Chapter 0087 – Backer King: The old man wants to see what happened to the prince in Licheng!!

“You Junda, you are not a little daring, you actually ganged up with outsiders to rob the imperial bar?”

After Lu Fang and his group left, Shan Xiongxin walked to You Junda and said.

As for the change in attitude of Lu Fang and the others, he did not find it strange.

After all, Shan Xiongxin knew Yang Ming’s identity.

“Second brother Shan, this is not an outsider, but also a good brother I worship. You Junda took off the black sermon that was over his face. ”

“Quick, loosen the bonds, I didn’t expect it to be my own family!”

Cheng Yanjin shouted.

Under Yang Ming’s signal, Yuan Zuozong also loosened Cheng Yanjin’s bindings.

After loosening the binding, Cheng bit Jin and moved his muscles.

“Since we are all our own families, we might as well catch up with the royal bar together, and we can’t all fight equally!”

Cheng Yanjin suggested.

Hearing this, You Junda glared at Cheng Yanjin.

With Yang Ming’s strength, if they want to rob the imperial bar just now, it is not easy?

Moreover, the expressions of Lu Fang and Xue Liang changed just now, but they were seen by You Junda.

Therefore, he had a 26-certainty guess about Yang Ming’s identity, but he was not sure.

“You still want to rob the imperial bar, do you not see the situation clearly?”

Yuan Zuozong asked.


Cheng Yanjin Fox looked at everyone suspiciously, and there was a rare hint of vigilance.

“Robbing the emperor bar is a crime of losing your head, don’t do such a thing.”

Yang Ming bit Jin Dao at Cheng.

“It’s not okay, it’s just that I’ve been in prison for a few years, it’s not good to make money.”

Cheng Yanjin replied.

It’s pretty much the same now and in the past.

As long as you have been in prison, it is indeed difficult to find a livelihood.

“It is said that wealth is in danger, as long as you do a big vote, you don’t have to worry about silver.”

Cheng Yanjin said with a smile.

“In this way, you will be my guard, and you will be given twenty taels a month.”

Yang Ming said.


Cheng Yanjin was stunned for a moment.

The most surprising thing is probably Shan Xiongxin and Shan Bingbing.

Because they knew what Yang Ming’s true identity was.

It can be said that if Cheng Yanjin agrees, he must have a good future.

“Twenty-two Qilu, you’re not kidding, are you?”

Cheng Yanjin asked in surprise.

Twenty taels, for an ordinary person, that is a lot of income a year, and there is a little two hundred taels of silver.

“Since Ben Gongzi spoke, naturally it was not a joke.”

Yang Ming replied.

“Biting Brother Jin, he is still stunned, and he doesn’t have to worry about the twenty-two of January, You Junda followed and persuaded.”

He belonged to the eight-faced people, and naturally obeyed Yang Ming’s words.

“Why don’t you have to be afraid, twenty taels is not easy to earn, then the guard’s life is in danger.”

Cheng Yanjin replied.

But in the next second, he nodded and agreed.

After all, there is no need to worry about his wife, and there is no need to hide in the future.

“This prince, what about our robbery this time?”

You Junda asked weakly.

After all, they have already exposed their names, and if the Dengzhou Mansion checks it down, the consequences will be unimaginable.

“It’s okay.”

Yang Ming replied.

Hearing this, You Junda was relieved.

At the same time, he was also curious, how could Shan Xiongxin, the chief of the Green Forest Association of the Seven Provinces, walk with the people of the official family?

Since Yang Ming dared to say this, it naturally showed that Yang Ming’s identity must be related to the official family.

You Junda is also smart, Shan Xiongxin did not say his identity, naturally Yang Ming did not want to.

Therefore, he will not do something annoying and ask Yang Ming’s identity.

“Brother Yang, thank you.”

Shan Xiongxin bowed to Yang Ming.

Yang Ming let You Junda go, and he can be regarded as keeping his subordinates.

“It’s a trifle.”

Yang Ming replied.

“Brother Yang, after walking a long leaf forest to Licheng, since you have come to Licheng, it is better to meet my other brother.”

Shan Xiongxin took the initiative to say.

“The person who can make a single brother call a brother and want to introduce it must also be a person with great affection.”

Yang Ming said with a smile.

“Not bad, I don’t know Brother Yang?”

Shan Xiongxin asked.

“Let’s go on it, it’s all in Licheng anyway.”

Yang Ming said with a smile.


Shan Xiongxin is overjoyed.

“Second brother, isn’t this leading the prince to the green forest den?”

Shan Bingbing said in a low voice, and couldn’t help but worry about Yang Ming.

“The prince is different from those dog officials, he is a person who understands things, you still can’t understand this way?”

Shan Xiongxin replied.


What else does Shan Bingbing want to say.


Shan Xiongxin directly interrupted Shan Bingbing’s words.

Obviously, he took Yang Ming to meet the other Green Forest brothers, even the good brothers he said, for other purposes and reasons.

Moreover, this purpose and reason is harmless to Yang Ming.

“Since you are going to Licheng, let’s lead the way.”

Cheng Yanjin volunteered.

After speaking, he also specially led Yang Ming’s horse.

“Now, it’s Yang Gongzi’s guard. Cheng Yanjin pulled the horse rope and smiled. ”

“You guy, it’s quick to adapt to your new identity.”

You Junda said.

Everyone laughed, and then set off on the road to Licheng.

Although Lu Fang and Xue Liang walked away, they still sent a letter to the Dengzhou Mansion.

Yang Ming came to Licheng, this is a big thing.

Dengzhou Mansion, that is, the mansion of Yang Lin, the backer king.

In the courtyard of Fuzhong, Yang Lin was looking at the letter sent by a messenger.

“What did Ming’er come to Jinan to do to inspect the people’s situation?”

Yang Lin was both happy and a little curious.

The letter in his hand was exactly the letter sent by Yang Guangmei.

“Righteous Father.”

A call.

Then, 360 saw a girl in a blue dress with a blue butterfly flower picture printed on it slowly approaching.

Her long black hair was coiled high and held in place with a white jade hairpin.

If the shoulders are cut into the waist, the muscles are like a blue orchid, and the mouth is a little red, although he is young, he already has the charm of a woman.

It can be described as the appearance of a heavenly immortal, and every move pulls people’s hearts.

“Zi Yan.”

Yang Lin said with a smile.

This daughter is Zhang Ziyan, who is also Yang Lin’s righteous daughter.

Brilliant and good at strategizing.

From the bright light in that starry eye, it is not difficult to see.

“Righteous father, I heard you say about the prince just now?”

Zhang Ziyan asked curiously.

She heard it, and it was clear that she saw Yang Lin’s mouth move, so she boldly guessed.

“You girl, it’s good, the old man said the prince.”

Yang Lin stroked his white beard and replied.

“The prince is coming to Dengzhou?”

Zhang Ziyan asked again.

“Yes, not only did I come to Dengzhou, but I also fought with your two brothers, Yang Lin squinted.”


Zhang Ziyan was surprised.

“In that case, the righteous father will not send someone to greet him?”

She asked curiously.

“No need, let’s see what the prince is doing when he comes to Dengzhou, this old man is also a little curious.”

Yang Lin replied.

He didn’t believe that Yang Ming really came to inspect the people’s situation, there must be some other reason…

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