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"What do you think? Chu Xuan, as a powerful superpower, are you still willing to be controlled by this old world? Don't you want to be the master of this world? Don't you want to build a brand new world? Build a brand new world, and you will be the king of this world!"

"How about it? Chu Xuan, join me! You and I will join forces to rebuild the Kingdom of God!"

"Rebuild the order of this world!"

The more the Divine Emperor Kane spoke, the more excited he became. He waved his hands constantly, and his eyes shone with excitement.

"Haha, Kane, Kane, it turns out that you are a psychopath and a paranoid!"Chu Xuan shook his head and sneered.

"Chu Xuan, do you really want to go against me? If you must go against me, then I will have no choice but to kill you! Your strength is strong enough, so if you don't join me, you will only die!"Kane narrowed his eyes.

"Stop talking nonsense, come on, only one of us can survive." Chu Xuan said calmly

"Haha, okay, then I will kill you with my own hands! All those who hinder the Kingdom of God's plan must die! All of them must die!"

Kane laughed wildly, and walked towards Chu Xuan step by step without stopping.

""Super-Electromagnetic Gun!"

Liu Qingjiao shouted, and took the lead in reaching out her hand. A coin instantly accelerated and shot straight at Kane!

The speed of the Super-Electromagnetic Gun was extremely fast. Although it could not reach the speed of light, it shot in front of Kane like lightning.

Kane didn't know whether he was scared or didn't react. He didn't move at all!

But in front of him, a black circle suddenly appeared!

Whoosh - the Super-Electromagnetic Gun coin hit the black circle.……

""Hit it!"

Liu Qing shouted excitedly.

However, there was no movement afterwards!

There was not a single wound on Kane's body!

The coin shot by the electromagnetic cannon into the black circle seemed to have disappeared out of thin air, as if it had never existed!

""What...what's going on?" Liu Qing was stunned.

"Space superpower! His ability is space" Chu Xuan said lightly

"Space power? It's not like flashing, or teleporting." Liu Qing asked curiously

"Teleportation and flashing are just two ways to apply space power! Kane has XXX-level space power, so how could his use of space power be limited to flashing and teleportation? If I am not mistaken, the coin you fired from the electromagnetic cannon just now has already been shot into another space!" Chu Xuan explained.

"What? Another space?"Liu Qing asked in surprise

"Yes, that black circle is just a space entrance! It is worthy of being a XXX-level space superpower, almost invulnerable!"Chu Xuan's face became serious.

"What? Another entrance to another space?"Liu Qing's face became serious, and he said unconvincedly:"Then I'll try again!"

After that, Liu Qing stretched out his hands and shouted,"Super-Electromagnetic Cannon, shotgun burst!"

Whoosh whoosh whoosh... one coin after another whizzed towards Kane.

However, the black circle in front of Kane was like a shield, or a giant mouth that could swallow everything, swallowing all the super-electromagnetic cannon coins!

""Lightning Spear!"

Liu Qing shouted.

After using the Lightning Spear several times, she has basically mastered the trick of the Lightning Spear. She can use a small Lightning Spear with her own strength!


A small blue-white light spear several meters long cut through the distance of space like lightning and appeared in front of Kane in an instant... but was easily swallowed by the black circle again!

There was not even a ripple in the air!

"This this……"Liu Qing's eyes twitched, and his expression was shocked.

""It's rude not to return the favor. How about you take my move?"

At this time, Kane sneered, raised his hand, and bent his fingers.

A small black dot quickly formed at his fingertips...

Then, Kane flicked his finger!

Whoosh - this soybean-sized black dot cut through the space and shot straight towards Chu Xuan and Liu Qing.

"Jarvis, try to block it."Chu Xuan said calmly

"As you wish, Master!"

Jarvis responded, and then a piece of adamantium alloy with a diameter of five or six meters and a thickness of two meters suddenly flew out from the huge Transformer, acting as a huge shield, blocking Chu Xuan and Liu Qing!

Puff - the next second, with a light sound, the soybean-sized black dot actually penetrated the two-meter-thick adamantium alloy directly into a transparent hole and flew towards Chu Xuan and Liu Qing!

Fortunately, although this transparent black dot has super strong penetrating power, its speed is not fast, almost slightly slower than ordinary people shooting arrows, not to mention the super-electromagnetic gun._Feilu reminds you: Three things to read - collection

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