"What you think is unreal may not be unreal!"

"What you think is real may not be an illusion!"

"Illusion and reality are just a matter of flipping my hand……"

"Chu Xuan, you will know soon……"

The Phantom King Gust smiled and spoke softly.

His voice seemed very quiet, but it seemed that the whole space could hear it.

Chu Xuan narrowed his eyes, and the prompt text appeared at the bottom of his vision.

【The opponent launches a mental attack on you……】

Chu Xuan had just glanced at the line of text when something strange happened!

Whoosh whoosh— in the sky, a sudden strong wind blew!

Then, a black shadow swooped down from the sky as fast as lightning!

As the black shadow lowered its altitude, Chu Xuan narrowed his eyes, and a look of surprise appeared on his face.

The black shadow was about tens of meters long, with a huge head, a narrow body, scales covering the surface of its body, wings on its back, and two extremely sharp claws...

This is a dragon!

A Western dragon!


Chu Xuan frowned slightly.

Dragons, as a creature, exist only in fantasy, whether in the previous life on Earth or in this world full of superpowers!

How could a dragon suddenly appear?

This dragon could only be an illusion!

Chu Xuan's thoughts turned, and his eyes were fixed on the giant dragon that was swooping down rapidly.


【Type: Western dragon, Fire dragon】

【[Hint: Danger!]

A few lines of short text suddenly appeared in Chu Xuan's field of vision.


Chu Xuan was stunned.

What does it mean?

His own eyes... Is this reminding himself that this dragon is not an illusion? Is it a real dragon?

A dragon that only exists in fantasy?

Chu Xuan frowned and secretly mobilized the power of faith of the λ-driver in his body.

As always.

This means that he is not under an illusion...

Then, after excluding the impossible, no matter how absurd the remaining is, it must be the fact!

While he was slightly stunned, the fire dragon had already dived to about 100 meters above the ground.

"Dragon flame!"

At this time, the Phantom God King Gust, who was not far away, said softly.

Whoosh - the fire dragon suddenly opened its mouth, and a mouthful of hot dragon flame sprayed towards Chu Xuan on the ground!

It was about to spray on Chu Xuan, completely covering Chu Xuan!

"Gravity control, twenty times, go!"

Chu Xuan's mind moved.

A gravity field appeared on him.


Chu Xuan flew high into the sky in an instant.

""Dragon claws!"

The Phantom God King said softly again.

The fire dragon flapped its wings and instantly pounced on Chu Xuan in mid-air. Its two huge dragon claws suddenly grabbed

"Gravity control, sixty times, back!"

Chu Xuan said softly, and the speed of the fire dragon was instantly pulled back by sixty times the gravity, unable to move.

"Gravity control, twenty times, diagonally upwards!"

Chu Xuan changed the gravity field on his body again, his body drew an arc in the air, and flew towards the back of the fire dragon!

"Dragon tail strikes!" said the Phantom God King with a frown.

Swish - the huge dragon tail swept over, bringing with it a gust of wind!

"Gravity control, sixty times, down!"

The gravity field was applied to himself, and Chu Xuan instantly accelerated and fell diagonally, barely dodging the dragon's tail, and landed heavily on top of the fire dragon!


Even though Chu Xuan weighed only a hundred pounds, under sixty times the gravity, it became nearly ten tons!

Being hit on the head by a weight of nearly ten tons, even a dragon would be instantly knocked dizzy.

Whoosh - the fire dragon suddenly lost its balance and fell sharply!

""Shinra Tenzheng!"

At the moment the fire dragon fell to the ground, Chu Xuan pressed his hands on the dragon's head and suddenly made a loud noise.

Boom boom boom...

The huge fire dragon's head was blasted deeply into the ground, and half of the dragon's body was buried underground!

""Earth-shattering star!"

Chu Xuan raised his hand again and released a black dot.

The black dot flew into the fire dragon's body, and gravity was instantly generated. The surrounding dirt and rocks kept flying, colliding, and tightly attracted!

In just a dozen breaths, the fire dragon was turned into a huge sphere with a diameter of more than ten meters!

Chu Xuan raised his hand, and the huge sphere slowly rose into the air, forming a circle with the previous five spheres, and slowly rotated in the air.

"Tsk tsk, not bad, not bad! Chu Xuan, Chu Xuan, I really didn't expect that your strength has reached such a level! Those five idiots really deserved to lose! I'm afraid your understanding and mastery of gravity control ability has far surpassed those five idiots!"

"But, so what? Without crossing that hurdle, you are still just a mortal!"

"But I am the real God!"

"In front of God, no matter how strong a mortal like you is, there is no chance of winning!"

The Phantom King Gust sneered and waved his hands.

Whoosh whoosh...

In the distant sky, black dots suddenly appeared one after another.

Each black dot was a dragon!

A rough count showed that there were as many as dozens!

These dozens of dragons flapped their wings at the same time, circled in the sky, and then suddenly swooped down towards Chu Xuan!

In Chu Xuan's vision, warning words kept appearing:

【Tip: Western dragon, ice dragon, dangerous!】

【Tip: Western dragon, fire dragon, danger!】

【Tips: Western dragon, lightning dragon, danger!】

【Tip: Western dragon, black dragon, dangerous!】


Chu Xuan frowned as he looked at the prompts in his vision, knowing that these dragons were not illusions.

However, this Illusionary God King, Gust, was clearly just an illusionist, how could he summon so many dragons?

And they were dragons that shouldn't even exist in this world! What on earth was going on?

No matter what, we had to capture the king first. No matter how Gust summoned these dragons, as long as he was controlled, everything would be solved!

Whoosh whoosh whoosh...

At this moment, dozens of giant dragons had already rushed down, ready to pounce on Chu Xuan!

"Gravity wall! 100 times!"

Chu Xuan raised his hand and waved it, and said softly.

Swish! A transparent wall instantly appeared in front of Chu Xuan.


The black dragon in the front suddenly hit the wall.


The gravity rebounded by 100 times, instantly sending it flying like a meteor!

Boom boom boom...

Then several dragons hit it from different angles one after another, and all flew back in the direction of the collision at a faster speed than when they came!

Gravity wall, this is a new move developed by Chu Xuan after he comprehended the gravity of level X.

This wall is completely formed by a force field. When it is hit by an external force, it will instantly generate a hundred times the gravity in the opposite direction of the external force!

Therefore, any object that hits the gravity wall will fly back in the direction it came from!

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