Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 877: Bingyu Chan

Wu Xinmu frowned, glanced at his feet, and looked at the courtyard again, looking a little complicated.

Confused in the crowd, the three of Lin Mengya did not want to be noticeable.

Fortunately, when she danced the day before yesterday, her face couldn't even recognize her mother.

I now have my makeup removed, naturally I am not afraid to show my face in front of Xin Mu.

But there are certain things she must be careful about.

这里 "Here, but that Ning Qiu girl's residence?"

The maggots and poisonous worms gathered more and more. Except for a few people, everyone else had silently retreated.

Although Lin Mengya was not afraid of them, they followed each other in a low-key manner.

Alas, the situation over Xin Mu's side could still fall into her ears without fail.


Those who walked back and forth also looked at the closed courtyard door.

Here is no different from other places, but why do we see visions here?

"What's wrong? 舅舅, is it possible that there was a pest disaster here?"

A very clear voice came from, as the most noble person here, His Royal Highness Wan Yanyu Jiu came late.

It was extremely easy for him to walk, but everyone with a good eye could see that the tapeworms seemed to be afraid of him.

In the midst of a dark stream of insects, he alone opened a way for only one person to pass.

Lin Lin Mengya can feel that something on Xiaoyu's body is now extremely active.

I'm afraid that kid just borrowed the light of this thing, can there be such a pull out of the factory?

Now, when did you learn these things?

"It's strange to see His Royal Highness Nine. But please let His Highness Nine go back and wait, after all, it's not safe here."

Wu Xinmu's face was a little gloomy. What happened the day before yesterday gave him a headache for a whole day, but he still had no clue.

Why now, this kind of thing happened again.

I mean, it ’s God reminding them, is n’t it time to be proud?

But these things are all treasures in Wanji Pool, and I don't know if I can rush back again.

"Anyway, the things on my body are much better than them. Alas, the shoes are really good, the black and bright, just right for quotation."

After finishing Yan Yuming's eyes, he wanted Xin Mu's life.

Since the absence of the maidservant's management and shock, I have no one who can drive Wang Jing in Wanji Pool.

This is not the worst thing to do. The Xin family is exquisite in various techniques, but the reason is probably because there are many rare worms and poisonous weeds in the Wanli Pond.

If you do n’t have them, then the Xun family ’s martial arts will also plummet.

If there weren't several Zong Lao who had a very high skill, they would have been exhausted because they were afraid of the surrounding materials.

Nowadays, there are so many running out, this is the lifeblood of Xin family!

"Your Highness Nine really has good eyesight, but the maggots here are fierce. If His Highness Nine needs it, let others catch it and send it to His Highness Nine."

Yan Wan looked at Xin Mu calmly, and couldn't help humming.

Wu Mingming was afraid that he would take away the best. He was such a stingy man.

Alas, what he wanted was more than just the garbage on the periphery.

"No need, oh, my sister is all right? Sister Ning Qiu, open the door!"

Turned his head, Xiaoyu turned around and lay on the door, ringing the door strongly.

浮 This exaggerated acting skills, see the black lines of Lin Mengya's three faces.

Although Bai Baisu had already said hello to Xiaoyu, Lin Mengya was not so sure.

Alas, when the yard door was opened.

When Xun Ning Qiu saw a long white dress appearing in front of everyone, Lin Mengya realized that her fate always seemed to favor her.

I saw Ning Qiu, who had a pretty cold face, and was holding a crystal clear jade cicada forehand at this time.

I said it was Yu Chan, but Lin Mengya could feel that it was a living creature.

But this white little thing is more like a jade carving object than maggots.

People like it when they see it, but everyone in the room couldn't help but take a breath.

That is the Bingyu Chan who can only be driven by the maids of all ages!

"Sister Ning Qiu, are you okay?"

A touch of fine light crossed Xiaoyu's eyes. Soon, he hugged Ning Qiu and performed a happy moment of the rest of the life after the disaster.

"I'm fine, the prince rest assured. It's just this little guy who somehow relied on me and asked the patriarch to take it away."

Xi Xianxiansu reached into Xin Mu's direction arbitrarily, although the latter's heart was a little coveted, but he knew better than anyone that this little thing was difficult and powerful.

I shook my hand at the moment, and said helplessly:

"No, this thing only needs to be sent by the girl to Houshan. There is only one thing, has this ice jade cicada ever drank the girl's blood?"

Fang Bingyu Chan has a short life span, only ten years.

But it takes at least ten years to get a mature ice jade cicada.

And these ice jade cicadas usually only have two at the same time, the male jade cicada has a shorter lifespan, and only the female ice jade cicada will become the key to open the Wanji pond.

Therefore, even in Wanli Pond, there is only such a female jade cicada.

Every year, Xin's family secretly sends a lot of women, in order to hope that there will be one, who can inherit the position of daughter-in-law.

I didn't want to, but every time I made people say nothing, but there was never a woman who could make this Bingyu Chan appear on his own initiative.

But now

Is this really God's providence?

"No, this little thing is very good. Strange to say, although we can't speak, it seems to understand me. It seems to be important to Xin's family too, Your Highness is worse than you go with me Let it be its owner. "

I heard that Ning Qiu had no exclusive meaning, but Xin Mu felt a bit surprised.

They are from Wangcheng. Others don't say that Mrs. Jingrou is the most powerful one.

How come now that she actually wants to return it?

"This is a working girl. Come here, show the way for the girl."

Wu Bingyu cicada is very toxic, and it can only be driven by a woman's touch.

冰 Since Madam Jingrou left, this ice jade cicada has also slept for two generations.

Lin Lin Mengya looked at the jade cicada on Ning Qiu's small hand, and then looked at the jade on Ning Qiu's head.

It's no wonder that Bingyu Cicada can't be moved. It seems that this time, Mrs. Jingrou has really lost her blood.

A crisis caused by tapeworms and poisonous insects eventually ended in Ning Qiu and Xiaoyu, returning to Bingyu Cicada in person.

It was strange to say that the maggots were actually following a few people, and went back in mighty.

I can clearly see the smile on Xin Mu's face, presumably because he hasn't emptied the bottom of the house, and he's already satisfied.

In the west of the courtyard, Lin Mengya was carrying Bai Su, sorting out the courtyard, which was disturbed by the poisonous insects.

It ’s really good to have that Wanjichi. The poisonous insects and tapeworms raised are not only extremely toxic, but also very good in appearance.

At this point, she probably understands why the Xin family thought Wan Wanchi was so important.

"Miss, young master and Ning Qiu came."

Immediately upon entering the door, Lin Mengya took her broom's hands and was pulled over by a pair of slender hands.

He frowned, Wan Yanyu looked at the distressed left and right, lest her sister's pair of jade hands broke the rough broom.

"Well, where am I so precious, let me talk about you, if you go to Wanli Pond today, can you gain something?"

He calmly retracted his hand, and warned with his eyes, he even wanted Xiaoyu who had an inch to go.

Sometimes the people in her yard are absolutely overprotective to her.

She is an adult and not a fool. As for taking care of a baby?

"It is really spectacular, it is said to be a Wanli pond, but it is actually the forest in the back of the mountain that does not look at the margins. And the place where Wanli pond is located is completely sunken. Listen to the Zong Lao of the Xin family, even Xin Li Li has not entered the deepest part of Wanli Pond, and they do not know what will be in it. Sister, can you say I can go down? "

In fact, the reality is even more shocking than Xiaoyu described.

She Yushan County may be a small place for Lieyun.

But with the exception of this main city, all places stretch from the mountainous area of ​​Houshan.

In other words, in the entire Yushan County, only the main city can be inhabited here, and the rest are almost all at the site of Wanli Pond.

I was just behind the Xin family. It was closer to the center than anywhere else.

"This is natural. I've already prepared the medicine. Anyone who is like Wang Xizi can only walk around you. But Xiaoyu, you must be prepared for hardship. According to my inference, this Wang Xi, It's really uncontrollable. "

The previous research results of Lin Mengya have basically given Xiaoyu a chance.

But there are some things that must be determined by himself.

"I know, my sister is waiting for my good news. But you must be careful outside, my people have received the news, those people no longer want to be patient."

Bian Xiaoyu Qingjun's face, with a few touches of extremely mature perseverance.

I looked at such a small jade, Lin Mengya only felt relieved.

As for the other half, I'm afraid that only after Xiaoyu's victory returns, can she let it go completely.

"Don't worry about me. As long as our plan is successful, those people will not dare to touch me. Ning Qiu is also doing very well today. What your wife gave you, you must always wear it on your body. It must be for you. have benefits."

He spoke of Ning Qiu's knack today, and the latter's face had the wrong expression.

She then nodded cautiously, in fact, she did not intentionally hide the girl, but just because his wife made a lot of instructions before leaving the palace, this matter must not let anyone know.

I did not expect that the girl He Lan was so keen.

"Today's affairs are a bit of a journey, but this is just the beginning. The Xin family passed this scene, I'm afraid they can't wait."

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