"Sorry, Xuan, I'm leaving, mua~~"

Liu Qing was reluctant to leave, and quickly pecked Chu Xuan on the face, then turned and ran out.

When leaving the theater, Liu Qing had changed into a tight-fitting suit and a cape, and also wore a magnolia mask that covered the upper half of her face!

On the side of the road, Ni Xiaoqian, the elf in the office, was also wearing a magnolia mask, riding a black heavy motorcycle and waiting for Liu Qing.

Liu Qing went out and stepped onto the heavy motorcycle.

Boom - the black heavy motorcycle sped away in an instant!


As soon as the motorcycle disappeared around the corner, Chu Xuan appeared on the side of the road.

"Jarvis, have you caught up?" Chu Xuan said calmly.

"High-altitude drones have been dispatched to accurately lock onto the target!"Jarvis's mechanical voice sounded.

""Okay." Chu Xuan nodded, walked towards his ordinary car, got in, and a map immediately appeared on the windshield in front of him. On the map, a small dot was moving at high speed in front of him.

It was Liu Qing and the elf Ni Xiaoqian.

Ignite and start.

Chu Xuan drove the car and followed the small dot on the map.


Somewhere in the city, several law enforcement officers are surrounding a man in a plaid shirt.

The man's face is covered in blood, and on the ground beside him are several women struggling in a pool of blood with dishevelled clothes.

"Put your hands up!"

"Put your hands up immediately!"

The law enforcement officers pointed their weapons at the man and shouted loudly.

The man in the plaid shirt had a weird smile on his face. He glanced at everyone and said in a weird voice:"You better stay out of my business! Otherwise, you will regret it.……"

After saying that, the man raised his hand and pointed at one of the team members.

The law enforcer's eyes suddenly became blank, and he raised his gun to the sky and pulled the trigger!


The sound of the gunshot made the other law enforcement team members exclaim and turn their heads to look at the team member.

Bang, bang, bang...

The team member fired several shots into the air in a row, then looked at the other team members and said in almost the same strange tone as the man:"I'll say it again, don't meddle in my business, otherwise, next time I won't just shoot into the air... Hehehe……"

"Stand back...Everyone stand back first……"

The law enforcement captain's face suddenly changed and he ordered his team members to retreat temporarily. He knew that the man in front of them must be an evil super-powered being and they were not someone they could deal with!

"Didn't the bureau ask for help from the Super Hero Association? Why hasn't the Super Hero Association sent a superhero yet?"

The captain was extremely anxious. If he delayed any further, this man might commit suicide like the previous"murderers", and the evil super-powered person hiding in the dark would leave arrogantly again!

"Captain! Here we come! The superhero is coming!"

"It’s Mulan Office!"

"It's the Lightning Queen!" Suddenly

, the team members cheered. Amid the cheers, several heavy motorcycles roared over, and with a beautiful tail swing, they stopped in front of them. Liu Qing led Miaomiao and Lajiao to move forward quickly, while the elves specialized in long-range retreated slowly. As for the little transparent with the super power of invisibility, he did not appear. Of course, except for the invisible little transparent, everyone else wore a magnolia mask covering the upper half of their face.

"Leave this to us, you guys step back a little."

Liu Qing said to the captain of the law enforcement team without turning his head, and then took Miaomiao and Lajiao to the murderer not far away.’——The man in the plaid shirt walked over, and as he walked, Liu Qing spoke into the hidden headset on his head:"Elves, pay attention to support, little transparent, pay attention to observation, and try to find the evil superpower behind the scenes as quickly as possible!"……"

This is the standard battle pattern of the five sisters of Mulan Super Hero Agency.

Liu Qing, who is S-level lightning superpower, is the main attacker, La Jiao, who is A-level fire, and Miao Miao, who is A-level ice, are the secondary attackers, the elves who are B-level ranged specialists are responsible for support, and the B-level invisible Xiao Tomoyu is hidden just in case...

It can be said that this is a perfect battle formation that can deal with most opponents!

"Come out! What's the point of hiding in the dark? You are a superpower, come out and have a superpower battle with us if you have the guts!"

Liu Qing slowly walked around the man in the plaid shirt, and while talking, she looked around sharply.

According to her experience, even if the other party is a superpower of hypnosis or illusion, it is impossible for him to be too far away to use his superpowers, and his real body must be nearby!

"Hehehe...Queen of Lightning...I advise you to take these women around you and get out of here! Otherwise, I don't mind tasting you! I don't know which of you women has a better figure? Hehehehehe……"

The man in the plaid shirt wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and his eyes moved greedily and strangely back and forth between Liu Qing, Miao Miao, and La Jiao.

""You scum among the superpowers! I'm going to freeze you into an ice sculpture!"

Miaomiao was immediately furious. With a cry, she raised her hand and pointed!


A stream of ice mist instantly formed and rushed towards the man.

Crack, crack, crack...

In just a few breaths, the man in the plaid shirt was frozen into an ice sculpture!

Miaomiao's ice power would not kill a person if it only froze him into an ice sculpture for a short time without destroying him.


However, just as the man was frozen into an ice sculpture, something strange happened.

A woman who was struggling in a pool of blood with dishevelled clothes beside the man suddenly got up with a weird smile on her face.

After the woman got up, she pushed down the ice sculpture of the man without hesitation!

"Stop it!"

Liu Qing, Miaomiao and Lajiao shouted at the same time.


The ice sculpture fell to the ground and broke into several pieces!

Each piece of ice was a part of the body of the man in the plaid shirt... He couldn't die any more.……


"You are a cruel murderer!"

Liu Qing and the other two shouted angrily.


The woman smiled strangely, then slowly said:"It's a pity that you don't have a man with you, but it doesn't matter, I will cripple you first, and then take you back to enjoy it slowly.……"

After the woman finished speaking, she pointed at Miaomiao.

Miaomiao, who was blaming herself, suddenly paused, with a look of pain, fear, and panic on her face, as if she was fighting and struggling with something...

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