I didn't expect it, but he used it now.

Thanks to this large black cloak, it masked all the scent so that it would not be discovered by others.

熟悉 These familiar tastes make Lin Mengya feel more and more relaxed.

I waited until her little face reappeared in Long Tianyu's arms, after she had fallen asleep.

"Woke up?"

I hugged her and sat on the grass, inaccessible here.

He was originally the place where he met his subordinates, but unexpectedly found that the scenery here was more beautiful than the other places, so he got his mind and brought her.

In fact, he even wanted to take her to make fun of it, but when she saw her asleep, her eyebrows were filled with fatigue.

Chen Long Tianyu just wanted to find a quiet place to make her sleep well.

以来 Everything has been hard for her these days.

Sleepily looking at the starry sky outside, Lin Mengya froze for a while, only to find out where the two were.

In the air, the unique fragrance of plants exudes.

Than herb can also make people feel refreshed, so Lin Mengya could not help but take a big breath.

"Where is this?"

Actually, she has been here and hasn't gone out a few times.

I was limited to knowing the difference between the inner city and the outer city.

The starry sky is bright, and a soft bright moon hangs in the sky.

She didn't know how long she had slept, only that when she returned to Feng Yuyuan, it was still daylight.

After I woke up, it was night.

"The back mountain of the palace should belong to the forbidden land. Don't be afraid, there is nothing here. It's just that there are few people, and usually no one comes."

I lay with her on the grass and pressed her against her chest. The two enjoyed this quiet moment.

If it's not here, the two of them may not be able to completely abandon their identities, and get this rare and easy moment.

I played with a strand of her hair, Long Tianyu sighed.

Lin Lin Mengya looked up and looked at his beautiful chin.

好像 This guy seems to sigh very little. Is it because the night is too beautiful, so it brings back the thoughts of sadness and sadness?

"In a few days, I will have to go back to Dajin first. I'm a little worried about leaving you here alone."

He frowned and Lin Mengya did not expect that this day would come so suddenly.

I have many words in my heart, and in the end, they can only be transformed into infinite tenderness in my heart.

"I will be careful, you leave someone here, and they will also pass my message to you in a timely manner. You can rest assured that I will not do anything to make you sad."

He couldn't stay too long, a fact she knew from the beginning.

Although the situation in Dajin has now been fixed, the prince has no real power, and even Jin Yuandi has almost been overpowered by him.

But for reason, he can't disappear too long.

He belongs to the entire Dajin, not her.

别 "Don't say let me go with you, I'm the one who wants to go with you the most, but I can't go back with you. But this is only a temporary separation. Trust me, we will always be together."

Actually, I was afraid of him and shaken my determination.

In the beginning, she was able to relentlessly and make a false death to cover him.

I was nothing more than that, because he was not by her side, so she was so cruel.

Now, he was beside her, and he brought love that she couldn't ignore.

So anyway, Lin Mengya can't let down this heart to hurt him.

I was just her, and really couldn't leave.

"Oh, you."

I was drowned, with a hint of helplessness.

Even though she knew that she was such a temperament, even if she knew that if she spoke, she would never ignore it.

Wu Ke Long Tianyu still could not bear it, because he knew her that way.

I, like her, had seen through her heart long ago.

"I will come to see you every few months. At that time, I will bring you your favorite dim sum in Kyoto."

I nodded, from here to Dajin, it will take several days to come back.

She's not as tired as he is, but those words of decency are inexplicable.

He could only snuggle closer to his chest, at least letting her remember that feeling.

Alas, in fact, this feeling has long been engraved in her heart.

No one can replace anything.

"What has happened to the Prince and Queen recently?"

In fact, Lin Mengya never stopped worrying about him. After arriving at Lieyun, because of the news network of Xiaoyu, some major events can be learned.

However, Long Tianyu should go back to find the trouble for the mother and son this time.

She just heard him mention that this time to Lieyun, thanks to the help of the mother and son.

"The queen and the prince are now demonstrating evil. My father, the queen, has joined other clans to discuss the abandonment of the queen and the prince. Now, in Dajin, their reputation has been corrupted and it has become the shame of the royal family. "

Xiao Long Tianyu said coldly, in fact, all this thanks to Lin Mengya's previous plans.

The fall of the Zhelin family is not necessarily a bad thing.

Although the emperor Jin Yuan meant it, he only temporarily let the Lin family take a place.

But because of the false death of Lin Mengya, he disappeared with the Lin family father and son.

A good loyal home of loyal ministers, the house broke down overnight.

Some people have a cold heart, and some people have lost their mind.

Emperor Yun Jinyuan was distressed because he did not intend to.

It's just that Lin Mengya always doesn't cooperate like this, but it hurts his mind.

The heart is broken and it is too difficult to heal.

At this time, the prince and the queen suddenly attacked each other and integrated several neutrals.

The emperor was unwilling to see his conspiracy fail.

I had no choice but to kill my killer and give it to Long Tianyu.

"I inherited the true Four Saints Guards, and the father gave me the list of those royal relics. In the eyes of those elders, what a prince is, is not as important as the father's recognition. Therefore, there are them in secret Help me, those people will naturally invest more in me. "

The real game is far from simple.

Nine Dragons Tianyu didn't tell her all the situation. Anyway, it was some past things. Now, just telling her to worry her.

But clever as Lin Mengya, how can he not guess what he can hide.

I could not help but sigh in my heart, for the sake of the so-called family world, they were married, but they had done everything.

"Those who take refuge in the Prince, are you afraid you let it go?"

I frowned, Lin Mengya's tone was very firm.

She knows her men best. In recent years, don't look at Long Tianyu's speechlessness. In fact, his means follow his own plans, and among his brothers, he is the best.

"It is true, but we can thank one person for being able to fall into this field today."

Nine Dragons Tianyu smiled mysteriously, apparently trying to sell something.

Lin Lin Mengya thought and thought, is it Shangguanhui?

She is really smart, and she is in the same camp.

But after all, she is a woman. The prince and queen will never let her participate in any major event.

I wasn't talking to her, was it

"Isn't it a hundred miles clean?"

As soon as the name 出口 came out, after seeing Long Tianyu's pride, Lin Mengya stunned on the spot.

how can that be possible? Baili is not dusty, isn't it hating them? How can they come back to help him?

It ’s hard to believe that everything is bitter before?

"It's not what you think. Actually, I didn't know this at the beginning. It was only the day when I gave you a fake funeral that he went to the Lingtang to pay his condolences, and I only knew what happened. He said he did I hate you, but then he completely figured it out. "

I really don't have a hundred miles of dust, Lin Mengya only feels that the world is changeable, and it can't be generalized.

In fact, Baili was dust-free with her, and there was no deep hatred.

I was just because Baili Wuchen was too proud and proud, and she was too self-willed at the beginning, which brought about bitter fruits.

I want her to believe that there is no dust in it, but it is very difficult.

After all, at the beginning, he was the minion of the Prince, and he had taken people to destroy Long Tianyu's plan.

虽 "Although so, be careful of him. Baili Dust is too smart and his mind is tricky. If he really figured it out, it would be dangerous if he only tried to tentatively test you."

Zhe Lin Mengya said all worried that Long Tianyu is indeed extremely clever and very smart.

But she was afraid that Long Tianyu would miss the old feelings. If it was used by others, wouldn't it be a loss?

He was worried, of course he knew.

Xu gently kissed her frizzy hair, and Long Tianyu looked at her worried but tired stewardess, smiling very happily.

"It's all right, if he dare to plot me, would my wife let him go?"

It's all this time, and he still laughs.

Lin Linmeng was elegant, but he could only give him a heavy elbow.

Hearing his ears and listening to his groan, he softened his heart and rubbed his chest.

Yes, why doesn't this man know the importance?

"Rest assured, I know this person better than him. Besides, do you think I'm the kind of person who would easily believe in others? In this world, except for my wife, I only believe He's seven points. "

Nine Dragons Tianyu never speaks loudly. In this regard, Lin Mengya can be trusted.

Pouting, finally let go of that heart.

But Lin Mengya couldn't help moving him: "Oh, why don't you trust me more than you trust others?"

Wu Mingming knew that she was joking with herself, but Long Tianyu couldn't control it and lowered her eyes.

Big hand raised high, but fell gently on her hips.

I tried to hit her. In the end, I gave up the opportunity to reinvigorate Fu Gang.

"Only in this world, I can trust you, only you. There is no one but you."

The sky full of stars seemed to fall into his dark eyes.

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