Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 807: Say no match

"Sorry, it's my impure motivation. Sister Lin, I'm sorry, I used you. Now that the nine princes are here, please take her with you. As for the marriage contract, since you do not agree, Just let it go. "

When Xiu Xi said these words, her face did not change at all.

I couldn't even see Lin Mengya's true thoughts. It was so faint, neither angry nor wronged.

However, the little hands hiding in her sleeves and clasping her tightly revealed the nervousness of A Xiu's heart.

This girl is far from calm on the surface.

But Kemeng Mengya could not expose her in person.

At least in front of the sweetheart, Axiu is still the one, and the Oriental show that disdains even half a sentence to justify.

"You finally admit it, sister, let's go! This kind of person is not worth it for her!"

Yan Wan was even more angry when he finished, and he was so angry that his sister was still intolerable towards that abominable woman.

He pulled Lin Mengya's hand, and Wan Yanyu left angrily.

He did not find behind him, the pretending calm A Xiu, the sadness of his face gradually collapsed.

Who said that the love of young people is always because of temporary mood?

She exhausted her efforts to like him, even if she lost her eyes.

In exchange for his disgusting and decisive back, she still has no way to completely cut off her obsession with him.

For this reason, as the only witness, Lin Mengya felt that her heart seemed to have knocked over the bitter water.

The bitter taste lingered silently in her heart.

Axiu is too stupid, but it is so distressing.

Xiaoyu let Xiaoyu pull herself out of the house of the Oriental family, and then, almost rudely, stuffed her into a carriage.

Lin Lin Mengya wanted to get angry, but after seeing Xiaoyu's face that was too dark, she could only bear her own anger.

The more I like this, the more she needs to calm down.

What Xiaoyu said before was not completely ignored by her.

It seems that Xiaoyu hates this kind of thing.

Is there anything that happened before?

She secretly took several deep breaths, and she must calm down.

Otherwise, the contradiction between Xiaoyu and Axiu can only get tighter.

I finally calmed down my heart, but saw Xiaoyu hiding in the corner of the carriage and looked at her gloomily.

Strangling boy! Obviously it was the trouble he caused, even dare to stare at her like this!

Fortunately, Lin Mengya still remembers the business, so there was no domestic violence Xiaoyu three hundred times.

"Don't be angry, you must have misunderstood Axiu. When we were in Dajin and Lintian Kingdom, a lot of things happened. I know you may not like her, but Axiu will definitely not hurt me . At this point, I think I should have more say than you, don't I? "

With patience, Lin Mengya comforted this unreasonable little ancestor.

But the other party didn't talk to her at all, her head twisted, Ao Jiao was like a little cock.

She can't stand it!

"Oh! Sister, I was wrong! It hurts! It hurts!"

One second ago, Yan Yanyu, who looked like anything, was dragged by Lin Mengya's ear-twisting attack the next second.

I saw Lin Mengya staring at a pair of big eyes, but her small hand was merciless, and he twisted Xiaoyu's ear.

Where can the latter dare to put on a shelf?

"Don't you dare to talk to me like this after seeing you!"

Twist it hardly to finish, although Xiaoyu's eyes are still resentful, but in the end, the nature of the dog's legs was still inspired by her.

Looked at her sister well, she never dared to play any little Ao Jiao.

"That's good, I'm your sister, can I hurt you? Xiaoyu, I don't care what contradiction you had with Axiu before. One thing you have to understand is that Axiu won't hurt you. Not from which In terms of you, you are allies, not enemies, to Axiu. I know you don't like the wedding arranged by Wang Shang privately, but you have to know that this matter is also the same for Axiu It's fair. You're not good enough. All the girls in time are crying and crying to marry you. And, even if you don't like it, you show it like this, there is no room. Is this really good? "

In fact, Wan Yanyu was just a moment of worry and anger, and now he finally calmed down a lot.

In fact, the things mentioned by Gao Linmengya also understood in his heart.

Just, full of grievances, let him naturally, can only stare at Dongfangxiu.

Alas, my sister didn't know these things.

"Say whatever you have to say. Is there anything we can't say between our siblings?"

Looking at Xiaoyu's resistance, Lin Mengya knew that her persuasion had not been successful.

In my opinion, she had to keep working hard.

Wu Xiaoyu looked at Lin Mengya and felt guilty of death. Naturally, she reluctantly told her what had happened before.

"It's not all their Oriental family bullying, things are like this"

叫做 What is media retention? Although Lin Mengya didn't know it before, on TV, those matchmakers who had a big mole on their heads always blew each other out at the homes of both men and women.

Then the two sides met and felt good. They could meet the eye, and continued to contact until they were married and gave birth to a baby.

This process, although she has little knowledge, she can also know a little.

Introduction object, at least, both men and women should see each other and understand it.

But here in Xiaoyu, obviously, the elders of the Oriental family have no talent in this aspect.

It is said that on a dark night with high winds, Xiaoyu, who had left the palace alone and was going to return to his mansion, was abducted by a group of people in black.

Well, to put it more directly, take advantage of it and run away.

Suddenly the purpose, even pointed directly at A Xiu's boudoir.

The situation at the time, according to Wan Yanyu, one of the parties described, it was really a thousand feelings, all kinds of tastes, and there was nothing left in shock and anger.

I do n’t know which big brother came up with such a puppet idea. Actually, he wanted to cook raw rice with live raw rice, and then made it into the established fact, Xiaoyu promised, and he did n’t.

It's a pity that it is impossible for people to do what they want. Xiaoyu just got palpitations. The ordinary methods are naturally ineffective for him.

I do n’t know which girl is wrong.

I actually thought it was a spring dream. Not only did I express my boldness and enthusiasm for Xiaoyu in my dream, but I really wanted to applaud Xiaoyu.

Fortunately, at a critical moment, Axiu realized that something was wrong and prevented the tragedy from happening.

Xiaoyu, who was abducted and almost strong, fell into a small shadow.

Furthermore, those in the Oriental family who wanted to finalize this marriage contract, separated by a short distance, would use various methods to make Xiaoyu submissive.

He was so annoyed by the aggression that he caused a lot of trouble in the Oriental family and only let these great gods stop.

Since then, in Xiaoyu's mind, the Oriental family has been synonymous with trouble and grievance.

I don't think there is a man who would like this. The way cows don't drink water and press their heads is the way of introduction.

For a long time, Xiaoyu either stayed away from people in the Oriental family, or just as before, no good impression at all.

说 After finishing this short story, I heard Lin Mengya straighten her teeth.

I don't know who came up with the idea, it's called a simple and rude margin.

I don't know if you do this, you can only make Xiaoyu more rebellious.

By then, even the marriage contract was really successful.

Wu Axiu is also destined for a lifetime, will not get Xiaoyu's love.

It's getting trickier.

"Since you have said so, it doesn't seem to make any sense to persuade me. But there is one thing, Xiaoyu, you have to know that Axiu is innocent. These things have nothing to do with her. If there is a point, That is, she likes you. But it is innocent to like someone, isn't it? I don't expect you to like her immediately, but I hope that at least you don't want to be so bad at her. I also hope you don't let I'm in a dilemma, okay? "

Wu Xiaoyu's character, though in front of her, was soft and well-behaved.

But the pride and stubbornness rooted in the blood of that kid, has long been catalyzed by Axiu's family's excessive measures, and became disgusted with Axiu and even the entire Oriental family.

This is not a good thing.

After all, the East is now swaying. Their enemies may use the East to do some big things.

Ai Xiu, in a different position in the Oriental House, has her with Dongfang Xu, and the Oriental House's position need not be worried for the time being.

But it is even more difficult to fight for it completely.

I can only hope for others, never know why A Xiu's blindness.

Otherwise, she had to wash and peel off Xiaoyu and send it to Axiu's bed, asking for their forgiveness.

"Sister, what are you thinking? I guess you must think they are too good, right?"

Wu Xiaoyu looked like he was in the same party, Lin Mengya shook his lips.

如何 How would she say that she was figuring out how to make Xiaoyu Rou pay Axiu's kindness.

I heard my sister say this, even if Xiaoyu was unwilling, because of her sister's relationship, she reluctantly agreed.

"That's right. Don't look special on the surface. But my intuition tells me that it is definitely not easy. If you want to get their support, the first and most important point is Do n’t conflict with A Xiu. She has a different status at home, and she is also my good sister. It makes sense that I wo n’t let people bully her. Xiaoyu, you should understand.

Wu Xiaoyu also wanted to justify something, but after a moment, he could only agree with his frustration.

This matter, even if his sister did not say, he knew the seriousness.

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