"Why didn't you find out how to cook like this before ..." said Rabbit with a pity.

"This shows that human potential is unlimited." Cheng Zhiyan lowered her head and pecked gently on her rosy lips, and then touched her furry head and said, "Good, eat dinner."

"Okay." Rabbit nodded, and quickly sat down at the table.

I don't know if the appetite really increased because of the twins, or the psychological effect. Anyway, that night, the rabbit ate twice as much food as usual.

Cheng Zhiyan looked at her with a bit of surprise, and then shook his head with a smile. "It seems that there is more to cook in the future."

"Well ... do you think I should control my appetite?" After the bunny finished eating, he felt his bulging belly, blinked a pair of watery eyes and looked at Cheng Zhiyan: "You said With my way of eating, will it soon become as fat as a blown ball? "

"Well ... this, you can study it." Cheng Zhiyan thought for a while, and said to the rabbit: "It is logical to control the weight during pregnancy to prevent the fetus from becoming too big during birth, but you are pregnant Twins ... this ... seems ... I'm not quite sure. "

Little Rabbit listened to Cheng's words and couldn't help but laugh.

Cheng Zhiyan looked at her white, pink face with a smile like a flower, and asked a little funny: "What are you laughing at?"

"I ..." Xiaotu looked at Cheng Zhi with a smile and said, "I'm laughing. I can't think of anything in the world that my brother in orange juice doesn't know."

Cheng Zhiyan said for a moment, then smiled and touched her head, "I'm not a panacea."

"Um." Rabbit continued to smile and squint.

"That's right." Cheng Zhiyan smiled for a while, then suddenly said to the little rabbit: "From this evening, let's sleep together."

"Ah ?? Why?" The bunny looked at him with a puzzled look.

"I'm afraid I might accidentally bump into you." Cheng Zhiyan looked at her, and her clear eyes were full of tender expressions: "And ... I hold you every day, but I can only see if I can't eat ... ... "

He didn't say the following words, but the rabbit understood it instantly.

The little white face was flushed.

Her watery eyes rolled around, and then she looked at Cheng Zhi with a smirk expression: "Hey hey, don't you have to endure nine months? Would you hold you bad?"

"..." Cheng Zhiyan looked at the expression on her face, and couldn't help but look at her with a smile. "Why, you look happy?"

"No, I'm not very happy, I'm just gloating." Xiaotu made a grimace at Cheng Zhiyan, relying on his pregnancy now, he didn't dare to take care of himself, and suddenly arrogant.

Cheng Zhiyan gave a long sigh, a pair of clear eyes looked at the bunny meaningfully, and said word by word: "It's good to say that gentlemen should take revenge ten years later. Some people, don't do it for you She talked fast, and forgot how many more years she would have to live with me. "

As soon as he said this, the smile on the rabbit's face disappeared instantly.

"And ..." Cheng Zhiyan looked at her slowly and said slowly: "After the first three months, I don't need to hold on, you may not know?"

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