Pencils, colored pens, and A4 paper are chaotically placed on the work table.

Half-meter-high manuscripts are piled up in the corners, and the angle of inclination may collapse at any time.

Two cups of hot tea sat on the tabletop, smoke filling.

The wind blew in through the window, blowing the curtains into the air and slowly falling.

A mature and beautiful girl kneels on a cushion and reads a manga.

Petite and cute girl sitting in a chair watching a light novel.

The beautiful side faces of both were incomparably quiet and peaceful.

This is what Kitami Zegawa saw when he rushed to the studio.

If he could draw, then he would definitely not hesitate to paint this picture of the quiet years.

However, this is completely different from Kitami Sawagawa’s imagination.

What about quarrels?

Teacher Eiri what are you doing?

Isn’t it time for you to snatch back your book and quarrel with Shiwa Kasumigaoka who discovered your secret?

Senior sister, what are you doing too?

Shouldn’t you take this opportunity to tease the blonde hair and double ponytail?

What about rivers of blood?

“It’s over?” Kitami Zegawa suddenly thought of another possibility.

“What’s over?” Kasumigaoka Shiwa raised her dark red eyes.


“Does Kitami-san think the two of us will quarrel when we meet?” Shiwa Kasumigaoka was dissatisfied with the image he had in his heart.

“Oops.” Ying Li also added in a low voice.

“Not noisy?”

“I discovered her secret, and in exchange, I gave her my secret.”

That is, the two teachers knew each other about the Benzi family, the light novelists?

Kitami Saigawa glanced at Kasumi Shiko-sensei, and unexpectedly felt that she was mature.

Although I usually don’t say anything about the pear, I know how to appease the pear most quickly.

However, he does not agree with Ying Li’s “bad” sentence.

Kitami Sawakawa did admit that he wanted to watch the beautiful girl quarrel a little.

But if it’s not noisy, it’s not noisy, and he won’t be disappointed.

I can always see it in the future, and I am not in a hurry.

Both girls were looking at each other’s work, and Kitami Sawagawa picked up the drawing on the table.

The style of painting is exquisite, but they are all unfinished semi-finished products.

In the corner of the drawing, Eiri describes the various problems she encountered.

That’s why he came here today.

Kitami Sawagawa looked at it carefully for a moment, then answered her question with a pencil in an empty corner.

At noon, the two beautiful girls are still immersed in the world of Benzi/Light Novel.

Kitami Zekawa looked at the time and went downstairs for lunch.

Mrs. Sawamura is not there, but the chef has been ordered to prepare a variety of delicious dishes.

All of them are high-quality seafood and high-grade Japanese meats.

Madam, I don’t want to work hard, if I get into trouble, will you accept me?

When the wagyu beef melted in his mouth, Kitami Sarakawa wanted to cry happily.

After eating, Kasumigaoka Shiyu just came down.

After she finished eating, the English pear just came down.

As if they had made an appointment, the three of them staggered their meals and returned still doing their own things.

The breeze is gentle, and in the quiet room, the rustling of writing is like a lullaby, making people drowsy.

It wasn’t until the sound of breathing in his ears that Kitami Zekawa stopped writing.

The book fell to her belly, and Shiwa Kasumigaoka leaned against the wall, her sleeping face with her eyes closed was quiet and soft.

“Sawamura-san, come and take a look.” Kitami Zegawa lowered his voice.

Yingli put down the book, glanced at Shiyu Kasumigaoka, and slowly walked to his side.

“Look, if there is anything you don’t understand, you can ask me.”

Ying Li Li took the drawing paper and looked at it carefully.

She found that he answered every question very seriously.

Even those questions that he wrote casually, he would respond seriously.

“Thank you.”

Putting down the illustration, Teacher Eiri turned her head and thanked her in a faint and imperceptible voice.

Kitami Zekawa rubbed his sour hands, only to feel that the tsundere was really troublesome.

Even a thank you is so frank.

“That’s it for today.” He stood up and tried to push Shiwa Kasumigaoka awake.

“Wait a minute…” Eiri’s fingertips suddenly tugged at the corners of his clothes.

Kitami Saigawa looked at her suspiciously.

“You, the last scene of your script, is the confession between the male and female protagonists a little flat?”

She withdrew her fingertips and looked down at her feet as she spoke.

“Bland?” Kitami Sawagawa wished she had been more detailed.

“You think about it, in the game you set up so many difficult plots to attack the heroine, until near the end, the two developed feelings.

At this time, you chose to use a bland confession under the tree to let the two admit their feelings to each other, which is too boring to think about, right? ”

Kitami Saigawa listened quietly, and also pondered her words seriously.

Eiri is a manga artist, but it doesn’t mean she doesn’t have the ability to appreciate it.

The way women think is also very important.

Seeing him pondering, Ying Li Li with his hands behind his back, his little feet in cotton socks kicked the floor, :

“The heroine in the game has a very awkward personality, and to deal with this kind of girl, you should use a bold and known confession to make her admit her feelings, which can also become a flashpoint.”

Is this the difference in how feelings are viewed?

Kitami Zegawa did not think about this.

He is more concerned with the overall degree of progress of the relationship, rather than focusing on confession.

“Your works have been like this before, the relationship between the male and female protagonists is very touching, but there is not a serious confession.”

“You went to see my past work on purpose?”

“Yes….. It’s because my mother bought the game, and I can’t help it to watch with her! ”

You bought it yourself, and you still pull your mother to see it, right?

Kitami Zegawa nodded.

The tsundere blonde with double ponytail is right to listen to the opposite.

“You, don’t think too much.” His look of disbelief made Ying Li specially emphasize.

“Yes, I understand.” Kitami Zekawa smiled kindly: “Thank you Teacher Eiri for your opinion, I will think about it when I go back.” ”

“If you want to change it quickly, the manuscript on my side must also be redrawn.” She pinned her face, clasped her hands to her chest, and said haughtily.

Obviously want to laugh happily, but pretend to be reserved.

“Teacher Yingli, please continue to maintain your tsundere character!”

“Tsundere? Ha, what are you talking about, go fast, go fast, don’t get in the way here! ”

This sentence made Yingli unable to maintain pride.

As if she had exploded, she blushed and pushed Kitami Sawagawa’s back to let him leave.

No, Kitami Sawagawa corrected the previous words.

Only proud tsundere is not cute.

And the proud and coquettish tsundere is really cute!

“Ah, how long did I sleep?”

Shiwa Kasumigaoka yawned and stretched her waist, her plump curves were heartwarming.

“Probably, two hours?” Kitami Zegawa is also not very sure.

“The best sleep I’ve had recently.” Shiwa Kasumigaoka smiled with satisfaction.

Two hours were already the best sleep———— Kitami Saekawa could imagine her recent mental state.

This is why Kitami Zegawa does not write light novels.

Plot, drafting, sales… In addition to making people lose their hair, the accumulation of various factors is also easy to make people nervous.

“Go back to your car.”

“Yes, as long as you are not afraid of hip pain.”

Kitami Zegawa gave her a simple calculation of the distance: “It takes at least an hour and a half to drive my sister, and in this hour and a half, there will be many tunnels.” ”

“Just use something to cushion, right?”

“What cushion do you want?”

“Your coat.” Shiyu Kasumigaoka’s eyes showed cunning.

“…… Okay. ”


The tip of the pen drew a few strokes on the drawing paper, and a cute girl jumped on the paper

Eiri looked at the figure and smiled.

In the afterlight, she caught a glimpse of two figures downstairs.

She sighed, and the smile faded.

It’s almost over… The time of their cooperation.

With Kitami Sawagawa’s plot completed, the illustration and character design on her side are also nearing the end.

Once everything is handed over to the game company, their partnership will be automatically dissolved.

At that time, will they still be able to get together and discuss the plot and illustration issues like they do today?

Not anymore.

Without cooperation, even if we meet at school in the future, we will probably just nod each other.

It’s just an ordinary classmate relationship.

Ying Li Li didn’t know what kind of mood she was in now.

There is sadness, and there is reluctance.

It seems like an even more strange, indescribable mood.

She watched as Shiwa Kasumigaoka sat in the back seat of Kitami Sawagawa, her fists clenched unconsciously.

“A Kitami Zekawa, why should I waste my thoughts on him? If you don’t contact in the future, you won’t be in touch! ”

She gritted her teeth and put her mind into the last few illustrations.

It’s just that no matter what, her mind just can’t calm down, and the things she draws are messy.

Finally, she threw away the pen and scratched her hair irritably.

“Ah, abominable, abominable, abominable, bored to death!”


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