Come down from the fourth floor and pass through the corridor.

The corridor at noon was very crowded, and most of them gathered to play with each other, talking and laughing.

When Kitami Sawagawa and Yukinoshita Yukino came down from the fourth floor, the atmosphere suddenly became quiet.

Probably did not expect these two people to walk together.

The corridor was briefly quiet, and then a lively discussion began.

“It’s those two people…”

“How did they come together?”

“Because of the morning, right?”

“That thing… Yukishita San is a little pitiful. ”

“Don’t those junior students feel that what they are doing is too much!”

“Maybe we seniors did it?”


“But don’t you think the two of them are a good match?”

No one answered, as if thinking that this sentence was a cold joke.

Passing by the third floor, looking down from the atrium, many people gathered together to enjoy bento.

He saw his ministry, Miss Megumi Kato.

She sat with two girls in her class under a tree, the turquoise foliage blocking out the sunlight.

The two girls talk and laugh, and Megumi Kato echoes most of the time, but sometimes she also says a word or two.

He withdrew his gaze and then looked at the girl beside him.

In some ways, it is similar to Megumi Kato.

Neither of them had much of a friend.

What is stronger than Kei Kato is that Yukinoshita Yukino’s mental quality is very strong.

Therefore, even if she has no friends, she probably won’t care, and she spends three years of high school quietly alone.

Speaking of which, why should humans have friends?

Is it bad for a person to live freely and as he pleases?

Don’t worry about saying the wrong thing that will cause disgust from your friends; Do not think about him from the position of a friend; Don’t worry about refusing your friend’s request because it’s not good.

When they reached the second floor, the two separated.

One to the left and one to the right.

The homecoming class that Yukinoshita Yukino reads has a separate area.

Without special circumstances, Kitami Zegawa would have had little chance of meeting Yukinoshita Yukinoshita.

In the afternoon physical education class, the physical education teacher hugged Kitami Zegawa and stood with him.

The smile on the physical education teacher’s face was kind, while the students in the audience were very worried.

The last time it happened vividly, if it weren’t for the hidden addition in the end… Kato-san turned over, they are now exhausted here.

No matter who it is, they are worried that the PE teacher will come like this again.

“Come, Kitami, give this group of students the whole life.”

Kitami Sawakawa performed a backflip expressionlessly.

The physical education teacher nodded with satisfaction: “Good physical fitness, strong body, are you interested in going to a special sports school?” ”

“The teacher is joking, right? In the future, I will study at Tokyo University, make friends in it, and become a prime minister! ”

The physical education teacher also felt that his idea was too naïve.

Obviously, people’s academic performance is so good, going to a sports school will harm his life.

However, hearing Kitami Sawagawa’s words behind him, his eyes became brighter and brighter.

“Yes, being an athlete can’t save an island country!”

“Only a young man like you who exudes vitality can truly do something for the island country after becoming prime minister.”

Even Kitami Zekawa, who has always been calm, couldn’t help but feel a little embarrassed at this time.

He just casually found an excuse to politely refuse, why would the teacher be so serious?

Isn’t the current island country quite good except for being garrisoned by Eagle Sauce?

And if he becomes prime minister one day, I am afraid that nothing will change.

Ultraman doesn’t interfere with stupid human choices———— neither does the Traverser.

It wasn’t until the PE teacher left that students learned that worrying was superfluous.

Perhaps because he knew Kitami’s great dream, he just let everyone run around today and let them move freely.

As soon as the teacher left, several boys glanced at each other, and the class leader walked out.

He slowly exhaled a breath and said loudly: “Kitami, this time you should be ready for enlightenment!” ”

Drinking the water, Kitami Sawagawa was stunned, and the water stain dripped from the corner of his mouth on his collarbone.

“Let’s play one more game!” The squad leader walked up to him.

“The squad leader still wants to come?” Twisting the bottle, Kitami Saigawa asked strangely: “You didn’t lose enough last time?” ”

“Last time was last time, this time I have found a way to defeat you!”

“What way?”

“All women…” The squad leader subconsciously spoke, and when he reacted, he quickly stopped: “Despicable, I actually want to inquire about my tactics!” ”

“Hahaha… In that case, I give you this opportunity. ”

“Well, it’s you!”

“What do you want to play?”

“It’s still table tennis.”

So, a group of people walked vigorously to the gymnasium.

On the ping-pong table, Kitami Sawakawa and the squad leader looked at each other with rackets.

The tables are lined with girls.

“In order not to let you lose too quickly, this time I will seal my strength to one percent.”

Kitami Zegawa gave the other party a chance to defeat him.

The squad leader smiled mysteriously: “I believe that soon, you will have to lift the seal.” ”

Without further ado, the battle begins.

Compared with the last time, the squad leader’s skills have obviously improved a lot during this time.

There are back and forth fights with Kitami Sawagawa, who is one percent strong.

“Come on squad leader, come on squad leader, come on squad leader!”

“The squad leader will win, the squad leader will win, and the squad leader will win!”

“The squad leader is the most handsome, the squad leader is the most handsome, and the squad leader is the most handsome!”

The girls standing next to them shouted and jumped in unison.

Wearing shorts, every time they jumped up, they could see obvious ups and downs on their chests, and their thighs under their short skirts were shiny.

“Squad leader scores!” The referee sounded.

Kitami Sawakawa caught the ball thrown by the squad leader, and he had some clarity in his heart.

He had just lost this point because of distraction.

Looking at the smiling looks of these girls, it is obviously the method that the class leader said.

Apparently, everyone in the class united, otherwise it would not be possible for no one to cheer him on.

No, there is still a cheer sound.

Despite being small, it’s hard to hear mixed in the crowd.

But Kitami Zegawa is different, and his excellent physical fitness captures that sound.


Sure enough, you are the last light.

In this cold world, only you are not in the same league as them.

The battle continues.

The fighting situation on both sides is becoming more and more anxious.

Even, Kitami Zegawa fell behind.

Gradually, the cheering sound that was originally aimed at Kitami Zegawa changed.

“Kitami-kun, come on!”

“You’re my favorite person, you want to win!”


The class leader, who lost a goal, looked at the group of girls in disbelief.

“What are you talking about? Didn’t you say that you have to cheer me up when you are all right? ”

“Didn’t you say that you wanted Kitami to know that he was not popular and take revenge on him in this way, so I promised you!?”

“However, Kitami-kun who is sweating is really handsome!” A girl said shyly.

“Heehee, what’s the matter, this time let’s cheer for Kitami-san first, and next time I’m adding it to you!” Another girl said.

Can you still play like this?

The girl who defected made the class leader smile miserably.

Immediately, he stared at Kitami Sawagawa.

“Without an external assist, my chances of beating you are slim, but…”

He took a deep breath.

“If I fall like this, who can fight you? Carrying the name of the class president and carrying the wishes of all the boys, I can’t lose, let alone lose! ”

“Squad leader…” the boys looked at him with emotion.

Kitami Zegawa was silent.

Okay in the second… But it’s also hot-blooded.

Moreover, he felt the squad leader’s determination to die tragically.

Whatever the reason, that determination gave him respect.

“Very well, I admit that you are qualified to be my opponent.”

“Next, I will use all my strength to show my respect for you.”

The squad leader gripped the racket and took the position of catching the ball: “Thank you enough!” ”

Hold on, my body!

Kitami Sawakawa’s eyes were cold.


Five gears!

Dead door, open!

Super Saiyan One, Change!

Combat effectiveness breaks through 50!

Combat effectiveness exceeded 10,000!

Combat effectiveness exceeded 1,000,000!


The upper limit has been broken, and the detector can no longer detect combat effectiveness!

Then, facing Kitami Zegawa, who was fully liberated, the squad leader saw a ball that humans could not play.

He sat on the ground, soulless.

The girl who defected quickly went over to comfort him and said that she would definitely cheer him up next time.

The class leader came back to his senses and showed a smirk, and he looked happy surrounded by girls.

What a group of simple-minded guys stupid, don’t you know that girls are the most coaxing and deceptive?

If there is a next time, it will definitely be sold!

Kitami Sawagawa gave the group of stupid boys a pitying look.

In the sweaty gymnasium, the smell of youth is overflowing.


Dropping his wet clothes and changing into his school uniform, Kitami Sarakawa felt much refreshed.

On the way to the old school building, he was still thinking about that question.

Right now, he has decided to change the final confession of the game.

So how to confess?

By what means?

What are the lines?

With such doubts, when he was about to arrive at the game department, a hand suddenly grabbed him.

“Hey, hey, come in.”

Hirasawa looked around warily, and then took his hand into the light sound part.

“What’s wrong?”

“I’m talking.”

Dragged into the soft voice by her soft little hand, the other three girls sat on the table, looking at him with a smile.

“Please sit.”

Pressing Kitami Zekawa to his seat, Hirasawa Yui respectfully poured him a cup of tea.

“Tea, please.”

Kitami Zekawa did not dare to take this cup of tea, but said with a heavy face:

“If you break into something that you can’t solve yourself, and you need my help, please say it directly, don’t be so polite, I’m afraid.”

It’s normal to think about it, right?

When would this fool Pyeongtaek treat a person so politely?

Or even pour tea for him?

And when he finished speaking, Tianjing Zhongru covered his stomach and laughed without hesitation.

Jean covered her mouth and chuckled.

Mio Akiyama wanted to laugh, but because the boy was present, he was shy and did not dare to laugh.

Each girl has her own characteristics, and she is a group of cute girls.

Pyeongze Wei’s face turned red at first, and then he said angrily and loudly: “Is this image in my heart?” ”

“Isn’t it?” Kitami Zekawa gave her a blank look: “You ask them!” ”

“Law, what do you say?” Hirasawa turned his head, expecting her answer.

“Yes, that’s the image!” Ritsu Tanaka couldn’t help but laugh and nodded.

“What about Oh?”


“Mio-chan, you wouldn’t think that, would you?” Yui Pyeongtaek cast a pitiful look at the last savior.

“Yes… It seems to be. ”

The final savior, stammering, announces the answer that makes Yui Hirasawa desperate.

“You see, it’s that you usually do too many stupid things, so everyone knows!” Kitami Zekawa added.

“Let you come today, it was the last time that song was practiced, I want you to listen to it!” The image had been destroyed, and Hirasawa Yui glared at him, no longer polite.

“Only very stingy, I want her to sing to us, but she said that of course she would sing to Master first!”

Tanai Naka said sourly, “It’s because Mio-chan and I usually teach you so hard!” ”

“Hey, hey.” Pyeongze Wei grabbed the shoulders of the two and coquettishly said: “Please eat in the future, don’t be angry…”

“Really, I will only use this trick…” Tianjing Zhonglu helplessly supported her forehead, and there was no way to deal with her.

“Good, that’s it!”

Retracting his hand, Hirasawa Wei said positively: “Law, Mio, Mio, the accompaniment is for you!” ”

“Oh, leave it to us!” The three girls raised their hands imposingly.

Offstage, Kitami Zekawa took a sip of Pyeongsawa Yui’s tea.

A drum kit beats.

Bass’s voice is thick.

The electronic organ made a beautiful sound.

The main guitar plucked the strings smoothly.

Then the song began.

“Like your angry face, your tired figure.”

“It really doesn’t matter if you live a desperate lifestyle?”

“Always worried about your unintentional actions.”

“Looking at the clear blue sea, even so, do you still have a heart?”

“Although there is still a lot to ask you.”

“The conversation was drowned out by the noise of traffic.”

“I’ve gradually become attracted to you, and I find it incredible.”

“I always want to call you as soon as something happens.”

“Even if you pretend not to care, you still look at you obsessively.”

“Take my hand and fly to the other side of the sea.”

Melodious songs, through walls, through windows, drifting into the distance….


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