The three giant insects were about to raise their claws to attack, but suddenly, their bodies began to spin uncontrollably and flew into the air.

Chu Xuan's ice cyclone attack was successful!


What's going on?

How did we get up into the air?

In the sound of the wind and the cold air, the three giant insects were startled.

They looked at the ground in despair, and saw that the target of the attack was twisting his supernatural powers in his hands. Without any imagination, they knew that these powerful ice cyclones were the masterpieces of Chu Xuan. The three giant insects were instantly furious.

However, just as they were about to fight against the surrounding ice cyclones, gusts of extremely cold air turned them into sculptures.

In an instant, under Chu Xuan's gravity summon,"Pop!""Pop!" A few times, the three giant insects fell down one after another. The ice cyclone disappeared, and after being frozen at an extremely fast speed, the giant insects were heavily thrown to the ground of the castle, and immediately turned into ice chips.

"Ah, this is also possible"

"My god, it's unbelievable."

"What an amazing ability!"

"We, the psychics of the ancient castle, cannot fall behind others. Attack! Start!"

Around him, the psychics under the lord of the castle used their attack skills unwillingly. When the psychics were used, the attack momentum and attack power were amplified several times at the same time.

The invading alien insects around were all in trouble.

However, compared with the three giant Zergs that Chu Xuan dealt with, the psychics of the ancient castle only dealt with some Zergs that were relatively weak in size and attack power.

The psychic with space transfer didn't know how to fight when these Zergs approached.

Chu Xuan instructed him,"Hold your breath and sense your own superpowers. Don't distract yourself. No matter how hard it is, you must gather the power to summon superpowers!"

The lord of the castle also encouraged this subordinate who was admired by Chu Xuan,"What's wrong with you? Attack, do you still want this lord of the castle to protect you?"

"I am not, Lord Castle Master."


"Space transfer!"

""Pop!" A wall of more than ten square meters was summoned by the psychic. Under Chu Xuan's instruction, the pressure from the castle lord, and the expectations of everyone. The space psychic finally succeeded in pressing a wall against the Zerg that was pouring in like a tide.


More than a dozen insects were crushed to pieces on the spot.

Countless green sticky liquids were squeezed and sprayed out from the bodies of these insects.

The psychic who was instructed by Chu Xuan and concentrated his willpower was so moved that tears filled his eyes.

He looked at his hands and said excitedly,"Success, I succeeded, I succeeded……"

The sense of accomplishment and the grateful look towards Chu Xuan were beyond description.

The fortress lord saw his men successfully summon the space wall and crushed the Zerg into a meat pie, and he shouted,"This is how you summon the superpower, but it seems pretty good."……"

Liu Qing corrected him,"Your men have done a great job, why don't you appreciate it?"

Qian Que said while fighting side by side,"Maybe he is thinking about how to protect his castle and prevent the castle's property from suffering greater losses. Miser Castle Master, am I right?"

The Castle Master showed a teasing and embarrassed expression, not knowing how to answer the straightforward Qian Que.

And the superpower person really didn't feel too grateful to the Castle Master.

Instead, he was very impressed with Chu Xuan.

Such a superpower person, he actually knew how to encourage himself, guide himself to release his potential, and summon superpowers.

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