Stunning Summoner: Unscrupulous Concubine

Chapter 405: Peerless brother [1]

"Brother?" Bai Qingqing frowned, and called out a little stupidly.

The name elder brother is unfamiliar to her, but also familiar and kind in her bones.

Bai Qingqing is the only brother in this world who loves her, Bai Qingchen.

He is back?

He was taken to the mountain by a master to practice since he was eight years old. He hasn't returned home for twelve years. That year, Bai Qingqing was only four years old. His impression of him was nothing more than loving her very much.

But I don't remember all the details.

"Qing'er! Brother is not good, brother shouldn't just focus on his own cultivation, brother should come back earlier, and it won't make you...make you suffer so many years of grievances!"

As Bai Qingchen spoke, his eyes were red.

Mingrunruyu's face is full of regret.

There is no sun and moon in the mountains, and he has been there for twelve years. During these twelve years, although he thought of this sister from time to time, he thought that his family was rich and his father would not treat her badly.

But never thought that her life at home would be so unbearable.

This time he went home and heard everything about her, he almost turned blue with regret.

What about the height of Sora?

The only sister has suffered so many grievances.

"Brother...Brother..." Bai Qingqing called out the name in embarrassment.

But when she called out, turbulent emotions rushed out, this is the feelings and grievances that have been hidden in this body for many years.

She felt it all the time when she received this body, how much Bai Qingqing missed this elder brother.

That kind of miss contains deep grievances and pain.

Finally, I finally saw it.

Bai Qing couldn't control her emotions. She didn't know whether it was Bai Qing in her body or her own without relatives.

Just seeing this older brother who can be used as a reliance, desperately rushed up and fell into the arms of his elder brother.

They all need this embrace that they can rely on.

"Okay, don't be afraid, there will be an older brother in the future, and I will never ask anyone to bully you!" Bai Qingchen patted her and said sadly.

"Brother, I miss you so much!" Bai Qingqing cried aggrievedly.

"My brother is not good, my brother should have come back long ago!"

"Brother, it's not your fault. No one expected that so many changes would happen!" She could feel the pain of this pro-brother.

The nose is sour.

The feeling Bai Qingchen gave her was like the feeling her father had given her before.

You can let her lean on with confidence, and will sweep the way ahead for her and give her a beautiful road.

"No, brother shouldn't have gone for twelve years!"

"You have no choice. There are regulations on the mountain that you must concentrate on practicing and not contact the outside world. Brother, I know everything."

It is precisely because of this rule that for so many years, she has not heard from Bai Qingchen, and Bai Qingchen does not know what happened to her.

And she didn't want Bai Qingchen to feel guilty for it.

"Qing'er, you are really grown up and sensible! If you do this, brother feels more guilty!"

"Brother, really don't feel guilty. Look at me, isn't it good now?" Bai Qingqing said with a light smile.

There is an older brother who is really good. She suddenly felt that she was no longer alone.

In this world, there is another brother who protects her like this.

"Fortunately, you are fine, otherwise, even if your brother died, he wouldn't be able to make up for this fault!" Bai Qingchen gently touched Bai Qingqing's head, and said indulgingly.

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