?

   "The mother-in-law was there last night?" Lin Mengya couldn't help but raise more questions, but this time, she obviously thought too much.

   "I, I just want to help. Patriarch, the old woman is not the kind of hard-hearted person. Even if I calculated you last night, I definitely don't want to stand by."

   About this, she doesn't care much.

   People have no relatives with her, so naturally there is no need to work hard for her.

   "Well, then I will thank the mother-in-law for the kindness of the wounded."

   Regardless of the other party's purpose, after all, it's just sending charcoal in the snow.

  Besides she was there, she knew at a glance whether there were any problems with these medicines.

   "You are polite, then I won't delay Palace Master's time."

   The blind mother turned to leave, but she hesitated for a moment.

   Lin Mengya thought she had something to say, and took a few steps forward.

   "Patriarch of the Palace." The blind woman asked in a low voice.

   "The old lady just asked casually, your companions, are they all okay?"


   Lin Mengya didn't know who she was asking, so she said vaguely: "There are two injured, but with her mother-in-law's medicine, I think they should be fine."

   "That's good, that's good! I will give you medicine tomorrow, but I don't want others to find out, can the palace master still meet me here?"

   Injury medicine matters, Lin Mengya agreed without even thinking about it.

   The blind woman immediately seemed to breathe a sigh of relief, and her tone became a little more relaxed.

   "Then I'll go back to look for medicine right away, just talk to me if you need anything!"

   Lin Mengya thinks the blind woman is a little weird, but the two are not familiar with each other, so she doesn’t want anything else, she just said she wanted some clean cloth towels.

   Blind mother-in-law agreed, and said that she would bring some easy-to-digest food to let her not worry.

   Watching the rickety figure quickly disappear, Lin Mengya held the package and looked thoughtfully at the back of the blind woman.

  Why is this person so strange?

   But soon there was news that the wounded could not support her in the camp, and she had no time to think too much, so she hurried to treat the wounded.

   After another day and night, the condition of the wounded stabilized.

   Even though she exhausted all her efforts, there were still six severely wounded people who could not support her in one day.

   Lin Mengya is very clear that this number will continue to increase starting today.

  Because of the limitation of conditions, the infection and inflammation of the wounded will definitely take some lives.

   And she can only do her best to obey her destiny.

   A dawn came quietly, and Lin Mengya was too tired to move her fingers, and then returned to the tent they had set up temporarily.

   "Come here, I'll press it for you."

  , who was also busy all night long, patted his legs gently, and said softly.

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