And these are definitely what they want to see.

"Then we murlocs can live on land?"

"Yes! We will clean all the slave traders from today, and everyone can live on land. I can help you migrate when the Fishman Island is coming up!"

"Then I will trouble you, Lord Bai Ye!"

The deliberations seemed to go very smoothly.

Everything is moving in the direction you want to see.

In the end, it was also agreed that a world government would be re-established with the current world government as the carrier.

And in this kingdom, all races are equal, there are no Tianlong people, all nobles are canceled, and all those who are dissatisfied are purged. In the face of absolute strength, all the steps seem to be going very smoothly.

"I'm really looking forward to a new world."

The redhead leaned on the stool, a smile flashing across his mouth.

Unexpectedly, the world has really changed.

Former enemies come together to form a new world government.

All countries, all islands can participate.

Regardless of race, all people can take risks, and as long as they do not commit crimes, they can obtain great freedom.

Captain...seems to have really done it...

Free will will not be destroyed!

"Gu la la la la, are you ready to leave Bai Ye?"

on the rooftop.

Whitebeard and the others were sitting together.

After drinking a glass of wine, they looked at the time in front of them, secretly thinking that they were about to leave.

I didn't expect time to go by so quickly.

After you leave, you will know how many points you have this time.

"Not yet, didn't I promise to help them get the island out of the sea."

"Well, where are you going to take them?"

"Wa no Country!"

Bai Ye already had an idea.

After he finished speaking, he got up and went to Neptune and came to Fishman Island together.

Looking at everything around, Bai Ye felt that who could withstand this mermaid.

A playful mermaid is looking at Bai Ye curiously. This man has been seen in the live broadcast before.

"Lord Bai Ye, shall we start now?"

"Wait, it seems like your daughter is in trouble."

Bai Ye pointed in one direction, and in his perception, he guessed that it should be Princess Bai Xing.

"White Star!?"

Neptune's eyes widened in that direction.

Then he quickly asked: "Let's hurry up, Lord Bai Ye."

Wait until the two pass by, after seeing these countless axes and various weapons.

Neptune's eyes sank, the same situation as before.

"Superman is a target fruit ability."

As long as the opponent is set as the target, the items thrown by the ability player will automatically track to the ends of the earth, unless they are shot down or blocked by obstacles on the way. As soon as he reached out and grabbed it, Vander Deacon IX and the others were caught in an instant.

And at this moment, Vander Deacon IX was still a little confused.

How did you get caught.

"It's this guy."

"It's you!!"

Nipton naturally knew King Van der Deacon IX, and tightened his grip. He turned to look at Bai Ye and said, "Thank you so much, Lord Bai Ye?"

"It's okay, let's deal with it quickly."

His time here is running out.

Seeing Bai Ye seemed to be in a hurry, Nepton directly gave Van der Deken IX an order to kill him on the spot.

They are about to migrate soon, and there can be no problems at this juncture.


Inside the room, Bai Xing cautiously came out to take a look. After seeing the person beside her father, she couldn't help being startled, and then quickly shrank back.

"This is my daughter Bai Xing."

"Haha, you're quite timid."

"You're not timid!"

Bai Xing retorted silently in the house, she is not timid!

But he didn't dare to go out.

"Then I will help you migrate to Wano country, right?"

"Well, as long as you can go to land, it's fine."

In fact, Neptune didn't think much about where to go, as long as it wasn't too remote.

Wano Country, as Bai Ye's old lair, naturally felt that he was also valued.

Along with the entire island, all the sea water was brought to Wano Country.

in the country of peace.

Looking at the island shrouded in the water, everyone was already surprised.

Because just a few days ago, Nine Snake Island was carried over by Bai Ye.

However, this anti-gravity island shrouded in water has never been seen in 5.5.


Neptune looked at the scene in surprise, they appeared in the land, and they could also surround the island with water, which seemed to be more suitable for their living environment.

"Don't thank me, since you already have the Yangguan on the ground, then I will take the Yangshu Eve."

"It's natural."

Eve didn't need it anymore, they were on land, and although there was still water around, it felt really good that the sun was falling directly on them.

"Okay, then I'll go first. If you have anything to do, just go to Wano and find Yamato and the others."

Bai Ye nodded, and after taking Eve away, he went to chat with Xiao Zi and a few people, and he was about to leave. It was time to say goodbye.

At the last moment, the space crack opened, and Bai Ye returned to his own world.

【Ding! This large-scale mission is over, reward: ...]?

Chapter 359 Feng Baobao's first card draw!

[The task of the pirate world is completed, the world has been completely changed, and the reward: 700,000 points + five high-level lottery cards + ten intermediate-level lottery cards + 30 low-level lottery cards. ] The points in the front are the rewards for chatting skirts, and the points in the back are Bai Ye's own.

This time, the whole points obtained also made Bai Ye sigh.

I didn't expect there to be so many points.

Qiu Zixi: [Brothers, can you tell me how many points you have got, hurry up and make me envious! ] Although no one has said anything about points in the chat skirt.

But Qiu Zixi couldn't help but shed envious tears in her heart.

If only I could draw the past, this time they had changed the entire world of pirates directly in the past.

It is obviously impossible to say that there are no points.

Kaisha is Bichi: [It's so much more than what I've seen before! 】

Ninja Dance King: [I suddenly became a local tyrant. 】

Be my son: [One thing to say, who can't be confused by this thing, it's a pity that there is basically no chance for my world to change...]

Miaomiao: [Woo 13 woo, don't say I'm already envious. 】

Village Chief of Novice Village: [It seems that I missed a lot this time. 】

It is obvious that there are a lot of them when they say this.

Prairie scientist: [Speak directly, I think it would be better to let us give up all of a sudden. Anyway, you will be sad in the end, so it's better to say it, and wait for it to feel uncomfortable. Because everyone knows that this time the points harvest should be a lot.

Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to have much to do with them.

Kaisha is Bichi: [700,000 points are special...]

There was a hint of surprise on Lian Bing's face, which could draw a lot of cards.

There are three advanced cards and five intermediate cards.

The mission this time has passed, and it is simply a huge enhancement.

But now Lian Bing is not excited to buy the card now.

Let's wait and see for a while, I'm not a newcomer anymore, why would I just draw a card after looking for Bai Ye.

As an old man, she is not the same as when she was a newcomer.

I was very curious about buying cards, so after getting points for the first time, Liang Bing bought it without thinking.

Much calmer now.

In the chat skirt, although all kinds of things are talking about the previous points.

But it happened that no one was looking for Bai Ye to draw a card.

No one wants to test the waters.

Baby: [Brother Bai Ye, do you want these points? I'll give you all of this, right? 】

Listening to what they said, Feng Baobao also remembered this.

Bai Ye seems to like points very much, and he saw it when he just joined the chat skirt.

It just so happened that he also got 700,000 this time, and he could give it all to Bai Ye.

In Feng Baobao's opinion, it doesn't matter if he wants these points. As long as Bai Ye is happy, he can give them all.

Qiu Zixi: [10,000 Nima is racing again in my heart...]

Forever eighteen years old: [Cough, baby can use it for your sister-in-law. 】

Kaisha is Bichi: [Said that my sister-in-law should not be me? 】

Call me Lady Queen: [Actually, your sister-in-law, it's really miserable that I didn't have the past this time! 】

Sister Shinobu: [Cough, how much I can think about it here too! 】

Be my son: [So rich? 】

Where is the collapsed jade: […]

Ninja Dance King: [I'm sour, such a caring sister. 】

W: [Woo, I'm going to recognize a younger sister too! 】

Prairie scientist: [cough, it seems that you don't have that capital...]

Who would have thought that Feng Baobao actually gave Bai Ye the points directly.

good guy.

This is very envious.

Miss Bao'er is so good.

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