Stupidly Cute Qing Mei: The Childhood Friend is Too Black Bellied

Chapter 1045: The old driver didn't drive for a long time

The little rabbit looked at Cheng Zhiyan in front of her, listening to what the host said, some of her eyes could not help being slightly wet.

Bunny's mother was sitting under the stage, wiping her tears, while watching her daughter.

Dr. Xu looked at her somewhat reluctantly, and handed her a tissue.

When Xiaotu finally stood on the stage, Cheng Zhiyan took Xiaotu's hand from his father's hands, and a pair of clear eyes twinkled under the lights of the stage.

"Our groom and bride grew up together from childhood, and they rode on the bamboo horse to get around the bed. They talked about the friendship between the two of them. They have been in love for nineteen years. Nineteen years, here, we wish the new couple, white-headed and old, forever in love! "

After the host's impassioned speech, Cheng Zhiyan knelt down on one knee, holding a dazzling diamond ring in his hand, and asked the rabbit with a smile on his face: "Will you marry me? Hands, and Zizi old. "

"I'm willing." Little Rabbit could not help but drop tears of happiness, she nodded towards Cheng Zhiyan.

"Okay, now, the groom can kiss the bride !!" The host looked at the pair and announced loudly.

Cheng Zhiyan reached out, gently held the bunny in his arms, lowered his head, and kissed her rosy lips.

One second ...

Two seconds ...

Three seconds ...

Ten seconds ...

The host couldn't help but reach out and wipe the sweat on his forehead. Whatever, this elder brother, it ’s enough for the groom and the bride to kiss the bride at the wedding. What ’s the point of it? ?

The relatives and friends under the stage did not react at first, and now watching the two kiss more and more engaged, one by one, could not help but start to coax.

Applause, whistling, chopsticks, one after another.

The bunny was caught in Cheng's arms, her face flushed, and she desperately wanted to struggle, but she was too tightly hugged, and she didn't dare to struggle too clearly. It took a long time to let go.

The host saw a long sigh of relief when they saw that they had finally separated.

"That ... seeing our new couple, the feelings are so deep, we ... we are also quite relieved, what, all love, isn't it the same ... this this ... that ... cough, below The wedding banquet officially started. "Rao is the host who has been in the field for many times and has hosted countless weddings. When facing this situation, he couldn't help but start talking incoherently.

"It's time to change clothes and toast, it's time to change clothes!" The host took off the headset and stepped out of the stage while urging behind them both.

Cheng Zhiyan held Bunny's arm and watched her step down carefully before walking towards the wedding hall.

The parents of the two also hurried out.

After the bunny changed her dress, under the leadership of the staff, she started toasting in a private room.

In the private room, most of Lao Cheng's leading colleagues are from the government, so it is not convenient to show up in the lobby, but this does not prevent them from taking the opportunity to tease a new couple.

Every time I got to a private room, some people clamored for the bride and father-in-law to have a glass of wine. Lao Cheng was flushed with coquettish cheeks by them, facing Cheng Yan's almost murderous eyes.

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