Chu Xuan was originally worried that Liu Qing would find him if he followed too closely, so he deliberately delayed by a few minutes. However, he did not expect that in just a few minutes, things would develop to this extent!

The car moved forward rapidly, and Chu Xuan's eyes penetrated the front windshield and squinted at Liu Qing in front of him.

【Name: Liu Qing (Lightning Queen)】

【Status: About to be controlled by mind’】

【Inner thoughts: You bastard, don't even think about controlling me! I must defeat you……】

【Inner heart (controller): Hehehe... stop struggling.……】


Mind control?

Chu Xuan frowned, and while driving the car forward, he glanced at the other people.

【Name: Guan Miaomiao (Miaomiao)】

【Status: Being controlled by the mind】

【Inner heart: Get out...get out……】

【Inner mind (controller): Hehehe... This feeling of controlling people is really cool!】


【Name: Ouyang Zi (Chili)】

【Status: Being controlled by the mind】

【Inner thought: Asshole...get out of my head now……】

��Inner heart (controller): Kill...kill!】


【Name: Ni Xiaoqian (Elf)】

【Status: Being controlled by the mind】

【Inner Thought: Woohoo... Sister Qing, I'm not trying to attack you. I just can't control myself.……】

【Inner mind (controller): This woman... is so weak!】


Three people have been controlled!

Chu Xuan's eyes turned to the blood-stained woman.

【Name: Jiang Yanping】

【Status: Being controlled by the mind】

【Heart: Who am I?……】

【Inner mind (controller): Lightning Queen, you finally can’t hold on any longer! I will completely control you now! Hehehe!】


Looking at the lines of text in his vision, Chu Xuan quickly understood.

Whether it was Miaomiao and the other three, or Jiang Yanping, who looked like an enemy, they were actually just controlled by the evil superpower who was hiding, using the power of mind control!

This Jiang Yanping was not the real body of the evil superpower, but the evil superpower could use the power of mind control through Jiang Yanping!

Now, Liu Qing might be controlled, or might have been controlled!


"Jarvis, non-lethal, indiscriminate, blanket attack!"

Chu Xuan said expressionlessly without any hesitation.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh...

In the dark sky, a series of whistling sounds rang out.

In just a moment, a series of black shadows fell from the sky, rapidly decreasing in height.

These black shadows were about one meter in diameter, and there were so many of them, so dense that they soon covered half of the sky.……

"Why are there so many... drones?"

The little transparent person who was hiding his body instinctively raised his head and exclaimed.

The next second.

Swish... the dense drones instantly shot out countless needle rain as fine as cow hair!

Each needle was equipped with a strong anesthetic!

Puff puff puff...

Whether it was the woman who crawled out of the pool of blood, or Liu Qing who was struggling, or Miaomiao, Lajiao, Jingling, and the hidden little transparent person, they were all shot by the needles in an instant!

Even the law enforcement team members on the periphery, and the remaining women who were still struggling in the pool of blood, were not spared!

These needles would not take their lives, but they made everyone Someone lost consciousness and fell to the ground in a second!

The reason why Chu Xuan attacked everyone indiscriminately was that he was worried that someone else would be controlled by the evil superpower in hiding!

After all... since Miaomiao and the other two were controlled, and even Liu Qing was almost controlled, if the mind controller wanted to control other people, there would be absolutely no obstacles!

Plop! Plop! Plop...

Everyone present was anesthetized and fell to the ground.

The invisible Xiao Touzi was no exception. The reason why she was also shot was not because Chu Xuan saw her, but because the drones attacked indiscriminately, covering every inch of the ground at the scene.……

"Master, the situation is under control."

Jarvis' voice sounded

"Jarvis, clean up."

Chu Xuan ordered, and quickly got out of the car, picked up Liu Qing, and put her back in the passenger seat.

Then, he took Miaomiao, Lajiao, Jingling, and Xiao Tou Ming back into the car and put them in the back seat.

Of course, Xiao Tou Ming was invisible without clothes before, so...

Chu Xuan quickly covered Xiao Tou Ming with his coat.

After carrying the five women from Mulan Office into the car, Chu Xuan closed the door.

"Jarvis, set up an absolute defense area. No one is allowed to approach the vehicle within 50 meters. Chu Xuan ordered.

""Understood, Master!" Jarvis responded immediately.

At this time, the densely packed drones in the sky had already taken back all the anesthetic needles that had just been shot, and then gathered in the air again, surrounding Chu Xuan's car, floating and slowly rotating.

On hundreds of drones, long black tubes stretched out, which were no longer anesthetic needles, but gun barrels that could spray out real flames!

At the same time, higher in the sky, a large number of drones with a diameter of more than ten meters had light flashing at the bottom, which was the laser weapons starting to charge!

In the distance, more and larger drones were flying quickly!

They were loaded with black technology weapons such as infrasound and electromagnetic kinetic energy!

In the higher deep space, an artificial satellite opened its hatch.

Several huge mechanical groups with a diameter of more than 100 meters flew out, like meteors, and quickly descended in altitude...

At this time, anyone who wanted to get within 50 meters of Chu Xuan's car would die!

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