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"Boss, we are doing well here. But the castle lord and his people are in a terrible situation."

Chu Xuan turned around suddenly.

He was suddenly shocked.

"Didn't I send Qianque to plug the hole? Why did the defense line still get broken by these red brain worms? I don't want to see such a scene, Liu Qing. You go too."

Liu Qing was shocked.

When she was fighting, she had a special habit, that is, no matter where Chu Xuan was, she would be there.

In this way, she could keep an eye on her boyfriend!

But now, as the battle became stalemate, Chu Xuan actually sent her to the battlefield behind him to help the castle lord and his men whose fighting power was instantly disintegrated.

Liu Qing was stunned for two seconds, selected the armor-piercing knife and the sealing sword from the equipment, took small steps, turned around quickly and ran forward.

That was the direction of Chu Xuan's back!

""Red brainworm, go to hell."

Liu Qing used the Sealing Sword to seal the tomato-sized"stinky red bomb" that bounced from the air. Then he used the Armor-Breaking Knife to cut off the head of the red brainworm.

The small group of red brainworms who were"reveling" just now were all stunned to see that a human woman could have such amazing destructive power.

"Liu Qing, well done, your performance exceeded my expectations."

Chu Xuan saw that the battle over there was extremely fierce and had achieved actual combat results, so he was naturally happy for them.

For the first time, under Chu Xuan's encouragement, Yasuo used his space conversion superpower.

At this time, he had completed the second energy gathering.

"Chu Xuan, Boss!"

His voice was a little excited

"Uh... Yasuo, you recovered so quickly? Come here, come to my side.

Chu Xuan stretched out his hand. Yaqi was reluctant, but trusting, so he also stretched out his hand to Chu Xuan.

"I will use this superpower with you."

Yasuo looked at Chu Xuan in disbelief.

Chu Xuan nodded to him. His resolute eyes and expression made Yasuo's blood boil.

You know, although the remaining Zerg's strength has been severely weakened.

But overall, this Zerg invasion is still quite spectacular so far.

To annihilate all the remaining Zerg.

Unless you use a big move!

Yasuo seemed to have some resonance and induction with Chu Xuan's intention. So he handed over his hand very willingly.

When he heard Chu Xuan say that he would release the"Space" at the same time with him ,"Transformation" superpower, Yasuo's blood boiled all over.

No wonder Chu Xuan recognized him so much.

No wonder Chu Xuan had a super vision.

No wonder Chu Xuan could discover Yasuo's superpowers in the disdainful eyes of the castle lord.

It turns out that he knows everything!

This is really a talented master!

Yasuo sighed in his heart, and his blood boiled all over. He shook hands with Chu Xuan, and the superpower of space transformation suddenly formed two irregular intercommunication energies.

These two energies, like two transparent walls, rushed towards the direction of those red brain worms.

"Space transformation! Fist of power!"



The wall collapsed, the bricks shattered, and the dust filled the sky. The Zergs who were about to make a last-ditch effort to break into the building were suddenly crushed by several solid and lonely walls and ran around. The remaining red brain worms were the first to bear the brunt of the shock wave, which also drowned the rest of the Zerg._Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collection

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