Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 863: Processing begins

Su Ningqiu followed silently behind Lin Mengya, and the three walked to the main hall of Feng Yuyuan.

这里 Since the wife moved away, the place has been left empty.

Despite being cleaned every day, it is still inexplicable and has a taste of loneliness.

Now this place has been requisitioned by Lin Mengya. In the remaining three days, she and Ning Qiu must stay here.

Bai Su will prepare everything for them.

"Did you think about it?"

In the main hall, a huge wooden barrel was placed in the center.

木 This wooden barrel is very delicate in structure and can be placed in the bottom charcoal tank.

With such a thermal insulation structure, you don't have to worry about water cooling for how long you want to run.

The warm and warm water helps the volatility of the medicine.

For the next three days, Ning Qiu is afraid that most of the time will be spent from this vat.

"What is a girl worth?"

Compared with Lin Mengya, Ning Qiu was a little too calm.

Tong Jing's bright eyes looked at the latter, it seemed that he did not understand at all, what Lin Mengya meant.

"This matter is related to your life, so before proceeding, I want to ask you, do you really think about it? If you regret it now, you still have time."

She doesn't want Ning Qiu to be forced.

That is not only dangerous, but also unfair to Ning Qiu.

Su Ningqiu looked at her and suddenly smiled brightly.

其实 "Actually, I've lived this big, and the happiest is these months. So I'm not afraid, don't worry about me. I'm totally voluntary, really."

Wu Ningqiu's words were very sincere, although he knew that he was facing many dangers more than several times more than in the palace.

But she still looked back because this was her destiny and her hope.

"Well, since that's the case, let me make it clear. I will use herbs to condition your body and make you temporarily a non-toxic person. In the months to come, every half month , You have to take a medicine I gave you. In this way, the medicine in your body will slowly weaken, but the ordinary poison is still not dangerous to you. I will prepare for you eight months of medicine, if Xiaoyu is in eight Come out within the month and you will come back with him. If not, the wife will send someone to answer you. Remember, the medicine I give you is an antidote and a poison, and I can only take one every half month. Otherwise, You will poison your hair immediately, you see? "

Lin Mengya used a method of attacking poison with poison. First, let Ning Qiu's body have a small amount of toxins, and then use another medicine to reconcile. In this case, although she will suffer a bit, it will reduce the harm to the body. To the lowest.

这个 And this small amount, but what can make those maggots and poisons feel jealous, only her blood.

But the blood toxicity in her body was too overbearing, let alone Ning Qiu, not even the teacher.

So Lin Mengya thought of a way to use medicine to neutralize the toxins in her blood.

This way, although it may not be completely detoxified, at least, it can gradually lose its effect.

By that time Ning Qiu can be restored to normal, but his body will be weak for a while.

"Okay, I understand."

Wu Ningqiu nodded, the lady told her about this before, so she also knew something.

Now I hear Lin Mengya's explanation, my heart is even more bottom.

I just do n’t know what Lin Mengya will use later, but it will make her suffer.

"I'll state first that you may be in pain for a while. If you can't keep it up, just say it, don't force yourself."

This is still Lin Mengya, a little compression of the pain it will bring.

Because the poison on her body is too overbearing, there is no way to take ordinary medicine.

I had to find something more partial to neutralize, and the side effect of these things is to wait, Ning Qiu will be extremely painful.

"I see, thank you for reminding me."

Wu Ningqiu looked at Lin Mengya with a little gratitude in her eyes.

After all, people are kind, so they remind themselves.

She looked helplessly at Ning Qiu. Now that she no longer cares, what is she still doing?

"Well, you go to the clothes first, come in this bucket."

The hot water was outside, Lin Mengya and Bai Su took it by themselves, and they all got to the side of the barrel.

Although everyone is a girl, Ke Ningqiu is a little girl. She stands in front of others naked, but she still has some mental disorders.

Fortunately, it is mid-summer, and it is not cold.

She took off her clothes a little bit and stood in front of Lin Mengya.

后者 The latter did not know when it was, and took out a bowl of dark brown ointment.

I smashed it with a jade pestle, and then looked seriously and seriously, and began to smear on Ning Qiu's body.

The young girl's smooth and fair skin was soon covered with dark brown ointment.

Zhe Lin Mengya is very careful, no part of the opportunity will be missed.

I waited until she was finished, and the hot water was poured into the barrel.

"Okay, you lie in. Bai Su, are you ready for charcoal?"

Fortunately, it was all girls, and as long as three people, Ning Qiu gradually became accustomed to this feeling, under the guidance of Lin Mengya, lying down in the water.

What's strange is that the layer of ointment did not fall off with her like water, but she gradually felt her skin with a strange warm feeling.

当然 Of course she didn't know that this was Lin Mengya's careful prescription.

After applying this ointment, her skin pores have been completely opened to facilitate the penetration of medicine more quickly.

"Miss is ready, you can start at any time."

He nodded, Lin Mengya looked at Ning Qiu with a serious look, his voice with a trace of calmness.

"It's about to begin, bear with me."

It is not easy for Xun to create another maid in a short time, so Lin Mengya adopted this trick.

投放 Put medicinal materials in water at a certain ratio.

After each injection, after the first batch of medicine reaches Ning Qiu's body, Lin Mengya will let a drop of blood drip into the water.

The blood that glows with fascinating purple streamers is not only the target of these medicines for checks and balances, but also the seed that stimulates the power.

Ning Qiu's ruddy little face became very pale soon, and huge sweat beads fell from his forehead, and the ointment covered all over the body was gradually absorbed.

呃 "Uh, he didn't expect it to hurt so much."

At this time, Ning Qiu was still joking with them.

Zhe Lin Mengya frowned slightly, always looking at the herbs in the water.

These herbs can only be used once, and each time you add them, add a drop of your own blood.

And those herbs that were fished out will also be filled into the charcoal trough below to fully burn her last medicine to help Ning Qiu's success.

Because the blood does not see the air elsewhere, it doesn't make much sense.

The pinch was the tiny wound on the finger, faint, and there would be pain like a needle in the bone.

She is still like this, not to mention Ning Qiu, who has absorbed medicine all over her body.

Xuan Wanjian's pain in the heart, I'm afraid it won't be exaggerated at all.

"I'll watch it here, you go take a rest first."

Hold a bucket of herbs and spend about four hours.

And can not be interrupted, so Lin Mengya and Bai Su can only take turns on duty.

I heard Lin Mengya's words, but Bai Su shook her head.

"I'm not tired. It's my master, you are busy with Axiu's business, and come back to it again. Why not go to rest first?"

Lin Baisu was naturally considerate of her, which Lin Mengya always knew.

But Ke Su had more important things to do, Lin Mengya could only drive her away to rest.

I only spent the first night and changed my first herbal medicine.

Ning Qiu in the cypress barrel would faint in pain.

Lin Lin Mengya intentionally gave her some pain-relieving medicine to eat, but she was afraid that she would lose the medicine and had to give up.

Fortunately, in the midst of dreams and awake, people's pain will be reduced a lot.

Lin Lin Mengya looked at Ning Qiu, who was almost in a coma, and turned out of the door to ventilate in the yard.

The morning light was faint, Lin Mengya narrowed her eyes and looked to the east.

Whether in Dajin or here, the sun is always full of warmth and vitality.

The wound on my hand was also gradually relieved because of the distance from those herbs.

Zhe Lin Mengya fascinated and looked at the sun. Only in the early morning will the sun converge to a dazzling light.

I was like the man who let her worry about her, and only in front of her could she reveal the tenderness and tenderness.

But if one day, this kind of affection belongs to others, what should she do?

"What are you thinking, so amazing?"

The deep, mellow voice behind the cricket made Lin Mengya's heart tremble fiercely.

Xu lowered her eyes, and Lin Mengya's eyes had traces of struggle.

He just patted the person holding his hands gently, and separated the distance between the two without leaving a trace.

"It's just looking at the sun. Are you leaving?"

He turned his back to him. He must be leaving today.

Otherwise, he did not choose to break into Feng Yuyuan rashly during the day.

"Well, you don't want me to go?"

Her reaction was a bit cold, but Long Tianyu did not hesitate.

In front of him, he encountered a lot of problems, and his energy was involved too much.

And he was also afraid of being found by each other, so although he really wanted to hug her, he didn't do it in the end.

"There is nothing to be reluctant to do, we will meet each other after all, won't we?"

Next time I meet, maybe I will face the separation of eternal life.

Gao Linmengya severely suppressed the anxiety in her heart, and has become accustomed to the temperature in his arms. If she returns to the state of a person again, I do not know if I can get used to it.

"Yes, you will meet again after all. Yaer, take care of yourself. I am not by your side, you must not let yourself be hurt."

Is he hurt? Lin Mengya's mouth overflowed with a helpless smile.

He Mingming said, he will protect himself in the future, but in the end, he still has to rely on himself, doesn't he?

"Well, I know. Come on, it's not safe here."

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