"Ah Xuan...you are exaggerating, right? What queen goddess! I don't want to be that! I just want to be the little woman in your arms, Ah Xuan!"

Liu Qing reached out and grabbed Chu Xuan's right hand that was not holding the steering wheel.

"Haha, actually, the power of electricity is also very useful in our daily life.……"Chu Xuan smiled slightly

""Hmm? What does that mean?" Liu Qing was puzzled.

Chu Xuan glanced at Liu Qing and explained:

"Xiaoqing, do you know why people have various feelings? Whether it is the feeling of paralysis when being electrocuted, or the sense of sight, hearing, taste, touch related to the eyes, ears, mouth, nose and tongue,……"

"The reason why people have these feelings is because the brain produces these feelings! Why does the brain produce these feelings? That is because the nerves transmit the corresponding bioelectric signals to the brain.……"

"This bioelectric signal is an extremely weak electric current, but no matter how weak it is, it is still an electric current and is also within the super energy range of the electrical system.……"

"So, if you can manipulate this weak bioelectric signal... then you can manipulate your own, or other people's, five senses?"

Chu Xuan finished speaking, and a weak electric current flashed instantly at the fingertips of his right hand that was grabbed by Liu Qing. The weak bioelectric signal was transmitted to Liu Qing's palm in an instant, and then transmitted along the nerves to Liu Qing's brain.……


Liu Qing's body trembled slightly, and he felt a feeling that he was going from hell to heaven...

Within a few seconds, Liu Qing could only close his eyes tightly, holding Chu Xuan's hand tightly with one hand, and holding the car door handle tightly with the other hand, his feet arched up desperately, and his toes gripped the ground...

Chu Xuan stopped the bioelectric current in his hand, and after a long time, Liu Qing let out a long breath, curled up on the seat, hugged his knees, looked at Chu Xuan with a wandering look, and his cheeks flushed.……

"A Xuan……"Liu Qing said vaguely


"Your car... I heard from Yue Xi that it can be invisible, so people outside can't see it, right?"


"Then you pull over, invisible"

"Hmm? What do you want to do?"

"What do you think?……"

Liu Qing said with a chuckle, her eyebrows and eyes were particularly charming.

Chu Xuan quickly pulled over and stopped the car...

Actually, he really just wanted to discuss the use of super powers with Liu Qing.

In fact, he still had many other moves to talk about regarding the use of electric super powers.……


Deep in the ocean, there is an inconspicuous island.

This island is about the size of a county town. It does not exist on the map, but it does exist in reality. In the center of the island, there is a cave. Going into the cave, there is an extremely vast and tall space.

The headquarters of the Kingdom of God is here!

At this time, there are 21 people in the Kingdom of God, including one emperor, four kings, and sixteen main gods. Twenty of them have arrived.

The remaining one will never come. It is the God of Power, Bauer, who was killed by Chu Xuan.

"Blind God, go back and see what happened at that time.……"One of the four kings wearing a black mask, the Phantom King, spoke

"As you wish, Lord Illusionary God King!"

A red masked man slowly walked up to Speed. His nickname was Blind God. As the name suggests, he was blind.

However, he had an extremely magical superpower. He could trace back everything the target person had experienced in the past few days!

At this time, Blind God walked up to Speedy God Speed with his eyes closed, slowly stretched out a hand, and placed it on Speedy God's shoulder.

Then, Blind God's closed eyes began to move rapidly.

After a moment, Blind God spoke:

"Kat rushed into the SH City Superpower Association... Kat destroyed the entire association building... Several superheroes rushed over, Kat defeated them one after another and took away their abilities... Several people in armor rushed over... Kat transformed into a giant and easily defeated……"

Apparently, the blind god was going through Speed's body, recalling everything Speed saw that day.

"A car approached quickly and stopped.

The person who got out should be Chu Xuan...

Chu Xuan used his gravity ability to restore Kat, who had transformed into a giant, to the size of an ordinary person.

Chu Xuan increased the gravity, and Kat could not hold on.

He tried to transform into a water man and drill into the ground...

However, the ground structure was changed by the huge gravity, and Kat could not escape.

He wanted to transform back to human form...

Chu Xuan used his freezing ability, and within ten seconds, Kat was frozen into ice.


The blind god's eyes kept turning, and he quickly told the details of Chu Xuan's victory over Kat.

"Ball approached quickly... Several people in mechas surrounded Ball. They seemed to be superpowers. With the help of mechas, they could exert strength far beyond their normal level... Ball defeated them easily... Chu Xuan took action... He only used one move of gravity control... He changed the direction of gravity... Ball retreated... Ball flew into the sky... Ball fell to the ground... Ball was pulled into a"big" shape by gravity... Ball was forcibly compressed by gravity and exploded.……"

Afterwards, the blind god quickly told the details of Chu Xuan's victory over Bauer.

Although the words were very concise, they made everyone who heard it feel as if they were there!

"Wait, Ball is known as the God of Strength. Although he can't completely control all the strength, he can perfectly control the strength of his body! Although gravity control is a powerful superpower, it doesn't seem possible to crush a body as strong as Ball with just gravity control alone. Q!"

"Yes, unless this Chu Xuan has mastered the X-level gravity control ability! But this Chu Xuan was just an ordinary person with black technology. Even if he suddenly became a superpower with several superpowers, how could he suddenly have the ability of X-level? You know, it is almost impossible for the ability of X-level to be awakened suddenly!"

"Yes, this Chu Xuan is too strange. I suggest sending more people to capture him for research! I even think that this Chu Xuan's research value is even greater than that of Kat!"

"Hmm... I have some doubts whether Chu Xuan is the legendary"perfect container"’……"

The people of the Kingdom of God no longer doubted Chu Xuan's strength, but began to discuss


Almost at the same time.

Swish -

Chu Xuan's car parked on the roadside returned to normal from its invisible state.

Fortunately, there were few passers-by and no commotion.

In the car, in the driver's seat, Chu Xuan's legs were a little weak.

Liu Qing's eyebrows and eyes looked more charming, and she hugged her knees lazily and leaned back in the passenger seat.

"Master, the target person was found staying on an island in the deep sea! And several powerful power fluctuations were found!"

"Do you want to launch an attack? Please give the order, Master!"

At this time, Jarvis's voice suddenly sounded in Chu Xuan's ears.

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