Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 814: Mysterious man


Bai Su has always been well-behaved, especially when he comes to Lin Mengya, it has faded out the cold intention of killing, more like Lin Mengya, a quiet and silent girl.

For a long time, Lin Mengya was full of people of all kinds.

Wu Baisu may not be the best among them. There was also a break with Lin Mengya.

But the only constant is that they will follow her willingly.

Lin Mengya, who had her eyes closed in the carriage, never noticed that Bai Su was looking at her with a look of almost worship.

From a background like Bai Su, in fact, he has had contact with all kinds of big people.

He never had a woman like Lin Mengya.

虽然 Although she is vertical and horizontal, she relies on her own abilities.

In front of Lin Mengya, the wealth of the enemy country, the power of the world, or the martial arts of one enemy, seem to be overshadowed.

Even though she knew that the lady was not an ordinary person, Bai Su still looked like a bird chasing light. No one, anything, could stop her from pursuing behind Lin Mengya.

"What's wrong, look at me like this?"

The car bumped a little, and Lin Mengya opened her eyes.

But when she saw Bai Su, she turned a little shyly.

"Nothing. Miss, I always have a question I want to ask you."

Anxiously shifted her gaze, Bai Su thought about it, but couldn't help asking.

I begged Bai Su to continue talking, Lin Mengya also felt that since the reunion with Bai Su, this girl seems to be a little different from before.

"I have heard a lot of things you did in Dajin. In fact, I do n’t think it makes any difference if you do n’t do this. Besides, now you are giving up your former identity. . Don't you be afraid to never go back again? "

In Bai Baisu's eyes, Lin Mengya has never been that kind of master who will sacrifice herself for some righteousness.

I even think that sometimes, Lin Mengya is more inclined towards her character.

So, this time Lin Mengya chose to give up everything and came here, but Bai Su was surprised.

Looking at Bai Su's confused eyes, Lin Mengya could not help but smile slightly.

"Yeah, if I leave it alone, I may be able to get a moment of quiet. But some things, like poison ivy, entangle my life silently. I can't let my second half of my life be honest and fearful Passing by. Bai Su, since we are sisters, then I ca n’t hide something from you. I have a lot of trouble, and one day in the future, it may be life-threatening. So I hope that when you can Abandon me. Don't kill anyone easily. Because you die, you have nothing. "

I looked at Lin Mengya's seriousness. Bai Sugang wanted to say something, but in the end, she could only reduce her head to a solemn nod.

Regardless of any troubles Miss Wu had, she would stand in front of the lady.

But if she really can't save the lady, at least, she can leave this life to save her strength and take revenge on the lady!

"Don't be so serious. In fact, after you leave, Bai Ye will miss you very much. By the way, there are many more people in our yard now. I also adopted a child called Mo Yan. It is cute and cute They all love so much. When things get here, go back with me. "

When mentioning the people in Liuxinyuan, Lin Mengya and Bai Su's expressions became extremely soft.

They are the kind who attaches great importance to the feelings of their families. Besides, they really treat them like their loved ones.

"I miss them too, I have seen you a few times before leaving Dajin. I'm just afraid of being discovered by you, so who is it!"

Su Bai was talking about the sky, suddenly her face changed.

The sword in his hand flew out of the carriage like electricity, and the person disappeared in front of Lin Mengya in an instant.

"be careful!"

Have you come to Mrs. Hui?

Lin Lin Mengya frowned, although she had long expected that Mrs. Hui would not easily arrest her.

I didn't expect it to come at this time.

"Protect the girl, I'll come and go."

Calmly commanded left and right, Bai Su nodded at Lin Mengya, and people also walked to the suspicious surroundings.

"Girls rest assured that with us, no one can hurt you."

The rest are the people they brought from the palace. Many of them were left by Xiaoyu only to protect Lin Mengya.

As for her safety, she didn't worry much, but just now she talked to Bai Su and revealed a lot of secrets.

In case she was found out, she was the one who should have died Prince Princess Yu, I'm afraid things will be a little troublesome.

They should have been more cautious, this is not in the palace.

He lowered the car curtain, Lin Mengya returned to his mind.

Looking at the opposite side just now, but she saw a deep black, I do not know when she actually appeared in her carriage.

The hair was upright, Lin Mengya reluctantly calmed herself, so she did not scream.

人 This man's martial arts are too weird, he didn't even notice the slightest!

"Who are you? Who sent you here!"

Whispered questions to the men in black, the distance between them was too close and dangerous.

If she dared to yell loudly, the man in black on the opposite side had enough time to kill her.

"We have had a relationship before, girls will not be so fast, just forget me?"

see once?

I quickly recalled that Lin Mengya finally found a memory that matched this man in black.

I was the weird she met on the street that day.

Is he intentionally following himself?

"What do you mean, Your Excellency, I have no injustice with you, is there any misunderstanding in this?"

周 While dealing with people in black, procrastinating, trying to get out.

She and the man in black are sitting on both sides of the carriage, and the distance to the door is almost the same.

If she gets out now, she will have to shorten the distance between the two.

If this is the case, the sheep will enter the tiger's mouth.

If she jumped out of the window, Lin Mengya looked at it with her eyes.

I found myself having a great chance of getting stuck in the window.

Xu Xin's head was moving at a high speed. I didn't know that the temperature in the black eyes under the black cape was almost as hot as lava.

This girl must be calculating the chance of escape from him.

If it was before, Long Tianyu would not be willing to tease her like this.

I can go through that, but I must give her a lesson.

Otherwise, she forgot who was her husband.

"Who sent me, the girl still don't know well. There is only one thing, I want to ask the girl."

The sound under the cloak was Lin Mengya's unfamiliar husky.

She took a sip of water, and from the current situation, she could only deal with it and slowly set out the purpose of the other party.

Otherwise, she was afraid there was only one way to die.

"Sir, please."

The cloak moved, and a pair of large hands hidden in black gloves grabbed Lin Mengya's wrist.

The latter body is stiff, and the expression on his face also looks a little unnatural.

"What I want to know is why a girl with such beautiful hands is so vicious. The dagger in your hand is poisoned, isn't it? Hey, such a beautiful person, his heart is so poisonous, really unfortunately."

Chen Long Tianyu held her wrist calmly, if not his keen eyes, maybe he would ignore the dagger she was hiding in the cuff.

Ah Yaer, Yaer, isn't it possible, is she really going to murder her husband?

"I read you wrong. Besides, I just want to be self-defense. Is it possible, Your Excellency, a big man, will I be afraid of my fragile woman who can't help me? You better let go of me Hand, otherwise you will regret it. "

Although her wrists were under control, Lin Mengya was calm again.

人 This man is weird. The cape he wears is special.

I don't know what's mixed in, her keen radar can't even feel it.

This is the first time here.

But Lin Mengya only reacted after being surprised for a moment.

Since it is a radar, it is also a scientific instrument, not a superpower.

In nature, there are some objects that she cannot perceive, which are quite normal.

She can be sure that her Shennong system is absolutely unique and will not be discovered.

The only explanation now is that the cloak worn by this person may have other unique functions.

The brain worked, and Lin Mengya gradually recovered her calmness.

I raised my head and greeted the man without fear, but it didn't take much effort to break away from the man's restraint.

"Sure enough, like the legend, it is courageous. But I am very interested in the girl. I heard that the girl already has a husband's family, so why don't you see the girl's husband today?"

Xun Long Tianyu found that looking at her so nervous, even unexpectedly cute.

She was beside him, she was always gentle and generous, smart and virtuous.

But he missed it even more. She used to use her anger as an excuse to pit her lovely looks.

He knew it was because of many responsibilities that limited her originally lively personality.

So, at least here, he wants to see her, more looks.

"My husband, my husband, he is out. If you are looking for him, you might as well come back in three days, half a year later. My husband, a businessman in the business, can't come back for a while."

Her husband, now I am afraid that all the kingdoms in Jin are fighting for power.

Lin Lin Mengya was really afraid of this man and knew something.

I quickly compiled a few words, and my attitude was extremely sincere, and I tried hard to make people believe.

Xiaolong Tianyu raised his eyebrow secretly, the smile at the corner of his mouth was strange.

Yun really is a girl who likes to talk nonsense. Long Tianyu's heart has a more interesting idea.

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