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The swarm of insects was constantly bombarded, but the number was dense and endless.

Finally, someone couldn't hold on!

The first to be unable to hold on were the melee superpowers who were fighting the swarm of insects under the wall!

Although they can transform into bears, werewolves, and stone men, and although they have an overwhelming advantage when facing ordinary people, when facing the Zerg, even if they have transformed, even if many of them have super strength, super speed and other abilities, they can't take any advantage in the face of dense Zerg melee!

Not to mention taking advantage, even if they can resist, it is very reluctant!

Because the number of insects is too large, the superpowers in their bodies are being consumed rapidly.

Soon, they have been consumed!

A superpower, no matter how powerful his superpowers are, once his power is exhausted, he is just an ordinary person!


With a scream, a bear man had used up all his strength and recovered from his bear man state to become an ordinary person. He was immediately rushed up by a dog-worm, which dug its sharp front claws deep into his chest!

"Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!"

Another roar, a superpower who turned into a stone man and firmly blocked a giant mammoth worm, because of the exhaustion of superpower, quickly changed from the stone man state back to the state of an ordinary person!

Then, the huge mammoth worm raised its foot and stepped down!

The stone man superpower was directly stepped into a ball of meat paste!

Swish swish swish...

A superpower with super speed, also because of the exhaustion of superpower in the body, the speed continued to slow down, from a gust of wind speed to only a little faster than an ordinary person.

Puff - a ball of acid sprayed by the thorn snake worm instantly poured on the face of the superpower. He could no longer dodge with superhuman speed, and immediately fell to the ground and screamed in pain.

Puff puff puff!

Several dog worms immediately rushed over from the side, and the sharp insect claws on the chest!

""Retreat! Retreat! All melee superpowers!"

On the tall wall, the commander immediately gave the order.

Those guns and artillery, as well as the superpowers with long-range attacks, all changed from attacking the bugs to covering the melee superpowers' retreat!

However, the wall was a hundred meters high. Because they underestimated the enemy beforehand and did not prepare the retreat stairs at all, many melee superpowers were trapped after retreating to the foot of the wall!

Thousands of melee superpowers were about to be torn to pieces by the bugs!

At this time, black shadows suddenly flew in the sky.

Those black shadows quickly descended.

""It's a transport plane! It's a large transport plane!"

Someone pointed and shouted.

Those black shadows were exactly the huge transport planes!

Then, those transport planes quickly opened their belly doors.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh... one by one, the black dots fell down quickly!

Those black dots kept adjusting their positions in the air, and finally, they all fell into the middle area surrounded by the circular wall!

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

One by one, the black dots fell to the ground, making a deafening noise.

"Oh my god! What is this?"

"This, is it so big? Oh my god! Such a big robot?"

"Where on earth did this giant robot come from?"

Everyone on the wall exclaimed in unison.

In front of them, the black spots falling down were actually giant robots!

These giant robots were at least tens of meters high, and the tallest of them was actually a hundred meters high!

Da Da Da...

As soon as these giant robots landed, several gun muzzles immediately appeared all over their bodies, and flames continued to spit out.

Under the firepower of these robots, the short dog insects immediately fell one after another.

The tall mammoth giant insects rushed towards the giant robots one after another, and the huge machines and huge insects started a fierce fight in the middle area of the wall!

And those melee superpowers who were forced to the foot of the wall were also like being pardoned one by one. With the help of the people above the wall, they desperately climbed up the wall and escaped._Feilu reminds you: Three things to read - collection

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