"Yes... Yes……"

Finally, Di Mi blushed and said in a voice as soft as a mosquito.

"Are they exactly the same?"

Chu Xuan asked

"I haven't compared this...……"

Di Mi's face turned even redder.

That mole...it was not convenient for her to observe it herself.

"Otherwise, let your assistant take a look for you now, and it would be best if you could take a picture for me."Chu Xuan said

"OK...ok……"Di Mi nodded and went to the next room with her assistant Xiao Mei.

Five minutes later, the two came back.

Di Mi came out with a red face and took out her phone and handed it to Chu Xuan.

There was a photo on the phone with a mole in the middle and a circle of mosaics around it.

Chu Xuan took it and compared it with the picture in the video...

Sure enough, they were exactly the same!

Seeing Chu Xuan finished watching, Di Mi quickly took back the phone, clicked a few times, and deleted the photo.

"There is also a 'Recently Deleted Photos' in the phone album, remember to clear that too. Also check if there is any automatic cloud backup or something like that……"Chu Xuan kindly reminded.


��Di Mi's beautiful face turned even redder, but she kept tapping on her phone, following Chu Xuan's reminder, and went to several other places to delete...

After a while, after confirming that it had been completely deleted, Di Mi said to Chu Xuan again:"Mr. Chu, how is it? Can you verify your guess now? What's going on? Could it be that someone is deliberately imitating me? But, even I don't know the moles on my body completely, so how can the person who imitates me know it completely?"

Di Mi's tone was extremely anxious.

Now the woman who pretended to be her is just cheating some gifts in the underground live broadcast room.

If that woman appears in public and pretends to be her, it will be terrible!

Or that woman simply releases those videos to the Internet...

It can be imagined that even if the whole thing can be clarified in the end, it will definitely have a fatal impact on her reputation!

Before asking the Lightning Queen for help, Di Mi had actually taken action.

She asked her assistant Xiao Mei to contact the underground live broadcast platform, hoping that the other party would ban the live broadcast room of the woman who pretended to be her.

However, the other party responded that the woman did not pretend to be her.

First of all, the woman's appearance was verified by the platform, not a cutout; secondly, the woman called herself Di Mimi, which has an extra"mi" in"Di Mi"!

This is very difficult...

If the woman really looks exactly like Di Mi, then Di Mi really can't stop the other party...

But she doesn't believe that there is such an incredible coincidence in the world, so she found Liu Qing for help!

"Jarvis, have you found the other party's IP and address?"

"Already found, sent to your phone, owner"

"Good job, Jarvis."

Chu Xuan smiled slightly, and looked at Di Mi and Xiao Mei again,"Now, do you want to go with me to find that woman, or just wait here for news?"

"Of course I'll go with you!"

Dimi said without hesitation.


Ten minutes later, the three of them got into Chu Xuan's ordinary car.

"Mr. Chu, who were you talking to in the room just now?" Di Mi sat in the co-pilot seat and asked carefully

"My assistant, Jarvis."Chu Xuan said

""Your assistant found the other party's IP and address so quickly?" Di Mi was surprised.

In fact, she also commissioned a few hackers through her connections to find the other party's address.

Unfortunately, since it was an underground live broadcast platform, it naturally did a good job in IP encryption. The hackers had no clue at all, but they didn't expect that it only took a few minutes from Chu Xuan watching the live broadcast to finding the IP and address!

"Yes, my assistant is really good."

Chu Xuan smiled slightly.

Xiaomei, who was sitting in the back row, curled her lips in dissatisfaction.


Half an hour later, the car stopped at the foot of an apartment building.

The name of this apartment is Beehive Apartment, and it is worthy of its name. There are more than a hundred households on each floor, and each household is a very small apartment with a single room, a kitchen and a bathroom.

Chu Xuan and the other two went up to the 30th floor and came to the door of one of the rooms.

This is the address that Jarvis found.

The underground live broadcast platform itself was built abroad, but the woman who looked exactly like Di Mi connected to the live broadcast platform from this address.

Knock knock knock!

Chu Xuan knocked on the door

"Who are you looking for?"A voice came from the door.

"I'm looking for Zhang Lili." Chu Xuan responded.

This was the name on the ID card that Jarvis had found when applying for broadband internet.

However, the photo on this ID card did not look like Dimi.


The door opened.

"What do you want from me?"

A woman opened the door and asked.

Her forehead, eyebrows, eyes, nose, mouth, cheeks, chin, neck... were exactly the same as Dimi's!

Except for the clothes she was wearing, there was no difference at all!

Of course, her clothes didn't have much fabric either.

"Is there really someone who looks exactly like me?"

Di Mi couldn't help but exclaimed, and stood up from behind Chu Xuan, looking at the woman in surprise.

Assistant Xiao Mei was also extremely surprised.

Are there really two identical leaves in the world?

At this time, in Chu Xuan's eyes, the woman's information quickly displayed:

【Name: Zhang Lili】

【Age: 27】

【Identity: S-class superpower】

【Ability: S-level simulation ability】

【Inner thoughts: Oh no! The genuine product is here! What should I do? What should I do? Di Mi actually came to my house……】

""I see!"

Chu Xuan immediately understood.

Zhang Lili's ability was simulation, so she simulated Di Mi's appearance.……

【S-level simulation ability discovered, should the ability be extracted?】


【S-level simulation ability has been extracted!

Chu Xuan extracted this S-level simulation ability, and after experiencing it for a while, he sealed it into a seed and sank it deep into his mind.

"Zhang Lili, change back to your original form, we can still solve this problem through conversation."

Chu Xuan directly extracted the two abilities of fire and freezing to the surface of his brain and snapped his fingers.

Whoosh - whoosh - a ball of fire and a ball of freezing air instantly appeared beside Zhang Lili and began to rotate around her.

These two abilities were not the best that Chu Xuan mastered, but for ordinary people, they had the most obvious visual effects.

Even Zhang Lili, who had just awakened superpowers, was no exception!

That's right, from Zhang Lili's eyes, expression, and heart, Chu Xuan could judge that this Zhang Lili was definitely just a guy who had just awakened superpowers.

She was one of the superpower awakenings today!

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