A group of smaller bugs began to emerge from the space gate. They were the size of wolfhounds, but they were swift, had extremely sharp claws, and could jump several meters high!

These were the lowest-level dog bugs among the several types of insects that had appeared before!

After the dog bugs rushed out of the space gate, they made strange noises, and then scattered together, rushing towards the tall circular walls in all directions!

""Fire! Fire!"

The commander gave the order.

Dadada... countless guns roared and spit out flames, and countless metal bullets shot at the dogworms!

However, the bullets of ordinary guns had to hit the same position on the dogworms many times in a row before they could penetrate their shells!

The shells on their bodies were too hard!

Only heavy artillery could cause serious injuries to them with one shot!

Boom boom boom...

With the roar of heavy artillery, many dogworms fell down and were blown to pieces, but more dogworms rushed out of the space gate fearlessly.

People don't know that dogworms are cannon fodder among the Zerg!

They always win by numbers!

Dadada... Boom boom boom...

Countless guns and artillery roared, and I don't know how many dogworms were killed, but they still couldn't completely resist the charge of the dogworms. The entire defense line was constantly retreating towards the tall circular wall!

""Superpowers, take action!"

On the tall circular wall, those superpowers with long-range attack capabilities also shouted in unison,"Attack with all your might!"


The fire-type superpowers shouted loudly, and fired fireballs one after another.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh...

Fireballs bombarded the dog bugs, and the fireballs instantly exploded, forming pieces of flames, and the pieces of flames connected together to form walls of fire!

Those dog bugs that rushed directly to the fire wall were burned to ashes while wailing!

However, a circle of fire walls could not stop a larger number of bugs!

Countless bugs rushed to the fire wall and used their bodies to extinguish the fire wall!

""Ice storm!"

The ice-type superpowers shouted loudly, and countless ice storms formed, sweeping towards the bugs that had just passed through the fire wall!

Countless bugs were immediately frozen into ice sculptures, and fell to the ground under the action of inertia, breaking into ice debris!

But the ice storm also has its limits. Whether it is the fire wall or the ice storm, it will continuously consume the superpowers' superpowers!

When the superpowers are used up, they will no longer have any power!

""Terrain change!"

A super-powered person with the ability to control terrain shouted, turning the land in front of him into a swamp. Countless insects rushed forward and fell into the swamp.

But the number of insects was too large. Countless insects fell into the swamp and filled it up at the same time. The remaining insects stepped on the corpses of their own kind and continued to charge towards the wall!

"Telekinetic attack!"

A telekinetic superpower shouted loudly, and countless telekinetic bullets formed in the air, quickly shooting the insects that rushed in front of them into sieves.

"Air wall!"

Another superpower waved his hands, and a transparent wall blocked a group of insects rushing in front of him.

"Melee superpowers! Attack!"

Someone shouted.

Roar, roar, roar...

Under the wall, the superpowers who were good at close combat and had body strengthening systems shouted and transformed!

Some transformed into bears, some turned into stone men, some used super powers, and some cold weapon specialists wielded swords, guns, sticks and clubs...

Boom, boom, boom...

The bugs that rushed to the foot of the wall were constantly blasted into pieces by the crowd!

In this way, modern weapons suppressed the bugs in the distance with firepower, long-range attack superpowers dealt with the charging bugs, and melee superpowers killed the bugs that rushed to the foot of the wall!

Soon, this wave of charging bugs was wiped out!

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