Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 824: Weird behavior

Heavy rain is pouring, and few people will come out.

Almost everyone is hiding in the house, enjoying a rare leisure.

Holding a brown oil-paper umbrella, Lin Mengya searched in the palace.

I closed my eyes from time to time, seeming to be thinking about something, and then shuttled in the palace again and again.

的 The location recorded on the map seems to be nearby.

Gao Linmengya looked around, this is already the deepest part of the palace.

She usually has few people, and the place she is going to is not something that can be found by ordinary people.

The heavy rain dilutes all the flavors left in the air and also makes people lose their five senses of sensitivity.

But all this did not affect her in half.

After Shennong's system was running quickly and determined that there was nothing suspicious around, Lin Mengya stepped into a humble palace.

Originally, she planned to clear all the suspicious forces in the palace before coming.

Suddenly, in order to rescue Dad and Big Brother, she had to take risks.

He repeatedly determined that after there were no suspicious people behind him, Lin Mengya flashed into the ruined palace alone.

I did not expect the Royal Palace, there are such dilapidated places.

The palace that was in disrepair the next year leaked everywhere, and the ground was filled with soaked debris. Lin Mengya stowed her umbrella, and the palace was struggling.

The most detailed information in the map of Jade Box is just the location of this yard.

But to find her final destination, it seems that it still needs some work.

Apart from this, there is really no other place to be around.

The solitary courtyard should have been empty for a long time.

What is strange is that almost all other palaces, even the place selected by Wan Yanjing as the joint site, are maintained by someone at regular intervals and will never fall into this state.

Behind him, he has a much sharper sense of hearing than ordinary people, and captures a slight sound.

Gao Linmengya looked around and immediately hid behind a broken table. Fortunately, the light was dim here, and it was raining outside.

As soon as she hid, she walked in a few people outside.

It seems to me that the anomaly here is by no means her sense.

Everyone who walked in was wearing a robe, with a large bucket on his head.

I can't see the face clearly, and I can't tell the character.

He just saw these four people, as if they were quite tacit, they acted almost at the same time and found a corner in the hall.

Lin Lin Mengya squatted there, looking at the four people as if occupying the four corners of a square.

But the next second, she was stunned by the actions of those people.

The four men showed their white wrists almost at the same time, although the other places were still under the cover of the clothes and the buckets, and they were not clear.

But those hands are definitely slender and tender.

The master of the two hands took out a steel knife that was more than a foot long from the robe.

With a bang, four people cut off their left hand without a knife at the same time.

Lin Lin Mengya covered her mouth tightly, all this was simply ridiculous!

The huge pain of breaking a wrist has been unbearable for most people.

But these four people, like ignorance, let the blood on the broken wrist quickly flow to the ground.

I was hesitating when she wanted to go out.

Suddenly, a fine net spread on the ground, blood flow, mixed with rain, like a paintbrush, and traced a very shallow mark on the ground.

Lin Lin Mengya was a little afraid that those strange lines would spread to her feet, and she immediately hid behind.

Fortunately, although the thin line was messy, she knew that she stopped at a distance of more than one meter in front of her.

Lin Mengya took a breath of air, because when she looked up and looked at the four people again, she saw the four people who had almost drained their blood, and formed a line again, and left the palace Go out.

Wu Banglong thundered, and Lin Mengya finally sobered up.

If it wasn't in the room, and it was full of **** smell, she would have thought that it was just her dazzling.

I cautiously waited for a while, Lin Mengya estimated, after those people have left, then stood up from the hiding place.

On the ground, the weird red line without the rules, gradually faded.

I was sinking quickly. Lin Mengya had no time to look at it, but she quickly recorded it with the Shennong system.

细 About half an hour away from those people walking, the thin line gradually disappeared.

Zhe Lin Mengya sniffed hard. In the air, except for the wet moldy smell washed by water, she could not smell a little blood.

I also saw such a weird and terrifying thing for the first time.

I could not help but associate with the candle dragon.

In addition to this secret organization, she is afraid that it is hard to think of anyone else who will use this perverted way to do things.

I stepped on the ground hard, but found that the ground turned out to be solid.

I squatted down and looked at the cracks carefully, and touched with my hands, only to realize that the gaps were really shallow, so that people would not notice them.

I can just

Everything is like a mystery, tightly grasping Lin Mengya's heart.

梦 The heavy rain outside has gradually disappeared. Lin Mengya also knows that this expedition may have come to an end.

Looked at the four broken hands, they were all the same slender white tender, only one of them had a delicate ring.

Lin Lin Mengya just crouched down and looked away, then left in a hurry.

If it was something the Candle Dragon Club did, then some of these broken hands must have been dealt with by the aftermath.

What you take away at will will only cause people to doubt.

Hurrying away with her own paper umbrella, roaring thunder as her best cover.

Everything she saw today, than the cooler rain, made her feel cold.

In my opinion, the plan had to be changed slightly.

Behind him, the solitary palace stood there, like a giant monster.

Zhe Lin Mengya looked complex, and eventually chose to forget about this eerie place for the time being.

Alas, one day, she made all the evils that happened there to the public.

The perverted organization that almost ruined her life, she will definitely uproot it!

The rain gradually thundered and gradually receded.

There were gradually people around him, Lin Mengya slowed down, her face was mild.

No one can see what she just experienced.

From time to time, there are palace people holding paper umbrellas, and come to say hello to her.

Lin Lin Mengya responded one by one, and then returned to Feng Yuyuan with her skirt angle.

As soon as she entered the door, she saw a worried Bai Su.

I think it must have been anxious before seeing her in, and Bai Su ran over, grabbing Lin Mengya's wrist.

"My lady, where did you go? It was thundering and raining outside, what if you get a cold?"

Lin Baisu's anxious look made Lin Mengya feel a little sorry.

She always worries the people around her, and she is so brave because she is there.

"Nothing, it ’s too stuffy in the house on a rainy day, so I ’m going for a walk. Do n’t say, it ’s a real sensation to admire the flowers in the rain. Although there are countless flowers in the storm, there are also delicate flowers that are not afraid of the storm. A little late. "

This is not only for Bai Su, but also for the people around him.

After all, many people saw what she went out on a rainy day.

In case of any association with that matter, wouldn't it be to fight against the snake.

Fortunately, the timing of her selection was good. When she came out of the abandoned palace, the wind and rain wiped out all her traces.

Moreover, the chaos in the old palace room is so chaotic that her footprints are less likely to be seen.

What I want to think about is to find a reasonable explanation for my behavior.

Fortunately, everyone in Feng Yuyuan knows that she loves roses so Lin Mengya deliberately went to the rose garden that Xiaoyu prepared for her.

Shoes and skirts were stained with mud, and she deliberately selected a few surviving rosette branches and brought them back.

For a moment, most people can't find any handles.

After all, she was very careful on the road, making sure that no one saw everything before she came out of Qianwei Xiaoyuan.

So, even if you are interested, you can easily confuse the past.

I was just the abandoned palace room. I was afraid I couldn't go again until I was completely sure.

"Why can't you fix this problem? Don't forget, the last time you fell ill, just to see what kind of flowers in the rain. Come, come with **** soup and hot water."

Wu Baisu reacted unexpectedly quickly, and even Lin Mengya was taken aback.

She looked at each other tacitly, and Lin Mengya made a good noise, followed Bai Su and walked into the side hall where she usually lives.

The two men were not in a hurry to exchange information. Instead, they watched Gong'e bring **** soup and hot water before closing the door.

Gao Linmengya drank **** soup and took off her almost soaked clothes. After trespassing into the warm water, she sighed with satisfaction.

唉 "I still feel this way the best, I feel my whole body is warming up."

Feeling cold and slippery, he was quickly driven away by hot water.

Lin Lin Mengya leaned on the side of the tub, closed her eyes, and felt this rare moment quietly.

Wu Baisu personally brewed a cup of hot tea for Lin Mengya. Although she said that the poison of the lady was good, she and Bai Xiu had developed a good habit of doing these personal things.

Even Jiang Tang boiled it herself, and then let a trusted girl keep her guard.

This is not just a habit, it is also an attitude.

One kind of attitude that everyone in Liuxinyuan naturally formed.

No one can hurt Lin Mengya!

Even if she doesn't need this protection.

"Did you give me everything I gave Xiaoyu?"

The mist was steaming, and Lin Mengya's eyes opened, as smart and savvy as before.

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