I'm in love with you 630bookla, the latest chapter of the most amazing poison princess!

"Our Lin family was very embarrassed before we met, and the lord and the wife were both face and head characters in Kyoto, so even if the queen did not like the wife, she dared not do anything to her. Until one day, the queen mother, He even called his wife into the palace alone. Since then, the Lin family has been unsettled. "

In the memories of Tianshi, the Lin family was brilliant at that time. It is also accompanied by countless crises.

His father's Zhennanhou was brought down in a battle, so even if some people in North Korea were dissatisfied, they would not dare to do anything to the Lin family.

But since his mother was summoned by the queen alone, the political opponents of his father in the chapel began to attack.

Fortunately, at that time, His Majesty was still guarding his father, and even if he was constrained everywhere, there was nothing too much to criticize.

"Later, Lord Hou won again and again. Those people were gagged and didn't dare talk anymore. But in our house, many accidents happened one after another. It was also at that time, someone was poisoned. Master ’s mother-in-law. But my wife and I know that she died for the master. ”

Putian's eyes were filled with tears of tears.

She and Lin Nansheng's mother-in-law entered the house together. Originally, they took turns feeding the young master.

But the bitter woman died before she entered the house.

Mrs. Xie pityed that big sister, so she paid twice as much.

And she was kept in Lin Fu because she was hardworking and loyal.

Who knows that one night, when she woke up as usual to see the situation of the young master, she saw the big sister Qiqiao bleeding.

She hurried to find someone to treat her, but unfortunately she has lost her skills.

Just before the woman died, she still held the young master tightly in her arms, without being half hurt.

It was also because of this incident that the wife and her realized that someone wanted to be bad for the young master.

"Supposedly, my father and mother would never let this happen, unless they knew who this person was, but could not fight back for the time being."

Zhe Lin Mengya knows her parents' feelings towards their siblings best. The mother forgot about her life for them, and her father could abandon everything for them.

Although their status is prominent, they are actually just the most ordinary parents and parents.

Without a pair of parents, she will see her child being violated without any resistance.

Even if the people they face are far beyond their capabilities.

"Yes, from then on, Hou Ye went out early and returned late. Until you were born, you were busy with something. Although the wife will be raising at home, you must take care of yourself all the time. We are careful to be careful Finally, no master has something to do with you. But a few days before you were born, the lady frowned all day long. In the end, she left all the people, including the guards arranged by Hou Ye, except for a trip alone. Door. When she came back, she seemed to have unloaded all the burdens. Then she told me many strange things, saying that you were going to entrust your brother and the unborn to me. It did n’t hurt you. Method, once again made me your babysitter. Because the wife said that she can't believe anyone except me. "

This matter, no one has told her carefully.

But from Tian's description, she can infer a lot of things.

At that time, my father was under pressure from both the emperor and the queen.

早 He should come out early and return late, it should be to ask his colleagues for help.

I think it must be from that time that there was a gap between my father and his Majesty.

I only had the illusion of easing because my mother was gone and the forces from all sides were no longer eager to move.

What I didn't expect is that today, more than ten years later, because she is being stirred up again.

"Did the mother say who was trying to hurt me and my brother?"

Gao Linmengya already had the answer in her heart, but she wanted a confirmation from Tian's mouth.

"I asked my wife before, and the lady didn't say it explicitly. But when she was in danger, she told me to be careful of the royal family. If you can, let me look at you forever and never have anything to do with the royal family . "

Putian's face is already bitter, presumably because he did not fulfill his promise to the old master, so feel guilty.

Lin Lin Mengya stared at Tian's face, her eyes gradually changed from doubt to certainty.

"Mother Tian, ​​do you have an old man named Fang Gu?"

Aunt Wu Fang was the old man she had served her mother when she was in the kingdom of heaven.

I ca n’t help but die in the hands of the enemy because of her negligence.

She has never forgotten, and she will never let go of anyone, and has hurt the person she cares about.

Putian's expression shook a little, apparently reluctantly maintaining the look on his face without collapse, but it was enough to allow Lin Mengya to fully confirm the guess in her heart.

"How did Miss know Aunt Fang? Are they okay?"

She sighed slightly, Lin Mengya lowered her eyes.

如何 How can she say that Aunt Fang died tragically for herself?

I thought for a long time before I said:

"I saw Fang Gu in Lintian, but after that, she was killed for no reason for me. I think if the mother is there, she will definitely protect the people around her."

In Lin Mengya's heart, she apologized deeply to Aunt Fang.

When the mother ran away from Lintian ’s palace, it must be properly arranged for the people around her.

As she had always wanted to find the Seven Poison Sages, she had arranged a way out for the family.

If she didn't enter the casino by mistake and didn't question her mother's affairs, maybe Fang Aunt would be a happy owner of her casino.

"Well, the old people did n’t know where they were. Miss, you do n’t have to blame yourself. In fact, after I was sent out from the palace, I found Tian Ning's father and became incognito. If it was not our village later There was a famine in my hair, and I would not take Ninger to run to the princess. All this is fate. Our life is born for the princess. If one day is lost for the princess, it is considered dead. After all, We will not live to this day, Princess. "

Since He was guessed by Lin Mengya, Tian Shi no longer covers many things.

In fact, Lin Mengya remembered it by accident, Tian once said that she didn't know any of them.

But nowadays, the conversation that Mother Tian has inadvertently revealed is not something an ordinary peasant woman can tell.

Moreover, if Tian's is really that simple, how could it be possible to mediate for three years under Shangguan Qing's obscene power, and to bury a hidden back road in her house for her and her brother, so as not to be completely blocked by Shangguan Qing .

想 Now thinking about it, I can only explain that Tianshi is really not simple.

I rarely have a chance. Lin Mengya will listen to the people around her mother and talk about her mother's affairs.

Although her body is exhausted, she is more and more active.

Until later, Bai 芨 was lying in a corner and fell asleep.

She and Tian are still talking about their past.

There is a reason why my mother went out of the house, and even this confidant maid did not know this reason.

But Tian said that this secret was related to the royal family who came to the kingdom of heaven.

母亲 When the mother ran away, she was actually looking for something.

I also said that their Zuo clan has a fate that cannot be escaped.

So Lin Mengya thought that her mother should come out of heaven to find a way to release that curse.

It was only later that she probably didn't find it, or something happened, and she became the wife of Zhennan Hou, never returning to her native country for life.

Some things, Lin Mengya also made clear through Tian's.

For example, how did the mother and father meet at the time, and how they were secretly persecuted by those people.

The conditional conditions make the image of Lin Mengya's mother more clear and natural.

My mother is not the kind of saint she had previously imagined. She is also an ordinary woman who can sacrifice for love and for her children.

He changed from God to man without harming the image of the mother.

Instead, Lin Mengya felt that her mother was closer to her.

Moreover, she finally knew why so many people said that she looked like a mother.

It's not just looks, but personality.

Some things are really wonderful, even if she is not living together, even if she is forced to live in another time and space.

But some inheritance, still following the blood relationship, was engraved in her bones, leaving a deep mark in her soul.

"Now I have only one thing that I do n’t understand. With my mother's medical skills, how can she not have a way to detoxify her poison? They all say my mother is willing, but you also said that my mother loves us very much She also loves her father. So how could she be so cruel and choose to leave us? "

The ants are still stealthily, not to mention that the mother has already noticed that someone wants to be detrimental to her baby. How can she let go and push her children into the pit?

Putian's face suddenly showed a bit of hatred, and another kind of coldness burst into her eyes.

"Well, all this has to ask the lady Qing well. At first she loved Hou and tried every means to get close to the lady, but the lady had already seen her true face, so she kept guarding her. One day However, Madam Qing gave a letter to his wife. No one else knew it, but I knew it clearly. It was this letter that killed the lady, and that poison, Madam Qing and the queen, forced my princess to drink it. ! "

Wu Xiaoya's fists clenched, Lin Mengya's face also gloomed.

I really do! It's just the content of this letter, but it's really weird, forcing her mother to die only to save her children.

In my opinion, she had to find out the content of the letter.

Queen Queen, Shangguan Qing, hum, wait and see!

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