Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 884: Trivial preparation

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If circumstances permit, Lin Mengya certainly wants to send people to the place before leaving.

But Ning Qiu and Xiaoyu went in, and Xin's family repeatedly obstructed it.

I added a few more, but I was afraid that Xin's family would also explode.

"Have a good rest, I think they will definitely agree to our request. But there are not many people who can enter the Wanli Pond. You just have to be careful and run in. You just do n’t believe it. The Xin family can still You are so extravagant. "

Lin Lin Mengya's mouth was slightly raised, and a pair of eyes shot out a playful chill.

知道 She knows that Xin Li controls a son-in-law of Wang Xun. This thing may have some magical effects on the periphery of Wan Luchi.

But at the same time Mrs. Jingrou also said that with the strength of Xin Li, she could only stay in Wanlichi for a short period of time.

This shows that in the depths of Wanli Lake, there is a presence that Xinli cannot cope with.

In this way, Xiaoyu and Ning Qiu's safety can also be regarded as a temporary guarantee.

She was well prepared and Wan Dianchi was still full of danger, so she could only hope for Xiaoyu's contingency.

Wu Xin's family, more eager than Lin Mengya imagined.

It is also possible that the grandmother was afraid that they would not be easily fooled after they reacted.

Then all their preparations are done.

In the middle of the night, Xiaoyu's yard where people live knocked on the door.

Wu Qinghu pretended to be yawning and took the man to the main hospital.

Some pretend work, Xiaoyu naturally did a good job, although Lin Mengya didn't follow the main hospital, but she also knew how to develop things.

"All the things prepared for the young master have been sent to the main hospital. Does the lady have other orders?"

I may have long dreams at night, Xiaoyu will enter Wanji Pool tomorrow, and the three of them will leave quietly.

"Nothing, you go out with me to meet someone."

One night, Lin Mengya was thinking about all the possibilities that Xiaoyu would encounter in Wanji Pond.

But if she was accompanied by that person, I don't know why, she could be a little more stable in her heart.

He nodded, and the two changed into plain clothes and went out quietly.

After bypassing those who watched the night, Lin Mengya and Bai Su walked out of Xin's inner house.

There are many small courtyards strewn between the inner and outer houses.

有些 Some of the family members of the Xin family live here, but others are silent.

纸 The note that was sent along with dinner let Lin Mengya easily find a place to meet with each other.

I looked at the courtyard of Heidongdong. In fact, Lin Mengya's heart had some small shadows.

But she hasn't forgotten yet, the dilapidated palace that Wan Yanjing and Xin Yu almost destroyed.

Now there is no Xin Yu to cover her here, so everything must rely on the care of both of them.

Bai Su gently pushed open the door of the small courtyard, which looked different from the cold outside, and the inside was clean.

Zhe Lin Mengya hid behind Bai Su, and just after walking to the middle of the yard, she heard a movement in the room.

"Sister Lin, you are finally here!"

The flirtatious girl rushed out of the room.

Accurately found Lin Mengya's position and put her in her arms.

"Have you waited a long time? Why did you come alone?"

Gao Lin Mengya pushed Axiu lightly and found that although her eyes were still godless, she felt that she was more acute in other aspects.

When I found myself just now, I didn't have any trouble.

My heart was a little more stable, at least this way, Axiu can also be a lot easier.

没有 "No, my uncle sent me here. But he is a little strange and doesn't like to see strangers."

Wu Axiu said a little embarrassed, Lin Mengya didn't care much about this.

I nodded my head. Since the Oriental family can become one of Lie Yun's family, a little secret power is also common.

"You can come safely, but it's a little bit changed now. If you want to go in with Xiaoyu, I'm afraid there are a lot of dangers. So Axiu, I now hope you can think about it, in the end Would you like to follow them. "

Although they can't all go in with them, it's not difficult for Xiaoyu to be a prince.

What's more, Axiu looks soft and weak and has no fighting power. People in Xin family probably won't do too much trouble.

But I brought Axiu, the danger increased a little, and Lin Mengya did not hide her, and told her about her speculation, one by one.

"I didn't expect Xin Jia to be bold and arrogant. They are not afraid that my king will uproot them?"

In addition to being shocked, Xiu Xiu was more angry.

For many years, Wang Shang's tolerance of Xin family has already exceeded the bottom line.

I didn't expect that the Xin family wouldn't change their minds, but they even let them have a lot of delusions.

"Miss, you can't go along."

Behind him, the stereophonic sound sounded, Bai Su immediately turned around vigilantly, subconsciously protected in front of the two young ladies, and looked coldly ahead.

"Uncle Kang, I want to go."

But Xiu walked out from behind Bai Su very calmly and looked at the man.

Only then did Lin Mengya see that the man whom Axiu called Uncle Kang was in front of the inn that night and almost killed his man.

I did not expect that this man was actually a close friend sent by the Orientals.

But that day, why is he now outside the inn?

"Miss, you can't go wrong. If you insist, I will go with you."

Zhe Lin Mengya frowned slightly. In fact, the dangers in Wanji Pool were unknown. Maybe they had good luck and didn't need any effort.

But she also knows how much Dongfang Xu cares about A Xiu, so I'm afraid that people will never agree so easily.

He pulled Bai Su back and let others decide.

I do n’t need to think about it, Lin Mengya also knows that it must be the uncle Kang who was convinced by A Xiu.

别 This girl has not seen any special ability, but she has unparalleled talents in the same way as her family.

"In fact, the lady does not need to worry too much. You must know that the young master is not an ordinary person. The king and the king value him as much as he will definitely give him some life-saving things. Those people's calculations are afraid they will fail. Obstructive. "

Bai Su's lenient solution did not relieve Lin Mengya's expression at all.

I sighed again, Lin Mengya said quietly.

"Actually, I don't worry about Xiaoyu very much, I worry about it, it's us." After a while, Bai Su obviously didn't understand what Lin Mengya meant.

Looking at the latter's ignorant look, Lin Mengya had to explain with patience.

"If they make up their minds to eradicate Xiaoyu, what do you think of our deputies who may disclose information at any time?"

The heart of Bai Su was not consciously paused.

I am right, the fate of these followers will certainly be more miserable than the master.

"What shall we do?"

I have Bai Su and Qinghu. Although he is carrying such a waste, it does not affect anything.

He is only at least in Yusan-gun, and may face a difficult battle.

"We? Of course, we drove early. You should inform Qinghu. As soon as Axiu convinced her uncle Kang, he immediately prepared the carriage. By the way, except for some of the people we brought, Ning Qiu would bring Except for those who entered, you told them to evacuate immediately. Those who could go in secret went in secret, and those who could not go in secret had the banner of preparing things for the two masters. Anyway, they were in a hurry to inform the matter, Xiaoyu in the end It ’s a prince, and it ’s okay to be thorough. We two go first, and clean up the fox. ”

Lin Mengya didn't plan to resist this time, even if the two of them had a higher military value, they could have two fists and four hands. If they were blocked by a group of people, that was not a joke.

Wu Xin's family felt that they had figured it out, and they did not know that the biggest variable was in her hands.

This time, she wants to let the Xin family lose their wife and lose their troops!

Xi Baisu has always been heavy-hearted, but obediently obeyed Lin Mengya's words.

But A Xiu's time to persuade the uncle Kang is a little longer than Lin Mengya imagined.

Fortunately, when the servants they brought before had already left in a carriage, A Xiu finally came out of the small courtyard unhappyly.

"how about it?"

Although this girl was frowning, Lin Mengya knew the girl's ability.

He nodded and shook his head, and Axiu didn't seem to bother.

"Uncle Kang agreed, but said that he would also follow us. Either Sister Lin, give me a way to let Uncle Kang go with him. With him, I don't think anyone can hurt us. "

She guessed that would be the case. The uncle Kang of Axiu was a dead-headed person at first glance.

But it ’s okay, she can rest assured that there is such a master.

"Leave everything to me. Let's go back together. Xiaoyu, they probably can't sleep much tonight."

He led Axiu back and Lin Mengya went to Xiaoyu's yard to appease Xiaoyu, who was slightly excited.

Although the latter really didn't want to bring A Xiu, the towing oil bottle, but under Lin Mengya's strong suppression, the boy didn't dare to say anything.

Tong Axiu pretended to be a little girl ring, and his uncle Kang was dressed as a guard and mixed with the crowd.

When I arrived, I would first go to the yard where the previous maids lived.

After waiting for Ning Qiu to make proper arrangements, she sent Xiaoyu herself into the depths of Wanji Lake on the grounds of insecurity.

There, the beginning of the highlight.

The moon was like a hook, and Lin Mengya, who had arranged everything, had already taken the carriage that set off for Dajin.

Bai Su personally rushed to drive, and the carriage driving alone was speeding on the streets of Yushan County.

See the refreshing novel

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