"Miss is really expecting things, these people really can't hold back and want to catch us."

Although Lin Mengya can't martial arts, there are two masters of Qinghu and Bai Su.

The concubine concealed himself in the shadow of the corner eaves, and saw the situation below.

"What's the matter, but they can't catch us and don't dare to speak up. That's fine, just beat them, so as not to get ridiculous about Xiaoyu."

Wu Xin's family did not know their true identity, so they just acted as ordinary kabuki.

I ca n’t even catch a dancing girl now, the Xin family must think that Xiaoyu is well prepared.

梦 Before the Xin family could not be completely used by Xiaoyu, Lin Mengya didn't want to uproot this big tree.

But even if she has concerns, the deterrent must be unforgiving.

"That's right, let's go. There's nothing to see. There are a lot of powerful guys around Xiaoyu. These people can't hurt him."

Clear Fox embraced Lin Mengya's waist, and the three disappeared from the hiding place in an instant.

I went all the way back to the inn smoothly. Just when I wanted to go in, Qinghu stopped them.

He also made a gesture of silence, pulling the three into the corner.

"Someone inside."

Of the three people, Qinghu feels the most acute.

He is not only because of his martial arts, but also because he used to be a killer on the rivers and lakes.

Any wind and grass could not hide his perception.

"What should I do?"

苏 Bai Su's eyes were cold, she never left room for secret calculations.

Wu Qinghu also looked at Lin Mengya at the same time, although their martial arts were extremely high, after all, the person who ordered it was Lin Mengya.

After a moment's groaning for a moment, the eyes of those waters became extremely cold.

The corners of their lips slightly evoked a bloodthirsty arc. It seems that they are doomed to rest this evening.

杀 "Kill! The bigger the movement, the better. I want the entire Yushan County to know that someone rushed to the place where His Highness Jiu Ji stayed."

The chirping voice was cold and soft, but hearing the fox and Bai Su's ears seemed to open the door to hell.

I let out Shura evil evil hidden deep in my heart, and turning around can raise a monstrous karma.


The dark night hides the extremely fast figures of the two, and between the breaths, the two have already rushed into the inn.

Hidden her figure completely in the corner, the radar sensing area of ​​the Shennong system was instantly put on maximum power.

Gao Linmengya closed her eyes. At this moment, all the movements could not escape her eyes and eyes.

In the inn, the sound of weapons stabbing into the human body kept coming.

Even if she is not deep in it, she seems to be able to feel the **** killing gas.

The martial arts of the two people have already been in a state of no one.

No one can stop them. Those who are clever are in front of Qinghu and Baisu, like vegetables.

"Help! There are assassins! Come on!"

The servants who were stunned by incense, also woke up from sleepiness at this moment.

I screamed for help and rushed out of the inn, but those so-called assassins were no longer able to stop them.

This is good.

As more and more people woke up, the movement inside got bigger.

Lin Lin Mengya put away the radar and opened her eyes.

Listening to the increasingly chaotic sounds inside, the sneer in the corner of his mouth kept expanding.

But before she got out of the shadows, she felt a cold wind passing by her ears.

The figure stiffened in the corner, Lin Mengya did not dare to move.

Xun Sheng was afraid that when she did not know when the long sword set on her neck would cut her throat.

"Big brother, I'm just a passerby"

Slightly trembling voice, a good interpretation of the role of a woman who was scared to tremble.

After the latter heard her voice, the sword in his hand seemed hesitant.

I immediately retracted the scabbard, but the coldness that made Lin Mengya's heart tremble still hasn't been recovered.

Whether this person is an enemy or a friend, she is not sure yet.

What's worse, Qinghu and Bai Su are not yet with her.

"who are you?"

A very cold voice came from behind him, Lin Mengya swallowed, and said that she was an innocent passerby.

But I'm afraid people don't believe it, what if I kill myself?

"I'm the **** of this inn."

But there was no movement behind me. For a moment, Lin Mengya was not sure about the idea of ​​this great god.

I waited for about five minutes until her feet were numb, and there was still no noise in the back.

Relying on his courage, Lin Mengya glanced backwards, but she saw that there was someone else behind.

"It's a weird shout. Don't you know to say hello when you leave? Scared me."

顾 Taking care of herself, Lin Mengya couldn't help rolling her eyes.

多 There are so many weird people, jumping out of this one for no reason, driving the sword to her neck, but slipping away silently.

Who is sacred in the end?

"Girl, are you okay?"

A familiar voice came, Lin Mengya sorted out everything, and thought she would not be seen by them before they greeted.

In the moonlight, the two individuals were like a night owl, light and agile, and fell in front of Lin Mengya in an instant.

"It's all right, how is it done?"

I do n’t need them to say, Lin Mengya also knows how big the movement is.

In the end, Qinghu and Bai Su shot in person, and the people who belonged to them did not hurt much.

Those who have been arranged to ambush assassinations are already mostly wounded.

"Everything goes well, but these people's martial arts are not low, ambush in, I'm afraid they want to be against Xiaoyu."

Wu martial arts is not low, but Qinghu's men are still defeated.

Lin Lin Mengya looked at the guy who was trying to hide her pride, and couldn't help giving him a big white eye.

The guys with high martial arts are so narcissistic.

"Anyway, regardless of his martial arts level, today's events are destined to make him a world upset. At that time, I will see how the Xin family explained Xiaoyu."

It doesn't matter whether the ambush person is the Xin family or not, even Lin Mengya knows that the Xin family can never do such a stupid thing.

But what's the use, things always happen on the site of his Xin family.

If the Xin family did not give Xiaoyu a proper account, they were afraid that the conflict between the royal family and the Xin family would be intensified in advance.

This is not a good thing for Xin family.

"It's not a good thing to be remembered by you. Since that's the case, let's watch it change."

Compared to such things as secret calculation, Qinghu is definitely a master.

The two looked at each other, everything was sneer.

He was more kind than Bai Su, who fought a cold war.

I hope that the unlucky Xin family will not let the lady do all the calculations.

The conspiracy in the dark night came to an end temporarily, and the three were mixed into the inn while they were unprepared.

So when the carriage carrying Xiaoyu returned to Qingling Inn, they saw a lot of guards and servants, all standing in the doorway of the hotel in fright.

Among them, Lin Mengya and Qinghu Baisu.

In addition to Xiaoyu, in the carriage in front of Xun, there was Xin Mu, who wanted to send him out.

He could see the outside of the inn, his head was moving, the fire was bright, and Xin Mu was a fog of water.

"Xiaoyu, you are--"

I won't always let everyone fall asleep at night.

After answering Yan Yu's meaningful look at Yan Yu, he answered him.

"I'm afraid something happened. I'll wait here for a while. I'll ask someone to ask."

In spite of his uneasiness, Xin Mu has seen the big scene in the end, nodded and continued to sit in the carriage.

Xiao Xiaoyu quickly jumped off the carriage and headed straight for Lin Mengya.

But I stopped just a short distance away, and asked a person who seemed rather clever and calm.

"What's going on? Why are you so embarrassed?"

The line of sight was first on her sister, and after carefully going through it, it was determined that the other party was intact, so she simply ignored everyone.

发现 He found that although these people are OK, some people have more or less small scars on their bodies.

"His Royal Highness, the inn ruined the ambush of others. All of us have been fainted. If it wasn't for anyone alert, I'm afraid that everyone has already made it difficult."

In fact, this is not very true. Those who can come here are the confidants picked by Wan Yanlie.

Although Wu Gong is not top-notch, there is still the ability to protect himself.

So those fragrant enough to let normal people sleep all night, just let them sleep for a few hours.

Wu Qinghu and Bai Su made a bucket of cold water and poured a face one by one, naturally they woke them up.

However, this image is not so good.

"Is there any reason, you should immediately check the number of casualties, I must strictly investigate this matter!"

After finishing Yan Yu's heart anger, he naturally knew that there were countless people who wanted his life in the entire Lieyun Kingdom.

I can't even dare to copy his old nest now. Is there really no scruples?

Seeing Xiaoyu's anger soon, Lin Mengya quickly grabbed his wrist.

I felt the tenderness and softness at the wrist, and the anger in Xiaoyu's eyes subsided slightly.

He narrowed his eyes quickly, and signaled to Xiaoyu who was still present.

The latter noticed immediately, nodded inconceivably, and converged the real anger.

Yanpan raised his face and turned to the carriage behind him.

"Well, now I can make such a plot in my ancestor's house. It seems that someone in Yushan County did not want me to come."

Xi Xiaoyu's anger was fierce, Xin Mu frowned.

I kept thinking in my heart, which one could not hold back, actually dare to start at this time.

I wonder if this is pushing him to death?

I now got out of the carriage and made a panic look.

"His Royal Highness, I will surely understand this matter and explain to His Highness. Today His Highness was shocked, I really **** it!"

He kissed his nephew and bowed his head, in Xin Mu's heart, it was already a shame and shame.

Yan Wan did not intentionally embarrass him, just a handsome face with a strong face, and made a perfect look.

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