Suddenly Invincible

Chapter 479 Snow-white little beast, Ke Ke digs a grave

Biquge, the fastest update, suddenly invincible!

Keke fell asleep.

It has been asleep for some time, I forget how long.


Suddenly, it felt something moving outside, and its sleeping state was instantly broken, and its cute little snow-white face was full of confusion.

Little Claw rubbed his eyes and blinked a few times. His eyes were watery and pitiful.

"What bastard disturbed Keke's sleep?" It muttered in its heart.

But he quickly forgot about it. Ke Ke thought of something, and her face was full of smiles. She looked evil, as if she was planning to do something bad.

Thinking in his mind, Ke Ke made a stroke in the air with his little claw.

A shovel that seemed to be tailor-made for it appeared. The size was just right for it. It turned out to be a small fairy gold shovel.

"Hey...that bad old man took my little treasure. This time I must poach the treasure inside."

Humming and groaning.

Ke Ke’s little figure disappeared from the spot.

The next moment, its small figure appeared on the edge of the Cemetery of Gods and Demons.

"No, the holy tree is too eye-catching." Keke was distressed, babbling, and the small tree above its head was emitting colorful light. It was too eye-catching, and it was a bit difficult to enter secretly.

Suddenly, the holy tree seemed to have come to life. It was originally bright and bright, but it instantly became dim, and no color could be seen.


Ke Ke's little paws shot continuously, giggling.

Soon it was sneaky, carrying a small shovel on its back, crouching, and disappeared in a flash.

Its big eyes were shining brightly as it stared at one of the stone monuments of gods and demons, then looked at the dirt bag. Its smiling eyes were as crescent as the moon, and it was extremely cute.

A long time ago, when it last slept, it came to the Cemetery of Gods and Demons.

But that time he was caught by a bad old man, and his plan to rob the tomb failed. Even the fairy gold shovel was confiscated. Keke was very angry, and the consequences were serious.

Every once in a while, Keke will do it.

What makes Ke Ke very distressed is that the old man guarding the tomb in this cemetery is very bad. He can catch him every time. You must know that Ke Ke’s recluse is unparalleled in the world, but he failed here. Ke Ke feels that he has lost his face. .

As for why Ke Ke came to rob the tomb.

There are two reasons. One is that it heard a fat Taoist priest who didn't seem to be a good person tell it that robbing tombs would make a fortune. Robbing tombs is a great cause. One day, he will steal the cemetery of gods and demons and dig out the secrets.

Keke remembered that fat man very clearly. He had a very good relationship with Dao Tianjun and was considered a friend.

Another point.

Keke knew the specialness of the Cemetery of Gods and Demons. During the day, she had seen fairy flowers blossoming here, piles of fairy medicines and rare treasures, and fairy sisters dancing. It was a strange sight, but it also represented magic, so Keke Ke has been thinking about it.

The most important thing is that Keke knows that there is no danger here.

It is not stupid. On the contrary, Dao Tianjun often says that it is weird and seems to be mischievous, but it will never do stupid things. This is its own character, and it also means that it is learning from Dao Tianjun.

Although the instinct given to it by the Cemetery of Gods and Demons is not good, it knows that nothing will happen to it, and the bad old man will not harm it, otherwise it would have burped long ago.

"Hey, Keke, today I'm going to dig up the first cemetery in the world, record it."

Keke took out a small jade stone and made a pose, holding a small shovel with her little paws as if digging a grave, and blinking with her big watery eyes.

Then it accepted the jade.

"Hey..." Ke Ke shouted in his heart, about to dig a grave.

It looks like it is exerting a lot of force, but in fact it is very weak. It is afraid of making too much noise and attracting the old man guarding the tomb. The snow-white little beast has a bit of a sneaky body, but people can't help but laugh and love it even more when they see it.


With the rustling sound of digging, Keke's big eyes were full of excitement.

This was a great progress, and the old man did not stop it. He used a small shovel to shovel the tomb for the first time, which made Ke Ke very motivated.


Suddenly, Keke heard the old voice that was so familiar and made her grit her teeth.

Without any hesitation, Ke Ke fully possessed the spirit of a strong man at this moment. Seeing that the opportunity was wrong, he had no idea of ​​fighting to the death. The seven-colored light flowed from his body, and his small body tore through the void and left.


Keke's body appeared in mid-air. It touched its nose with its little paws, as if it had hit something real, and its little face was distressed.

"You little thing are here to dig graves again. Who did you learn this from?" the old man guarding the tomb whispered.

Got caught by the old man again.

Keke was helpless. Even though it was very powerful, not many people could catch it. It only hit the wall repeatedly in the Cemetery of Gods and Demons.


Suddenly, a voice came from Keke's ear.

Different from the voice of the old man guarding the tomb, this voice was very familiar to Keke.

It’s Tianjun!

Just a moment.

Ke Ke turned around and looked at the source of the sound. A familiar figure came into view. She blinked her big eyes and rubbed them subconsciously.

"Hey!" After confirming that he was not mistaken, Keke was extremely pleasantly surprised.

The snow-white little body rushed towards Dao Tianjun with a hiss.

"Huh? Does this little thing know him?" The old man guarding the tomb raised his hand and waved, not restricting Keke's movements.

"Bah, bah, bah."

Keke looked the same as always, with big clear eyes, innocence sparkling with cunning and cleverness.

It looked very happy at Dao Tianjun.

"Tianjun, you finally came to heaven. I woke up several times and didn't see you. What did you do?" Keke said, with a milky voice, like a child who has not grown up.

Ke Ke is still at the Immortal King level now, but it is definitely not what it was before.

After so many years of sleeping, it has been promoted to the level of the Supreme Immortal King, and its strength is extraordinary. However, after becoming the Supreme Immortal King of the Great Dao, Keke's strength has stagnated. What the subsequent realm requires cannot be supported by blood.

Dao Tianjun finally understood why the ancient dragon dragon said that.

Keke was originally in the Cemetery of Gods and Demons. No wonder he was asked to come to the Cemetery of Gods and Demons. This was because he was asking him to come find Keke.

In the past years, Keke was sleeping, and Huo Rouyun and the others carried her to the sky in a daze. Over the years, no one told it what Dao Tianjun was going to do, and no one wanted to make Keke sad.

In fact, Keke guessed something, but it didn't show sadness.

It doesn't want others to worry either.

It can be said that fire cannot be wrapped in paper. Huo Rouyun and the others also know about Keke’s situation. A million years ago, they brought Keke to the temple. It can be said that every time Keke wakes up, she will bring candles, incense and other things. Yes, go to the temple and pray for his early return.

It is also because of this that Keke has been in the world of mortals for a million years.

After that, it liked to cause trouble again, and it spent the past million years in the Cemetery of Gods and Demons.


Dao Tianjun was about to speak, but before he finished speaking, he looked at the fairy gold shovel held in Keke's little claws.

"You take this."

"Pah." Before Dao Tianjun could finish speaking, Keke threw away the fairy gold shovel, and straightened Dao Tianjun's face with her little claws, looking at me as if you didn't see anything just now.

"You didn't see anything. It was an illusion, the hallucination of the old man guarding the tomb." Keke said.

Then she spoke up again and changed the subject.

Keke pointed at the old man guarding the tomb who was walking slowly, and pointed with his little paw, "Tianjun beat him, this bad old man is very bad."

Immediately, Dao Tianjun heard the top ten crimes of the old man guarding the tomb from Keke's mouth.

"Keke tells the truth." Dao Tianjun couldn't laugh or cry.

Keke blinked, knowing that the matter was exposed, "It's Duan De's problem, it guided me to rob the tomb."


Dao Tianjun knew that this matter had something to do with Duan De, and it seemed so.

He only knows one person who robs tombs, Duan De, that fat man who claims that robbing tombs is a great cause and makes contributions to future generations, and he still enjoys it even now.

"Does this little thing belong to you?" The old man guarding the tomb came over.

Dao Tianjun nodded.

"I would also like to thank senior for showing mercy."

Who is the old man guarding the tomb? How could Dao Tianjun not know that Keke was so naughty? The old man guarding the tomb didn't do anything. He was surprised.

"Nothing." The old man guarding the tomb waved his hand.

Keke was lovable, and the old man guarding the tomb also knew that it was the nature of a child, so he didn't pay much attention to it.

But this is only for Keke, Keke is special.

Be someone else.

The old man guarding the tomb will not show mercy.

"A race that goes against the will of heaven. If you go too far, you will be cursed by the heavens." The liar looked over, and he recognized Ke Ke's identity, which was exactly the same as what Xiao Yi said.

Ke Ke followed the sound and looked over.

Looking at the expression of the greatest liar of all time, Keke shuddered subconsciously.

That kind of smile that surfaced in the soul was very fatal to Ke Ke, and she couldn't help but feel chills in her heart.

"Who is Tianjun?" After the chill rose, Keke recovered and blinked when she saw Dao Tianjun beside her.

"A liar. Your ancestors have been deceived by him many times before."

Before Dao Tianjun could speak, the old man guarding the tomb spoke.

"Senior, have you met Keke's ancestors?" Dao Tianjun was surprised. He didn't expect such an unexpected surprise, but soon he was not too surprised. The old man guarding the tomb and the liar were frighteningly old. .

Not to mention Huang, even the Black Emperor is a junior in front of them. The longer he lives, the more he will see and see...

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