Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 827: Anesthetic flower

Sensitive smell and developed radar system are better than Lin Mengya's nose and eyes.

According to the richness of the taste, Lin Mengya moved her legs and shuttled in the yard without hindrance.

Zhou Yan followed her behind, and originally wanted to see her jokes, but in the end, she was surprised to find that this woman seemed to have another pair of eyes, and she easily avoided all kinds of obstacle.

However, it was not her purposeful function, but because of the role of the Shennong system that made her place transparent in her mind.

At this moment, no one knows more about everything here than she does.

Finally, the pace of exploration stopped in front of a humble hut.

Qi Lin Mengya suddenly opened her eyes and looked at the half-open and half-closed cabin.

"what happened?"

Suddenly, Lin Mengya was shocked and shocked by Lin Mengya's actions, and immediately walked to Lin Mengya's side.

He watched alertly looking into the dark room, with a different look in her eyes.

"Master, can you go out and borrow a torch?"

Lin Lin Mengya turned her head and said very seriously.

Zhou Zhou thought that something had happened, immediately nodded cautiously, and went outside.

I was really a candid person, Lin Mengya looked at Zhou Yi's back, and her mouth slightly bent with a smile of appreciation.

I stretched out my hand and pushed open the door of the compartment. Lin Mengya sniffed the air vigorously, that's right, that's it, the taste seemed to be more intense.

Moonlight could not completely penetrate the darkness in the room. She stood at the door and could only see the shadowy silhouette.

But what made her even more surprised was that in the box house, a small bell-shaped flower with a silver glow shining in the dark, was particularly bright.

警 The alarm bell of Shennong system reminds her that the pollen floating in the air has a very strong paralyzing effect.

With such a flower, the elephant will immediately paralyze.

Fortunately, she is almost immune to these things.

Before Meng Zhou returned, Lin Mengya stepped towards the flower step by step.

The moment she touched the flower, Rao was her body, and her skin felt a numbness.

Zhe Lin Mengya took a handkerchief out of her clothes, and carefully took down the flowers and put them in her arms.

I was sure that everyone was here, and they would not retreat from the house after they were turned over again.

At this time, Zhou Yan has just arrived.

The torch in his hands burned extremely vigorously, but the taste of cork oil smiled a lot.

There was a touch of appreciation in Zhe Lin Mengya's heart, and it seemed that she could sit in this position. The Zhou Dutong had many advantages.

"Girl, here's something."

She didn't hesitate, and put the torch on Lin Mengya. In front of her, Zhou Yan was unconscious and put herself in second place.

Zhe Lin Mengya thanked him, then took the torch and carefully went inside.

The house looked quite neat, and there was nothing suspicious.

I was just on the table, the vase that Lin Mengya hid a flower in, seemed a bit abrupt.

"Master Dutong, look, what is this?"

He said, Lin Mengya also deliberately took out the flowering branches inserted in the vase.

The flowering branch is not very long, only the tail has some water.

If there is not a fresh one for comparison, it is difficult for ordinary people to guess what this is.

"Isn't this just a lily of the valley? Didn't you just find such a flower?"

Zhou Zhouyi has always liked dancing swords and guns since he was a child, so naturally he does not recognize these flower varieties.

The esteem I just raised in my heart was resolved by Lin Mengya's behavior.

The latter was not annoyed, he just held it in his hand and pushed it in front of Zhou Yan.

"Master Dutong, take a closer look. How can an ordinary lily of the valley have such a large bud. Moreover, its fragrance can be deadly."

Although the most terrible pollen is gone, the taste of this flower has not completely dissipated.

I heard Lin Mengya say that, Zhou Yi frowned.

Where is the flower, it will be so evil as she said?

I can see Lin Mengya's look assured, and Zhou Jie thinks she doesn't seem to be joking.

I took the flower branch in her hands suspiciously and was surprised.

Even though it was a dry flower branch, why did her skin feel a numbness and she could hardly hold the flower branch she handed to herself.

"What the **** is this? How can this be?"

This is the first time, Zhou Jun encountered such a weird thing.

Lin Lin Mengya smiled apologetically and then took the flower branch from her.

She has forgotten. Although she can resist this medicine, most people will still be harmful.

"Adults in Tongtong do not have to worry. This thing is Ma Tenglan, which is a very rare high-intensity anesthetic. Normally, the anesthetics contained in this bunch of flowers are enough to keep the four gong'e outside. Deadly. "

Zhe Lin Mengya can already be sure that the four female corpses lying in the outside courtyard are the mysterious people who saw the broken wrists and sprinkled blood in the idle palace.

This medicine is very powerful, let alone broken wrists, there will be no pain in cutting skin and removing bones.

But if this is the case, let alone moving, they can't control even the blink of an eye.

Why, they can move freely and come in and out of the palace?

"Ah corpses! Help!"

In the courtyard, there was a howl suddenly.

Xi Zhouxian ran to the inner courtyard at first, but saw an extremely scary scene.

The four corpses were actually struck by a carp, and they stood up from the ground.

The people around me were frightened and completely forgotten the resistance.

When Lin Mengya chased after her, she saw four corpses, walking towards the gate of the courtyard in a very strange posture.

No, that ’s not the corpse ’s own action, but

"Master, cut your sword in that direction."

Qi Lin Mengya shot Zhou Ji, and in the latter's astonished eyes, she whispered calmly.

Follow the direction of Lin Mengya's finger, although Zhou 不 did not know why, she still took out her long sword and cast it in the direction she pointed.

There was a click, and I didn't know that something had fallen to the ground. With a sound similar to the sound of a wire breaking apart, the four bodies fell to the ground.

Everyone looked at the four corpses in shock, but few noticed the expression on the faces of Zhou Zhen and Lin Mengya.

"this is"

He quietly put his finger on his lips, and Lin Mengya gave a snoring gesture.

This is indeed the case, which can explain the secret of why the four of them appeared in the palace.

Zhou Zhou immediately noticed, and nodded vaguely with Lin Mengya, then he called his frightened subordinates to deal with the four bodies.

Zhe Lin Mengya quietly arrived just where no one found, Zhou Xuan threw her sword and passed it.

Although it is a corner, the moonlight is very limited.

She Ke Lin Mengya still looked at the score, that what fell on the ground should be a kind of organ.

I stretched out my hand to touch, a cold and humid, let Lin Mengya could not help showing a sneer.

机关 This institution is actually made of ice, even if she gets it, it's useless.

I couldn't find any clues at all, and said, after a while, this thing would be gone.

Moreover, to make this kind of ice machine is very simple, just find the right mold and pour in water.

Anyway, she already has her mind in her head. What she can do is only start with this mold.

The corpse was re-secured, because with the cooperation between Lin Mengya and Zhou Meng, Zhou also knew that this was a ghost, not a ghost.

With this level of consciousness, her attitude is more firm and steady than others.

After seeing Lin Mengya taking her sabre back, Zhou Yan couldn't help asking in a low voice.

怎么 样 "How? Have you found any clues?"

The latter smiled helplessly and said:

"No clues at all."

"But am I obviously not cutting something? Why?"

Lin Lin Mengya looked at no one around, and then explained.

"It's made of ice, even if we get it, it's useless. Didn't you find something that entangled them from the body?"

After Zhou Zhouji nodded, Lin Mengya looked at the night with a gentle smile on her mouth.

"Just after you hit that thing, I heard a few tiny wings instigating sounds. I think the startled birds have pulled everything away. Now we No clues were found. Except for the scars drawn by the thin lines on them, all of them disappeared. "

Although she also felt a little reluctant, this time, the other party's means were perfect.

All the evidence disappears automatically, even if there is any scar on the body itself, but because of the lack of weapon, there is no comparable reference at all.

Those birds, I do n’t know what method was used. Before flying away, Lin Mengya could not hear any sound at all.

This time, she can only recognize it temporarily.

"Master Qi Qi is here, I can't find any new scars on the body!"

I was secretly angry at the hearts of the two people, and Zhou Yi's people's retorts made the two's anger grow even higher.

怎么 "How is it possible, have you checked well?"

Zhou Zhou turned around and yelled at his subordinates loudly.

Lin Lin Mengya stared at the body, thoughtfully.

别 "Don't scold her, I'll go and see."

By the way, the help of his men begged, Lin Mengya rolled up his sleeves, caught fire, and squatted beside the body.

Under the flame of fire, the staring beautiful woman's face does not change its color and her heart does not beat, looking at the corpse, this situation is inexplicable.

He stretched out his hand, Lin Mengya touched the corpse's wrist.

她 Since she has been fused with the poison of the seven poisonous holy grass, apart from that, the autopsy is much more convenient.

Although the muscle tissue of the corpse is somewhat stiff, it can still feel the elasticity of the skin.

The strength of Qi Lin Mengya's hand was pressed on the wrist without force, and she couldn't help feeling a little strange.

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