In Mrs. Kato’s line of sight.

She saw her daughter’s head resting on Kitami-kun’s shoulder and making such an intimate gesture

The daughter did not respond.

Kitami-kun didn’t react either.

They seem to be used to it, and they are used to chatting about the sky.

Is this, this, this dating?

Mrs. Kato took a step back in surprise.

If you think about Kitami-kun, you are slender and straight, good-looking, and very interesting, and you can say something that girls are very happy about.

Even she likes Kitami-kun a little, how can her daughter not like it?

After all, this is the first boy his daughter has brought home.

Mrs. Kato’s performance made the two react and couldn’t help but bow their heads.

It turned out, I don’t know when, their shoulders were already attached together.

They were stunned, then separated with flustered expressions, and faced the side unnaturally.

The synchronized movements made Mrs. Kato smile, and she beckoned: “Don’t stand there, come here.” ”

Kitami Zekawa first went to the table and sat down, and Kato Keima rubbed for a while and whispered.

“It’s not what my mother thinks.”

Mrs. Kato still believes this.

There is no need for a daughter to deceive herself.

However, does she really understand feelings in this grade?

Now is not what she thinks, so what about later?

And later?

And later?


The food on the table is delicate and small.

Mrs. Kato had already laid it out in advance, and everyone had a tonkatsu and braised stripfish on their plates.

Vegetables are okra, cucumber, tomato.

She also helped with rice and miso soup.

Considering the amount of food the boys had, Mrs. Kato gave Kitami Zegawa significantly more food than the two of them.

The carefulness of the wife is shown everywhere.

After Mrs. Kato and Megumi Kato sat down, Kitami Sawakawa followed them and said, ‘I’m moving’, and couldn’t wait to pick up a piece of tonkatsu and put it in his mouth.

Fried into golden pork chops wrapped in breadcrumbs, poured with sauce, fragrant but not greasy.

After drinking the flavor soup, the steaming miso soup flowed down the throat into the stomach, and the whole body was warm.

In addition, the meat with fish is soft and tender, which is also a very delicious dish.

This is not the most delicious meal that Kitami Sawagawa has ever eaten since he came to Chiba to study, but it is the warmest.

“Mrs., Mrs. Kato…” Kitami Sawagawa’s mouth was stuffed with food, and his voice was intermittent: “I like it…”

He abruptly stopped what he was about to say.

Because he felt an undisguised cold killing intent, it was even more terrifying than ever!

It’s Kato!

It was Miss Kato who stared at him with horror.

Kitami Sarakawa remembered that when he was on the Namikyo, after seeing the Dragon Ball being dropped, Frieza stared at the suffocating and terrifying eyes of Vegeta and the others.

“Like what?” Mrs. Kato propped her chin and smiled, looking at him expectantly.

After swallowing the food, he said with difficulty, “I like your cooking.” ”

Really, Kato-san is completely overthinking.

Even Saint Seiya knows that he will not make the same mistake twice, how can he not understand it as an earthling?

Not to mention in front of Mrs. Kato.

The killing intent suddenly disappeared.

Megumi Kato withdrew her gaze as if nothing had happened, and ate quietly.

“Since I need to eat more like this, I have prepared a lot.”

Kitami Sawagawa nodded, giving the chef the utmost respect.

He ate two bowls of rice and swept everything away.

After eating, Mrs. Kato rushed him to the restaurant, leaving Megumi Kato to help him clean up the dishes and chopsticks.

Turn on the TV and find a music program.

Kitami Sawakawa listened to the song and continued to read and correct Megumi Kato’s half-wrong test paper.

When she heard the third song, Mrs. Kato came over with hot tea that had been brewed.

Megumi Kato sat down on the sofa with her.

The order is, Kitami, Kato, Mrs. Kato.

Kitami Saigawa took a sip and felt that Mrs. Kato’s level of tea brewing was similar to that of Megumi Kato.

At least, that’s what comes back from the taste buds.

“OHNO,OHYES!….. This is Akira Nakamori’s song. Mrs. Kato stared at the TV.

“I love the OneMoreTime she sang, OneMoreChance.” Kitami Sawakawa put down the test paper and interjected.

“Kitami-kun knows Nakamori Akina?” Mrs. Kato looked surprised.

“It’s strange that you don’t know this Yuanzu Geji, right?”

Sorry, I don’t know, so it’s a strange person.

Megumi Kato looked at the test paper and bit the tip of the pen, pretending that no one heard the conversation between the two.

Things in the Showa era are too far away for the Heisei girl to interject.

“Therefore, you must be cautious when looking for a boyfriend, you must see each other clearly, and you must not be deceived by scum!”

After chatting with Kitami Saigawa in a pleasant manner about what Nakamori understood, Mrs. Kato glanced at her daughter, who had been silent, and suddenly smiled.

“Speaking of which, the wife who came home that day was injured hasn’t had time to thank you.”

“Eh, no, no, I didn’t help much.” Kitami Zegawa quickly waved his hand.

“No, you must be thankful.”

“I took Kato-san’s bicycle and enjoyed my wife’s beautiful cooking, and that was enough.”

“Bicycle…” Mrs. Kato squinted and gritted her teeth, “That’s not enough!” ”

She took two coupons from the pocket of her jeans and shoved one into his hand.

“This is an eight-fold discount promotional voucher for shopping mall members, which is only valid until tomorrow, and it will be given to Kitami-kun.”

She took the remaining promotional roll and placed it in her daughter’s hand.

“Hui, mom is going to do something with Mrs. Wuyun tomorrow, you go help mom buy something.”

Without waiting for her daughter to say anything, Mrs. Kato looked at Kitami Zegawa gently.

“Kitami-kun, can I trouble you to take care of Megumi tomorrow?”

“It can be…”

“Then it’s settled!”

In a strong tone, Mrs. Kato directly settled the matter.

Kitami Sarakawa sighed that Mrs. Kato still had such a side.

It was already late, and he stood up and said, “Kato-san, Mrs. Kato, I’m going back, and I am entertained today.” ”

“Mom, I’ll send him.” Megumi Kato followed and got up.


Street lamps emit a dim glow that barely illuminates clean streets.

The lights of the surrounding houses are shimmering, and you can listen to all kinds of strange sounds.

The moist and cold wind blowing in the face dispelled the lazy mood after eating.

The two walked side by side, silently without speaking.

At the fork of the street, Kitami Zegawa stopped and said in a mocking tone:

“Don’t be late for Kato-san tomorrow, I’m the most annoying to wait for people.”

“Kitami-san is.” She gave him an angry look.

“See you tomorrow.”

“See you tomorrow.”

He stepped into the fork.

Megumi Kato moved a few steps and stared at his back wordlessly.

The figure gradually blurred and gradually shrunk.

She opened her mouth and suddenly stretched out her hand.

Halfway through, she shook her head and swallowed back what she wanted to say.

In fact, she didn’t know what to say, nor did she know why she was reaching out.

The back blends into the darkness.

She watched for a while before going home.


Sitting on the sofa, Megumi Kato accompanied Mrs. Kato to watch the music program.

In the music program on TV, the singer changed from Akira Nakamori to Ken Hirai.

The song played is “In Love with You” by Ken Hirai.

Emotionally and magnetically rich in sound, looped over and over again.

“Mom, I seem to be getting a little weird.” She buried her face in the pillow and made a dull sound.

Mrs. Kato hummed happily to the beat on the TV.

“Isn’t that good?”

For a long time, she replied softly.


Just woke up, and was dizzy by the bleak data

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