Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 834: Witch's Doubt

It seems that this matter has to be discussed in the long run.

既然 "That being the case, let's put this aside for the first time. If you really want to check, don't alarm anyone first. I think you can start at the shrine temple."

This matter is not only related to Bai Su, but also other secrets.

Lin Mengya's original idea was to inquire about it from the side first.

I waited until I knew what was going on, and then I planned, but Bai Su was even more anxious than she thought.

Hey, no matter who this matter is on, it can't be treated like a person.

Since she promised Bai Su to check, it would be better to give Bai Su first to find out.

"God's Witch Temple? What does my memory have to do with God's Witch Temple?"

Looking at her doubtful look, Lin Mengyanai explained intently.

"If you think about it, your master will not let you mention it. I ’m afraid it ’s useless even if you ask others. You remember when we were in the shrine temple last time, you were n’t taken away after you came out. What? I think it would be helpful if you could find out the connection between you and the shrine temple? "

Lin Mengya's specialty is Lin Mengya's expertise. Her almost perverted memory method can prevent her from missing key clues.

If she did not return here with the Shennong system, she would have died hundreds of times.

Suddenly Bai Su's eyes suddenly burst into light.

"Yeah, why did I forget this thing. It ’s just that ordinary people in the Temple of Witches ca n’t easily get in. The Lord of the Witches is said to be extraordinary in ability. If they break in like this, they wo n’t even be discovered by the people In case, if the Lord Witch finds out, then I am afraid I can never go again. "

When I heard Bai Su mention this, Lin Mengya remembered that she wanted to tell Bai Su that day.

谈话 They have always been cautious in their conversation, and they are protected by those of Bai Su and Xiaoyu.

Ordinary people, etc., could not get near her room.

This was so for Rao Rao. Lin Mengya motioned to Bai Su and asked her to check it before returning to the room and continuing the conversation.

"I'm not telling anyone about this matter to you now, not even Xiaoyu."

I took a deep breath, and Lin Mengya said solemnly:

"The Lord Witch looks exactly like Bai Ye. If Lord Witch is not a handicapped person with inconvenient legs, I would have thought they must be a family."

Wu Baisu looked at Lin Mengya stupidly, her eyes widened, showing her surprise.

Obviously, like Lin Mengya, she was in a state of shock.

Even, because Bai Su knew too much about the identity of the master of the witch, he could not return to God for a long time.

"How is this possible? Didn't the lady say that Bai Ye was the one you brought with you since he was a kid? The age of Lord Witch is enough to be her mother. And she came out of the tomb of the queen, How could it be related to Bai Ye. Miss, wouldn't you be mistaken? "

If it is someone else, Lin Mengya may be wrong.

But Bai 芷 has been with her for more than ten years, and the two of them have come to support each other.

怎么 How could she possibly misidentify her sister who grew up?

"You say, Lord Witch's age is enough to be a mother-in-law. Is she so old? It looks like she's only in her twenties."

He said that they were sisters, but some people believed it.

If you are a mother, even a child born at the age of seventeen or eighteen, this year is almost forty.

What's more, those witches came out of the tomb.

It's impossible, sir, come out again?

What's more, if the ancient technology goes against the sky, girls will have to mature before they can have children.

的 The Lord Witch's maintenance technique is too bad, right?

Bai Su shook his head and explained to Lin Mengya:

"If the Lord Witches are based on their age, they will be 40 years old this year. But I heard that because the Lord Witches are descendants of the Witch Queen and the King of Witches, their looks will stay at 20 It ’s about age. Until the death, it will maintain this appearance. And this has become one of the miracles of the witches. Many people want their maintenance methods, but they have all failed. ”

Lin Baisu's explanation shocked Lin Mengya.

How many women are Tong Yanyan dead, a life-long dream!

Sure enough, as long as it has something to do with the queen and the princely king, it is somewhat mythical.

When Lin Mengya was envious, she was even more curious, but the food she eats was really the illegitimate daughter of the Lord Witch?

"You said, Bai Bai will she--"

Before Lin Mengya's words were finished, she was stopped by Bai Su, who was desperately shaking her head.

"It's impossible. Although the Lord Witch is powerful, she can't leave the Lieyun Kingdom for a lifetime. There was once a Lord Witch who stepped out of the country unintentionally. She died instantly and turned into a fly ash. So, the ancient wizards My lord, it ’s rare that even the temple of the witch comes out. And, I have never heard of the revenge of the lord witch. Not to mention the birth of a child. "

So evil? Lin Mengya felt that her back was a little shaggy.

How did you say that, since she got in touch with that queen and witch queen, this weird thing is superfluous.

I want to say what kind of ghost and god, traced to the source, there is a reasonable explanation.

I want to say that it is not a ghost, but it is too ridiculous, right?

"Master, can't you marry someone? Or, is there any rule?"

Bai Su thought for a while, and finally shook his head slightly.

"The status of Lord Witch is supreme. She is the sole inheritor of the will of the Queen of Witches and King of Hell. Even the King and his wife cannot order Lord God of Wu. Who will give her rules?"

Bai Su muttered in a low voice, saying that the most free person in Lie Yun was the witch of all ages.

Even if they don't have to walk out of the shrine temple, they can get worship.

Except for serving the king and the queen, he had almost nothing to do.

And don't worry, someone will replace it.

"The same is said, but if there is time, I still want to go to the God Witch Temple to ask. In case that snack food of our family is related to the Lord God Witch, isn't it profitable?"

In fact, Lin Mengya just talked about it. Maybe in the world, there will really be two people who are completely similar.

She's sure, after Bai 自己 came to her house, she hadn't even gone out the door a few times. How could it be related to this supreme sorceress?

In my opinion, it may be that she thought too much.

However, in Lin Mengya's view, in order to find out something related to the memory that Bai Su had lost in the past, he must first figure out the history of Bai Su.

However, investigating the relationship between Bai Su and Shenwu Temple is an excellent entry point.

Now, due to the factors of the Luo Luohui, most of Yan Yanlie ’s power has been transferred there.

Even if someone looks at Bai Su, she may not be able to hide from her eyes.

There is Lin Mengya, how can Bai Su be easily caught.

让 She asked Bai Su to buy a property in her name, not too far from the temple.

Then asked Bai Su to settle in that house every time she went out to work for her.

Or go out to connect with others to buy news or something, and let them go to the location of that house.

In this case, the house becomes a point of contact for her, which can attract the attention of those people and facilitate Bai Su's investigation.

The last step is also the most critical step in Lin Mengya's plan.

要 She asked Bai Su to collect all kinds of strange events, major events and interesting events in the past two decades.

Once the news comes in, Bai Su will quickly sort out the classification, then enter the palace and show it to Lin Mengya.

In this case, she can analyze not only those that are related to Bai Su's life experience, but which are related to others.

Maybe, besides Bai Su's life experience, what other surprises can she get.

After all, Xiaoyu ’s battle for the throne is also one of her important goals here.

Speaking, since the last time I went to Xin Luan and ate a soft nail, Lin Mengya has been paying attention to every move in Xiannan Hall.

But to her regret, the high priest of the Xin family was still able to calm down, without any flaws.

Only in the past few days, the queen's affairs have been registered, but the more noisy the more fierce.

Despite Madam Jingrou, she has said on the table that she will never inherit the queen position.

But she was unavoidably affected by her pampering.

The concubines, who have no brains, are fighting for your fame for a name.

I don't know if it's invisible or too persistent.

She Bai Su was sent out of the palace, and she continued to trace the mystery between her and her own life.

Lin Mengya, who does not like to rely on others, happens to be alone and not bound by anyone.

Zhou Yu's 翎羽 卫 in the palace, gradually increased.

I don't know if it is Zhou Yi's special care for herself. Wherever she is, there must be a trace of Yu Yuwei.

I want to say that people are watching, but they are not.

Because those 翎羽 卫, after seeing her do anything, they will come forward to help.

This is probably because they all ordered it.

With the personal protection of these martial arts high strength 翎羽 卫, Lin Mengya's safety need not worry.

Of course, where she didn't know, Xiaoyu's people were still guarding her safety.

This treatment, even the king and his wife are incomparable.

Send a chess board or something last time. Although Xin Luan picked it up, he didn't give him a chance to stay.

This time, Lin Mengya brought a cup of tea directly.

Tea is good tea, Lin Mengya also added several herbs.

It has the function of refreshing eyesight and its aroma is stronger than ordinary tea.

计算 She calculated the time, held a delicate food container, and soaked in warm water.

走 Walking from Fengyu Garden to Xiannan Hall, it just makes the tea fragrance overflow and keeps in an optimal state.

This time, she looked at the former priest, how could she refuse her!

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