I'm in love with you 630bookla, the latest chapter of the most amazing poison princess!

After seeing the shapes of the two men, Qingqing Fox ignored the others and smiled and bent over.

No matter how beautiful a beauty is, she can't see it.

"What a smile, you are not as ugly!"

Lin Lin Mengya gave him a glance, the **** mole on her lips was very conspicuous.

"Yes, yes, we're all ugly now. Okay, let's get on the road."

Time is tight, and they have no extra time to waste.

I just had Lin Mengya sitting on the carriage poorly, and then there was a sneeze after a while.

His eyes narrowed and his eyes were red and pitiful, so pitiful that he couldn't be any more pitiful. Qinghu now seemed to have just remembered something and pulled out a few cotton **** from his arms.

"Put this in your nose, really. I don't understand the smell. How come you don't like it?"

This guy is definitely intentional!

Lin Lin Mengya snatched the cotton ball in the hands of Qinghu fiercely, and she said, it was wrong to hear this guy's voice just now.

I dare to play this trick with her and see how she packs this dead fox after they return to Dajin!

After the toss just now, the sky is already bright.

From the main city of Yushan County, they have to go over several cities to leave Yushan County completely.

Since Xin Xin's family has shot, the interrogation will become more and more strict.

三个 Although the three of them have been scourged into this state, they cannot be taken lightly.

In addition to the three of them, the other followers have been placed properly.

Those familiar faces have been taken by Wan Yuchi and Xiaoyu with Ning Qiu.

The remaining people, as long as they are careful, do not show any obvious flaws, they can survive the wind.

I will then slowly return to Wang Cheng and poke through Xin's plot.

If these people can be selected, there must be something extraordinary about them.

The number of pedestrians on the road gradually increased. Although the three of them were not very eye-catching, their strange combination and strong pepper flavor still caught the attention of pedestrians.

Fortunately, small vendors like them are not a special presence. Yushan County is rich in peppercorns. There are hawkers rushing out of the county to sell them all year round.

I soon reached the other gate.

The cross-checking has become particularly strict. Almost everyone's body has to be turned over to be checked in the past.

It's not enough, everyone has to check their identity and the purpose of going out of the city.

I am slightly vague and will be taken aside immediately.

It seems that Xin's family is also careful enough. Not only did they send people to chase them down, but even such battles were arranged at the gate of the city, it was really worthy of them.

"Stop, where are you from?"

There were several bags of peppercorns on the carriage, which made the soldiers in the city watch for a long time.

清 狐 哆哆嗦嗦 jumped off the carriage, sharp eyes were easily blocked by loose eyelids.

The whole person is like a small, timid vendor, who can't see what he was like at first.

"Official grandpas, three of our father and daughter are small businessmen who sell peppercorns, we haven't broken the law!"

Qi Qinghu learned these little ordinary people from the bottom, and indeed there were no flaws.

Lin Lin Mengya banged her teeth at those officials, and her previous makeup results finally achieved results.

The jagged incisors seemed to soon make a few official grandpas appetite. After sloppily flipping through their things, I waved and let go.

Look, she's pretty talented for acting stupid.

"Thank you Grandpa, thank you Grandpa!"

Wu Qinghu said in a hurry, three people continued to hurry after getting into the carriage with a tremor.

After three levels, he finally reached the last gate of Yushan County, and Lin Mengya's heart hung up.

Because the inspection here will be the strictest.

It doesn't matter if they are exposed, it is a big deal to kill them.

But once discovered, I'm afraid it will be more unfavorable to Xiaoyu.

At this time, Xishan was sunset, Xiaoyu and Ning Qiu had already entered Wanluo Pond.

I hope that everything goes smoothly.

"Stop, you two, come down and be checked!"

It is stricter than the three previous levels.

After three glances at each other, they obediently obeyed others and were taken aside to search.

Men naturally have male officers and soldiers to search, and there are also a few savvy aunts who are searching for the body of women.

Nothing that proves their identity can be brought with them today.

As long as this layer of camouflage is not seen through, it is considered a success.

But seeing how carefully the women searched, Lin Mengya and Bai Su could not help but worry slightly.

Finally, it was the turn of the three of them to be inspected. Lin Mengya held an extraordinary calmness, as usual, gave the body-searching aunts a silly smile.

But this time, it is obviously useless.

The person responsible for searching them was obviously unwilling.

After all, the three of them looked dirty, and they had a layer of peppercorns on their bodies. They were close to each other.

The fat, short, rough hands touched every pocket on her body carefully.

And Qinghu's side, those people's attention fell on the big Luo pot on the back of Qinghu.

"Take off your jacket!"

Suddenly, the official mission over Qinghu made this order.

Lin Lin Mengya's heart was tense immediately, although Luo Guo didn't know what Qinghu used to replace it.

But the only sure thing is that once you take it off, it must be in its original shape.

Wu Qinghu held his placket with both hands, and his face was hard to see.

"Grandfather, don't need it anymore. The villain has some abnormalities in his body, I'm afraid it scared a few bad masters."

But those searched guys were a little impatient, urging sharply.

"Why not talk about it, don't take it off soon. If you run into it again, you will be taken to prison!"

The current situation, Qinghu has to do it.

He untiedly unbuttoned his jacket and took off his coat.

At this time, Lin Mengya and Bai Su have just been checked.

I stood there looking at Qinghu, but my heart was pounding.

Ten million, never be found!

He took off his jacket, and there was only one undershirt left.

Qi Qinghu is indeed a leader in the camouflage world. Even the exposed arms look like a real old man's weakness.

Inside the tight and tight-fitting undershirt, Luo Guo still bulged as always.

The smell of sweat and pepper was mixed together, and the officials just frowned and waved their hands in disgust to let them go.

The tone of hang hanging under his heart finally relaxed, Lin Mengya and Bai Su pretended to help Qing Fox.

As soon as the three wanted to turn around and leave, they heard the back and someone stopped them.

"You three, don't leave."

Zhan's voice was extremely dark, and Lin Mengya's heart was disturbed.

He turned around and saw a guy in a satin cloth, striding to the front of the three.

The man looked down at the three of them, as if looking at an item.

"I think the color of the pepper on your car is pretty good, but in Yushan County, I have seen all the pepper farmers. Why haven't I met, you three such special people?"

Jain's tone was very soft, and Lin Mengya sank. She also knew that all the pepper plantations in Yushan County were in the hands of the Xin family.

I did not want to today, but actually hit someone's muzzle.

The clear fox standing between the two of them, but immediately bent over and saluted, said respectfully.

"This adult is saying that we did not do peppercorn business before. Just because my wife was suffering, she went silently, and she just left the three of us, so I couldn't survive. So I My relatives introduced me to this job, at least we can find a way out for the three of us. Also, please let the adults raise their expensive hands and let the villain down. "

The mournful tone of sorrow and resentment made it impossible to pick out any faults.

Zhe Lin Mengya and Bai Su snuggled up next to Qinghu. The shivering look really looked like a silly girl who had never seen the market.

I felt the sight of that person, and after looking back and forth for a long time on my body, I just snorted in the nose and eyes.

原来 "That's the case, then you go. But according to the rules, you have to pay three-tenths of the tax first. Otherwise, you don't want to take this car pepper."

之 Three tenths of tax? Lin Mengya was angry.

They are like small vendors who they cover, for fear that the net profit is not three-tenths.

家伙 This guy's mouth is so high, it's almost blacker than a crow!

"This man, this man, the caricature of the peppercorns has just been pulled out and has not been sold. Where do you want me to find these taxes?"

Qing Qinghu was alert and alert, and now he was crying and begging.

But the black-hearted official who was riding on the horse showed no mercy, but instead went to the side impatiently, letting Qinghu dumb his throat and begging on the road.

Zhe Lin Mengya was so angry that if they didn't dress up as small vendors today, they wouldn't have seen the shamelessness of these people.

After a while, there were several small vendors selling peppercorns. When they arrived here, they automatically took out their money and made up for taxes.

After seeing the three of them, I finally had a good little merchant and told them this was the first time.

I can collect less in the future, and forbearance will pass.

Qing Qinghu had to go down the donkey and take out three-tenths of the money worth the peppercorns of the whole car. After paying it to the official gate of the city gate, he could pull them and set off on the road.

At this time, the sky was already dark.

The other kind vendors invited them to go with them, but they were all declined by Qinghu.

After deciding which officers and soldiers at the city gate can't see them, Qinghu then parked his car in a bush.

"It's finally out, and we can go to where our supplies are no longer. Girl, what's wrong with you?"

After Meng came out of Yushan County, Lin Mengya said nothing.

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