Suddenly Invincible

Chapter 546 Just waiting for your return

Dao Tianjun stopped the ruthless man, which was surprising.

The ruthless man also showed an unexpected expression, and the beautiful eyes under the grimace mask shone with autumn luster.

What surprised her was not that Dao Tianjun called her nanny, but that Dao Tianjun wanted to say something and asked her to stay. It seemed that his meaning was not as simple as a sentence or two.

"In that case, let's go back first."

Ye Fan said, if there is something wrong with the ruthless man, then it is okay for the two of them to go back.

In response, Wu Shi nodded.

The two just left, without choosing to listen or find out what Dao Tianjun meant by calling the ruthless man.

And at this time.

People from the old chicken essence family also followed Ye Fan away.

They were invited by Ye Fan to go to heaven to stay for a few days.

Chiron and the others did not leave, they all remained silent and watched quietly.

After the ruthless man stood up, he sat down again. She rarely spoke and chose to remain silent at this time, sitting quietly and waiting for Dao Tianjun to tell him the reason.

She sits quietly, so beautiful that it feels unreal.

It seems that she should not exist in the world, does not belong to reality, and only exists in fairy paintings and poems. She is out of the world and indifferent, but she is clearly in front of her eyes, but it gives people a sense of illusion, and she is in the fairy world.

It looks so beautiful, but everyone knows that once you do it, it will be a different scene, so fierce that the world will tremble and live and die.

"There's only one thing I want to keep you here for. I think you've already guessed it."

Dao Tianjun opened his mouth slightly, and a faint voice came out.

He has a way to help ruthless person fulfill her long-cherished wish and find her brother.

Hearing this, the beautiful eyes under the mask flashed with clear light.

She said nothing and stared at Dao Tianjun.

"In this period of reflection, I found a way to enter the once desolate world and step into the history of that period."

Dao Tianjun spoke out, his voice solemn.

Listen to this sentence.

The ruthless man spoke, and a heavenly voice came from under the mask.

"Create something out of nothing?"

"Not bad." Dao Tianjun nodded.

The Desolate World was shattered, and its place of existence could not even be found. In other words, there was no Desolate World in this world. It was a thing in the past that had been completely erased, with all traces erased.

This is also the reason why a ruthless person has become an Immortal Emperor but has not yet rescued his brother immediately.

Unable to be saved, those things can only exist in memory, with no trace found in reality. The long river of time in the Desolate World has broken and collapsed into nothingness.

The original desolate world is gone, which is equal to zero. From any angle, it is equal to nothing. There is no way to search for the past.

Now, Dao Tianjun can solve this problem.

Create something out of nothing!

He can temporarily create a path through the "non-existent past", create something out of nothing, and connect non-existent things out of thin air.

Create a road out of thin air to connect to the "non-existent desolate world".

This is Dao Tianjun's method.

What is bothering ruthless people, that non-existent thing, now Dao Tianjun has found it, and it continues briefly!

And the consequence of this is to endure endless karma, cause and effect over time.

Dao Tianjun didn't care about this.

The only difficulty is ruthless, there is a high probability that she will die.

"...I will open the way, but you need to take away your brother. Can you bear the consequences?"

Dao Tianjun explained and pointed out this problem.

The cause and effect of time is different from that of Xiaomeng. If you really want to compare it, this time it is bigger and more terrifying!

Xiaomeng has a special existence. She is a creature from the future, but she stayed in the past for some special reason.

But the ruthless brother is different.

He existed in the past and was a creature of the past. He was taken away by force and reversed history. There were too many things that changed and there were too many things that needed to be done. Xiao Meng was different. When Dao Tianjun took her away, Her years have come to an end.

Comparing carefully, there are too many differences.

The years and causes of the two cannot be compared. The more important point is that this is taking a person from the "non-existent desolate world", and the cause and effect involved is unimaginable.

How many times did Dao Tianjun die in the past to take Xiao Meng away? How about being a ruthless person?

"I asked you to stay more because I want to tell you that there is hope to rescue your brother. In the future, when your cultivation level reaches a further level, you can come to me and I will help you."

After Dao Tianjun finished speaking, he spoke again.

"Having said all that, it's up to you to decide what to do. Whether to do it now or in the future is up to you."

"You will be in danger." The ruthless man shook his head.

Surprisingly, she did not agree, but declined, not intending to do it.

The reason for this is not because she looked away, but because by doing so, Dao Tianjun also had to bear the karma. She should not have dragged Dao Tianjun into the karma, because it would lead to his fall, and such a ruthless person would not do it.

If he did, he wouldn't be a ruthless person.

"I won't die. This cause and effect can't kill me." Dao Tianjun said softly.

No one doubts the authenticity of Dao Tianjun’s words!

If you ask why, it's just because he is Dao Tianjun.

"The only thing you have to consider is whether you can handle it."

Dao Tianjun spoke again. He had known that ruthless people would have such concerns, so he was prepared and gave a simple answer.

Hear the words.

The ruthless man said nothing, and the beautiful eyes under the mask were slightly lowered.

She was deep in thought.

It is so calm and tranquil, like a fairy carved from mutton-fat jade.

This meditation is not long, or should be very short.

"How can you remain indifferent after knowing this." A ruthless voice sounded.

The ruthless man's beautiful eyes are clear and deep.

Staring at those eyes, Dao Tianjun's heart moved. He saw some pictures in those eyes.

There was a little girl with braids, tattered and patched clothes, and a dirty little face. She looked poor, but her eyes were so clear that people couldn't help but pity her.

She has no parents and is dependent on a teenager.

To make the little girl happy, the boy made her a little ring out of a bronze piece, which the little girl regarded as a treasure. The two of them had a common toy, a ghost face mask, which was also the only toy in childhood.


One day, a young man was taken away. He had extraordinary talents and was expected to become an immortal and an ancestor in the future.

The boy was unwilling and was taken away by force. The little girl cried, her little shoes were lost and torn, and her childish pleadings kept coming from her mouth, wanting to send her heart to the boy.

Although she is young, she is sensible and knows that the boy is destined to be different from her. Her qualifications are average or even bad, but the boy is different and is expected to become a giant and a big shot in the future.

The little girl finally got words of approval from those big shots, and she went to see her off.

But, who would have thought that this side is eternal and eternal farewell!

The boy died, died in a foreign land, and his blood flowed far away. Even until his death, he was still thinking about him, missing the little girl, and worrying that no one would be able to take care of the little girl after he died.

The little girl learned the news and cried sadly, hugging the mask and ring left by the boy.

Dao Tianjun's heart trembled and he sighed deeply.


He knew who the little girl and the boy were, and what happened next.

A stunning empress rises for eternity, shining brightly for eternity, reaching a height that no living being can reach.

The ruthless man's eyes became deeper and deeper.

"I should have expected you to do this, whatever."

Just two words from Dao Tianjun, and he was immediately ready to open up the road leading to the "non-existent desolate world".


The voice behind the mask was brief and concise.

Dao Tianjun helped her three times. Once in Beidou, he gave the emperor the essence of power to help her make a breakthrough. The second time was in the Immortal Realm and Immortal Pass, giving her hope and letting her know that what she insisted on would be what she wanted. Persistence is not in vain, your future wishes can come true!

the third time.

Today, Dao Tianjun helped her find the real path to success, and the wait is over.

Ruthless person, it can be said that she did not rely on anyone for her achievements in this life, but it can also be said that there is a noble person in this life who has helped her many, many noble people.

Three times of help, each time heavier than the last.

Although the time she spent with Dao Tianjun was like a snap of the fingers, she would always remember Dao Tianjun.

Short time, permanent memory.

Hearing this, Dao Tianjun was surprised.

He looked at the ruthless man, and his clear eyes became deep and serious.

This is rare to see in ruthless people!

"This is nothing." Dao Tianjun shook his head.

He does this because he admires ruthless people, and that kind of obsession makes people's hearts tremble.

This was very important to ruthless people, but it was just a piece of cake for Dao Tianjun. Maybe it was some kind of chance that destined him to help, so Dao Tianjun didn't feel like he had anything to thank him for.

Ye Fan knows Ye Fan as a ruthless and ruthless person, and admirable as he is ruthless and persistent in reason.

Dao Tianjun admits that he is not a good person, but he will not be stingy about admiring those with whom he has deep bonds, like Yuan Shixian, like Ye Fan and Ji Ziyue...

No more telling.

Dao Tianjun's eyes became empty and clear, and he seemed to have lost his energy.

This state is a bit like that of the greatest liar of all time, with empty eyes and an expressionless face. The only difference is his temperament. Dao Tianjun is completely different from him. At the same time, his figure is ethereal, and there are illusory scenes appearing.


The creatures in the world of mortals were shaken, and a deafening roar was heard in their ears.

A bolt of lightning struck out of nothingness.

The nine colors of thunder are overflowing with fairy light. This thunder is not a punishment, but like the first thunder in the beginning of chaos.

It crashed into the Clan of Canhuang Land with a crash, making the immortals and demons in the mortal world look at it, wondering why.

"Buzz!" Dao Tianjun raised his hand and grabbed the air.

The nine-color chaotic thunder and lightning was caught in his hand, exuding terrifying power, with the symbols of the great avenue, and the Tianyin array.

Dao Tianjun's long hair danced in the wind.

With a clap of his hands, the Chaos Thunder shattered.

"Chaos Hongmeng, Great Dao Fifty, all heavens and worlds listen to my orders, my name is Dao Tianjun, open!"

The calm and emotionless divine voice swayed, spread throughout the heavens and the world, and resounded throughout the world of mortals.

"My name is Dao Tianjun, and all heavens and worlds listen to my command and open!"

"My name is Dao Tianjun, and all heavens and worlds obey my orders..."

The sound over and over again swayed in nothingness, resounded in the world of mortals, spread to all ears, and disappeared into the long river of time.

The sound sounded clear, but extremely hazy.

Thousands of words can be said in one second, and hundreds of sentences can be said in an instant.

This sentence is like the words of heaven, the iron law of time, and it is engraved in people's hearts.

At the end.

There is only one word left that the world hears.

"My name is Dao Tianjun..."

The voice became increasingly hazy.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but in the end only the name Dao Tianjun was left. These three words turned into one syllable, like one word.

There are terrible symbols appearing between heaven and earth.

It is like a person's name, and also like the word "dao", imprinted on the sky.


There are tens of thousands of thunders in the world of mortals, and a vast ocean of electricity crackling.

Such a scene is so terrible. It seems that people in the world have experienced thousands of epochs, ups and downs in the world, closing their eyes and opening them only for a moment.


Dao Tianjun's clasped palms suddenly opened apart.

The void opens, and there is a cry from the depths of the void. The sound of the great road comes from the world of mortals, like thirty thousand gods and demons singing sutras and chanting songs.

A hazy long river of time appeared in the eyes, surging with the vicissitudes of ancient times. His eyes scanned this mysterious scene, and he thought he saw the immortal medicine and nine wonderful fruits, and also seemed to see the immortal emperor's magical weapons and thousands of creatures...

The scene transforms all things, transforming everything in the desolate world.

It's like a book opening with a clatter, the pages unfolding, and everything emerging from the paper.

Dao Tianjun stood up and walked away.


With the sound of the raging river, a small boat appeared under his feet. His figure was hazy, and the thunder turned into a ghost lamp spread out in his hand, a nine-color magic lamp. It looked like a fisherman going out to sea on a rainy night. The lamp in his hand was a guiding light. .

"Let's go." Dao Tianjun spoke loudly.

The sound sounded from all directions, and it was unclear where it came from.

The ruthless man walked into the boat.

The boat slowly sailed into the long river of time, and the light in Dao Tianjun's hand extended and turned into a paddle.

With a wave of his hand, the boat sank into the long river.

The light of the years has dimmed everything, and the three thousand Dao are flowing with the color of glass. It looks too blurry. People outside can only see Dao Tianjun and Henren disappear.

In the eyes, their seemingly slow boat disappeared in the blink of an eye. When you squinted your eyes, you could see nine-colored faint lights swaying in the long river of time, swaying with the current and waves.

Everything is mysterious and strange.


Dao Tianjun rowed the boat, making waves and spray.

He stood at the stern of the boat, like a fisherman, silent and silent. The ruthless man stood on the bow of the boat, with a ghost mask on his face, swaying white clothes, and a strange feeling.

Suddenly, the water of the long river of time is violent, like the arrival of a storm, and millions of rules and causes are suppressed.

The boat exudes brilliance, and its source comes from Dao Tianjun.

Any murderous intention disappears after hitting the light, and everything is inviolable. The boat is like a shudder in the sea, swaying, but there is no one on the boat. What to do, it maintains a strange calm and rushes upstream quickly.

Neither of them spoke a word.

In this way, time passed slowly.

at a certain moment.

Dao Tianjun's eyes shone brightly, and the swaying oars stopped.


The magnetic voice sounded calmly.

The ruthless man glanced at the years, looking at all directions in time and space, and then stopped at one place.

She captured that era, the years when her brother died, that time, and the familiar and heartbreaking star field.

Ancient Earth!

The jade feet without shoes were walking around, and there was a squeaking sound on the boat, which sounded like the trampling of wooden boards. The boat was not illusory, but real!

"Before you go down, I have to give you something to take off your mask."

A gentle voice sounded from Dao Tianjun's mouth.

Hearing this, the ruthless man didn't ask what it was. He raised his slender hand and took off the mask, revealing his extremely beautiful face.

Dao Tianjun stretched out his index finger, and there was a drop of crystal emperor blood on the fingertip.

The fingertips lightly touched the ruthless man's eyebrows.

Like a dragonfly touching water, the fingertips traced across the jade skin, leaving a trace of bright red.

"This is my mark, and it also contains the aura of my remaining wasteland." Dao Tianjun whispered, and he looked at the center of the ruthless man's eyebrows, "When you go, you are entering the cultivation universe, and the Dragon King is guarding it. Without it, Even if you are an Immortal Emperor, you will still be robbed..."

The reason why the eyebrows are a little red is because of this.

The Dragon King guards the remaining wasteland of Beidou. It will not allow powers beyond the world of cultivation to appear. Just like in the past, a quasi-immortal emperor walked over to kill Dao Tianjun. In the end, he was whipped away by the Dragon King and escaped with serious injuries.

Therefore, Dao Tianjun left his mark and the aura of the remaining wasteland.

The mark tells the identity of the ruthless man and the meaning of coming here. The aura of the ruined land eliminates the possibility that the Dragon King will take action immediately. The Dragon King will not take action immediately, so after noticing the content of Dao Tianjun's imprint, he will no longer Take action.

"You have to be careful when you step out. Our line of work goes against the grain."

Dao Tianjun warned.

This time was more difficult than Xiaomeng's time.

The ruthless man nodded, and the drop of blood on his eyebrows shone with a faint light, covering his graceful figure and blocking any aura of her.

At this moment, she walked out of the boat and disappeared into the long river of time.

"Idiot." Dao Tianjun looked at the determined and indomitable figure and sighed deeply.

This eternal empress is an immortal emperor whose talents have touched both ancient and modern times.

Who knows her suffering, and how many people can understand her thoughts. Under a firm heart is a fragile heart.


Suddenly, the long river of time boils, as if a violent storm is coming, reaching its peak, the endless power is like a dam bursting, and the money is falling down.


Dao Tianjun's eyes pierced the void, and the nine-colored lamp in his hand burst into light.

"Drink!" There was a scolding sound in his mouth, as if he was talking to the sky.

The terrifying mana boils.

With his hands forming immeasurable seals, all the years and years of cause and effect turned and fell towards the boat.

He transferred his power to himself and endured endless karma. However, under that murderous intention, his body became more and more erect and frighteningly bright. He spent years watching the creatures in the distance, which meant that he was forced into his own time.

In palpitations, those creatures forgot what they saw and heard.

It seems that the cause and effect involved in that tall and straight figure is too huge, and the body is too majestic. It is not an existence that they can gaze at and remember, and can only retain short-term memories.

"What happened to me?"

For a long time, they could not come to their senses and could only make such doubtful sounds.

In a moment.

The ruthless man broke through the long river of time and entered that era with his true body.


There are terrifying waves in the cold universe, shocking all the star fields. In the ancient restricted areas, there are Ji Dao beings awakening. Their eyes open and close, flashing with fear.

"What is this smell?!"

"Immortal? There are still people on the path to breaking the immortal..."


All the restricted areas were shaken, and there was a terrifying light in the depths, with the aura of the pinnacle of humanity flowing.

They felt boundless power.

It was a hazy figure, resembling a legendary fairy.

People in the world can't tell whether they are male or female.

The ruthless man looks too ethereal and illusory, like a banished immortal from the fairy world.

"That...who is..."

The great sages and quasi-emperors of this era were unable to calm down. There was an incredible light in their eyes and they were so shocked that they could not speak.

The ruthless man stands in the cold and dark universe, looking down at the world.

"Which great emperor is resurrected?"

"Could it be the Yuhua Emperor!"

Some people thought of a powerful Jidao Emperor, the founder of the Yuhua Divine Dynasty, Yuhua Emperor. Legend has it that he is not dead and will appear in the future, and now the ruthless man seems to be somewhat similar to Yuhua Emperor.

The most important point.

The Yuhua Shen Dynasty is doing something terrible. The location of this ethereal existence is in the same direction as the star field that the Yuhua Shen Dynasty is going to cross collectively.

Some people are also saying that this is not the great emperor of the past, but a new Yakuza figure of this era.

There are many opinions, and no one can understand who she is.

The ruthless person took a step forward, and the first thing she looked at was the direction of Beidou. Even though she, the Immortal Emperor, still felt a palpitating aura in that direction.

Dragon King!

This was also the reason why she looked at Beidou immediately.

The Dragon King of this period is not the real Dragon King, the supreme one, the only one in the past, present and future!

The era of ruthless people belongs to the past. It can be said that her current state has the same meaning as when Dao Tianjun went to Di Hong's tomb, and it is easy to explain.


There are footsteps in the cold, dark universe, and ruthless people walk gently in this world.

She walked towards the ancient earth.

Boom boom boom!

There were sounds of fighting, all over the starry sky, and just hearing the sound would give you the feeling of a war in the star field.

The facts are comparable.

There are many strong men fighting, Ruixia kills Mang, mana fluctuations spread, and the battlefield is tragic.

This is a fight between the Yakuza forces, not just one.

The Yuhua Divine Dynasty was fighting against beings from multiple sects and ethnic groups. Battles broke out in the starry sky, and they fought fiercely and horribly on the ancient earth.

at this moment.

The arrival of the ruthless man stopped the fighting, and the hearts of all the creatures were pounding.

Everyone is shocked and scared, who is this? !

She didn't care about these ruthless people and scanned the world in all directions, looking at the stars and the ancient earth.

Suddenly, her eternally unchanged appearance changed.

Not found!

She couldn't see the young figure, the figure with deep childhood memories.

How is this going……

Is he dead? She arrived at the wrong time?

Is this just possible?

impossible! The ruthless heart is sure.

There would be no mistakes in this section of the node. She had deduced it, and Dao Tianjun would also be infallible. They were sent to this long stretch of time and era. Neither of them was wrong, so why would he be gone?

The ruthless man was confused for the first time.

There is a kind of heart-wrenching, eternal wait and obsession to finally get this result.

She glanced at the ancient earth and looked at the starry sky on the battlefield.


A terrible scene appeared. There was a scene of time going back in this area. The dead strong men appeared one after another. They looked blurry, like shadows of the past. The ruthless people were making deductions, wanting to know whether he was among the dead.

Until now, she was not sure whether it was really wrong. In order to find out the reason, she planned to read it again.

The ruthless man's body swayed, and the light of years and years of cause and effect flowed around his body.

She was interfering with this period of time, and the terrible causal explosion was attacking her. The power was so huge that even Dao Tianjun couldn't transfer it all.

"Pfft..." Blood flowed from the ruthless mouth.

The graceful body swayed slightly, and then calmed down. She resisted the murderous intention of Karma, but her own condition was terrible.

Even the Immortal Emperor couldn't bear the power, and it was a luck to survive.

She was injured, and her eyes remained fixed on all the dead figures.

"No." The ruthless man's pupils shrank suddenly, and his beautiful eyes flashed with a painful color, which made people pity him.

"...where did he go?"

The sound of nature resounded between heaven and earth. She was asking, and she read a name in her mouth. It was his name.

"Is there such a person?"

"It seems there is, but it seems there isn't. I haven't heard of it."

Many people looked confused.

The same result, the boy seems not to exist, or has been erased from time.

There is no mistake in time, battle, or world. Why is he missing, as if he has been erased alone...

PS: Does any reader understand what I wrote today? Please explain clearly to readers who can’t see clearly. Some things are not good if they are written too clearly. - -

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