Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 855: Where to find roots

After a long night of tossing, Lin Mengya put on a pair of dark circles.

In the morning, when Bai Su cut off the hot water and came in, she saw her own lady, sitting there with a lack of interest, holding her hands on her knees, and seemed to be hit hard.

The little mouth is slightly open. Isn't the sky falling?

How can Miss turn into this ghost?

"Miss, miss, are you all right?"

She pushed Tuimengya, and the other person looked like a soul, a pair of eyes, almost looking at her.

"It's Bai Su, what time is it now?"

The consequences of Wu Shaomian caused Lin Mengya's temples to beat suddenly.

It wasn't that she hadn't stayed overnight before, but this time, it seemed to be extremely uncomfortable.

That feeling is the same as the one-week experiment she had done before.

Except for her own brain, her other organs in her body seemed to be separated, and her dull pain made her uncomfortable.

Xun happens to be, because of the existence of the Shennong system, she can only be more sober than anyone else.

This feeling is more uncomfortable than death.

"Are you sick? No matter what time it is, if the lady is unwell, take a break."

Wu Baisu said worriedly, she knew that the lady's health was always bad, and she was afraid that the lady would be as sick as before.

I will return to Dajin soon. If other people in the yard know that she didn't take good care of the young lady, then she will be the target of the siege.

It just doesn't matter. What's important is that the lady's body is healthy.

"I'm fine, right, are the carriages out of the palace ready?"

Raised hot water and wet the pretty face.

The warm touch made Lin Mengya's temples burst a little bit of relief.

She knows that her situation may be better after a deep sleep.

But she would rather prepare everything and go to sleep, rather than let her calm down be tortured by nightmare.

"Well, everything is already in order. In the name of his wife, going out for procurement will not attract anyone's attention."

Bian Baisu has returned the small courtyard, and according to Lin Mengya's instructions, she intentionally left some inside, which can lead others to wrong clues.

No one can think of what the real purpose of their data collection is.

And maybe they will go the opposite way because of the evidence.

Although the soldiers are not tired of cheating, but this time and time will inevitably waste a lot of time.

They can use this time difference to do a lot of things.

For example, in fifteen days, how to make a qualified niece come out.

完毕 After washing, Lin Mengya put on a very ordinary clothes again.

Because her appearance today is really embarrassing, Lin Mengya covered her pale face with a white veil under the insistence of Bai Su.

Although weird, Lin Mengya knew that Bai Su was afraid of unnecessary trouble.

Those people left by Xiaoyu Yu have more than just functions to protect her.

In case the boy knew about it, he ran back quickly.

Speaking of Xiaoyu, Lin Mengya sighed again.

She now knows what a 'red man' feels like.

Although she and his wife have adopted a delaying tactic.

I ca n’t tell why I ’m going too far. Now, the whole Feng Yuyuan has taken her as his wife ’s daughter-in-law.

One or two, Lin Mengya still has the heart to explain.

As soon as she got more people, not only her, but even Bai Su was annoyed.

But Lin Mengya knew that once she left, these rumors would be self-defeating after three or five months.

In the palace, there is no shortage of gossip between men and women.

The gifts that were sent to please her were also returned by Bai Su one by one.

Although some people will definitely say that she does not know how to lift, or that her vision is too high.

But Lin Mengya always only considers herself a passenger, this is not her home.

For such a good evaluation, there is an egg.

"Here is the list we are going to purchase today, please look at it."

Out of the palace door, in the carriage, Bai Su cautiously took out a pamphlet.

These are the things they need to use on the road, of course, there are some characteristics.

Bai Su is a careful person. She was taken care of in the courtyard.

Even Mo Yan's little guy, Bai Su chose something for him.

Lin Lin Mengya glanced quickly and put it back into Bai Su's hand.

"You have always been safe, but before you buy these things, you go to the drugstore with me. I want to buy some herbs."

Xie Lieyun Kingdom not only produces poisonous roundworms, but also the storage of medicinal materials is an extremely large number.

Otherwise, how could the Oriental family become one of the wealthiest merchant families in Lieyun Kingdom simply by buying and selling medicinal materials.

I think of Dongfangjia, Lin Mengya thought of the poor and cute Axiu.

I subconsciously stopped at Bai Su who was seriously looking at the purchase list and planning the route.

If Axiu is really her sister

She covered her forehead, Lin Mengya found that she really had a lot of things going on.

"Are you uncomfortable again? Would you like to find a Langzhong?"

I looked at Lin Mengya worryingly. Bai Su didn't know that her life experience was one of the reasons for her headache.

The latter quickly shook his head. Lin Mengya remembered clearly how she was forced to feed when she was in the Xinxinyuan.

This kind of badness has made her unable to refuse. Under the brainwashing offensive led by Mom Tian and Bai Yan, it has become a necessary skill for everyone in the stream yard.

Of course, including Bai Su.

"Miss, people say that doctors can't self-medicate, you don't have to be so stubborn, okay?"

Softly seduced Lin Mengya. Although the latter is older than her, Lin Mengya's too scum-like fighting skills and her slim figure because of poisoning always made people in the yard unconsciously treat her as Look at the person who needs the most care and protection.

实际上 Even in fact, it was Lin Mengya who built their peaceful life.

But in everyone's mind, Lin Mengya's safety is the first priority over any other.

"I'm really okay, I'm going to go home. Do you think I will be sick and worry everyone? Bai Su, if I mean if you still have relatives and parents, what would you do?"

I still couldn't help but asked the words.

As soon as she opened her mouth, Lin Mengya wanted to bite her tongue and commit suicide.

It would be too straightforward to say this.

But for those who care, she always can't play tricks.

Bai Su looked at her in doubt, only that the lady might be missing her family.

He smiled, and then said softly:

"I also have loved ones now. The individuals in our yard are all my loved ones. In fact, I tried so hard to find the original answer, not to find my loved ones' parents. I wanted to know that I was from Where did it come from? Miss, you said that everything has its roots. If I do n’t know my roots, how should I put my soul after I die? "

Lin Lin Mengya yawned a little, in fact, Bai Su's feeling, she knew a bit.

When she was in the modern era, she was an orphan with no father or mother.

Since she was sensible, her aunt is taking care of her, just like those orphans who are wandering without help.

If it was n’t for the present adventure, I ’m afraid she would never know her own life, how strange and twisty she is

But now that she has finally found her own roots, how can she stop Bai Su and trace her roots?

Is this a different kind of cruelty for Bai Su?

But what if she confessed? Could Bai Su recognize Axiu and raise more questions?

For the unknown, Lin Mengya was full of confusion and unknown for the first time.

In the past, she believed that there should be no concealment between her and Long Tianyu, so she was so angry with his deception.

Now, reason tells her that she must make it clear to Long Tianyu, at least let him know the risks of being with him.

On the other side, emotion told her that once she spoke, Long Tianyu would have a great chance to part ways with her. Or she chose to leave and let Long Tianyu marry another person.

In the beginning, even if Long Tianyu told her, he would not leave her even without children.

How could she be so selfish and let him realize the kind of pain without a child's knees?

Her head hurts a bit more, Lin Mengya only feels that her thoughts are like a messy ball now.

"Miss, the medicine is here. What medicine do you need? I'll help you buy it."

With Bai Su's reminder, Lin Mengya also looked out the window.

The carriage was parked in one place, in front of an extremely luxurious shop.

Here is probably the entire Waiwang City, the only five-storey shop.

On the plaque, the big and conspicuous medicine line has become the place where everyone passing by must take a subconscious look.

Wu Baisu patiently helped her out of the carriage, and then a guy ran up in a hurry.

Ordinary face, not many charming smiles, but between the eyebrows, with a little pride.

I suppose he can come here to work, which is something he is proud of.

"Two ladies, please inside."

As soon as she entered the door, Lin Mengya felt a lot of headaches due to the smell of a herb.

I slightly distinguished that the storage content of medicinal materials here was enough to surprise her.

A lot of precious medicinal materials for the outside are just pill boxes in the lobby.

If it is the treasure of the town shop here, what level of magic medicine is enough?

I looked around for a week, and many people came here to buy medicine, but no one was making a noise.

Everyone is quietly seated on a seat in the spacious lobby, and then there is a special job to welcome them.

The place where the medicinal materials are sold is in the counter inside the house.

There are three windows in total. One person leaves and another customer fills in.

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