The bus was carrying 9 people. The originally flat road slowly began to bump up and bump all the way to the foot of a mountain.

After getting off the bus, the group stood in a row, looking at the dense forest in front of them, and turned to look at Karasuma Gaki.

"Where is this? Is your manor built in this mountain? Are we going to train in the mountain?" Several people asked Karasuma Gaki in a flurry.

Karasuma Gaki took out a few pieces of paper from his tennis bag and gave them to them, "This is the route map, we follow this route map!"

Yukimura looked at the route map, "Is this... going to climb a mountain?"

"Uh, it seems so" Karasuma Gaki felt a little guilty.

"Then let's go." Yukimura led the team in front, and the group walked into the forest.

Following the route map to the foot of the mountain, looking at the steep mountain wall, everyone began to climb up slowly, climbing over the steep slope, wading through the waist-high stream, and looking at the simple and constantly shaking suspension bridge.

Maori couldn't help but complain, "Agaki! How could your manor be built in such a place!"

"It's almost there, just walk a little further and climb another mountain and you should be there..." Karasuma Gaki spoke more and more quietly.

"We're already here, let's continue." Yukimura held the rope of the suspension bridge and began to walk to the other side.

Several people followed one after another, looking at the high mountain wall, couldn't help but sigh, and continued to climb the slope resignedly.

Arriving at the top of the mountain, it was still quite cold on the top of the mountain in November, Karasuma Gaki tightened his coat.

"What's wrong with you guys? Where did you come from?" From the thick fog, a sloppy and strong old man with a wine gourd in his hand and a beard on his face came out.

Looking at the nine little brats in front of him who didn't know where they came from, "Leave quickly, why are you here instead of going to school at this time, get out!"

Karasuma Gaki stepped forward, unzipped the tennis bag sideways, pretended to take something out of it, but actually took a bottle of wine from the space.

He took out the bottle from his bag and handed it to the sloppy old man, "Hmm?"

The sloppy old man took a look at the bottle, high-end wine, brat, underage carrying wine with him, snatched the bottle, turned around and wanted to leave.

"Wait a minute!" Wu Wanyuan called him, and the sloppy old man turned around and looked at him fiercely from top to bottom.

Wu Wanyuan took two steps forward, took the bottle from his hand, and squatted down.

He turned sideways and took out bottle after bottle of wine from his backpack, and also took out a series of bartending tools.

There was even a small ice bucket, and there were even ice cubes inside when the lid was opened...

A group of teenagers behind him looked at each other in confusion, how could he fit so many things in his bag!

Minors are prohibited from drinking! How could he carry so much wine with him!

Oh yes, it was taken by Belmode, just plucking feathers from a passing goose~

He also asked Wu Wanling to prepare a lot for him.

Karasuma Gin performed a cocktail mix for everyone on the spot, and wanted to take out a small folding table.

But if he really took it out, it would probably scare them to death.

The sloppy old man quietly watched the performance of this kid, watching him mix cocktails one after another.

He handed the cup in his hand to the old man, "Martini." After he took it, he started to mix another cup.

"Starry Sky Gin and Tonic." He continued to hand it to him. The old man narrowed his eyes, took it, and took a sip of Martini.

With a slightly bitter taste, take another sip, there is a refreshing feeling and unique fragrance. I finished it unknowingly. The cup is really small!

Tried the Starry Sky Gin and Tonic again.

Very beautiful color, transparent cup, purple liquid, slightly sweet, refreshing, and slightly bitter, the aroma of wine hits the taste buds.

Finished it in a moment!

"Sexy Beach", "Vodka Lime"...

Karagaki put away his things, put away his wine, stood up, and waited for the old man to finish drinking before putting away the cup.

The boy behind him was already numb.

He had a good alcohol tolerance, but the alcohol content of the cocktails he mixed was not high. "What do you want to do, kid?"

"We want to participate in the training for two weeks." Karasuma Gaki straightened his chest and looked up at him.

"Okay, but you have to mix me cocktails every day!" Mifune Nyudou liked the cocktails he mixed very much.

Although the alcohol content was not high and not strong enough, it was delicious. "I am Mifune Nyudou, follow me."

After saying that, he turned and left.

Karasuma Gaki turned around and winked at Yukimura, and pulled Yukimura to follow Mifune Nyudou.

Marui Bunta knew where this place was when he saw Coach Mifune. It was the back mountain of the U-17 training camp!

He did not fall into the loser group in the first round, and had never been to the back mountain.

But the road that Karasuma Gaki took them to was not in the same direction as the training camp.

They couldn't tell the direction on the bus. Unexpectedly, Karasuma Gaki actually brought them to the back mountain of the U-17 training camp for training!

How did he know this place?

How did he know about Coach Mifune?

Why did he bring them here?Is he... carrying some secret?

He took this group of junior high school students to the training ground, where there was already a group of teenagers training.

"Waste, from now on, these junior high school kids will train with you, don't let them outshine you!"

Byōdōin Boss! Marui Bunta saw the most conspicuous tall blond boy in the crowd, still with short hair and a white sweatband.

He doesn't look as anxious now as he did two years ago, and he still looks like a high school student.

It turned out that Byōdōin Boss was sent to the loser group to train in the back mountain at this time, and it was the ghost uncle who defeated him.

Omagari-senpai is also here! Was he sent here by Tanejima-senpai?

Mifune Nyudo was very satisfied with Karasuma Gaki's bartending work, and allowed the junior high school students to live in the cabin next to him. What if he lived in the cave and his wine was accidentally broken!

Anyway, these kids will leave in two weeks, and they are not his main target for punishment. It would be great if he could keep the white-haired kid.


Karagaki and others began to train with the high school students.

Playing on the uneven rocky ground, everyone was not used to it at first.

It is difficult to judge the angle of the ball bouncing on the rocky ground. It is unknown which protruding stone the ball will fall on and from which direction it will bounce.

After being suppressed by the high school students for a while, everyone slowly began to adapt.

The flexible Yukimura, Marui, Mori and Karasumagaki adapted quickly.

The data-oriented Yanagi and Qian also gradually calculated the difference between rocky ground and hard ground and how to return the ball, and they could start to play against the high school students.

Niou used various fraudulent means to slowly score from the high school students.

Sanada is strong in hard power, although he will be caught off guard by the ball that suddenly changes its angle.

After several months of continuous agility training, Kuwahara has also made great progress and gradually adapted.


Several people were hung on the tree, and the hem of their clothes was attracted by gravity and lifted up.

"Little Sanada also has eight abdominal muscles~" Maori saw the waist and abdomen exposed by Sanada's lifted clothes.

He couldn't help counting his abdominal muscles, and Sanada blushed and took off his clothes.

He turned his head and looked at Niou who was hung next to Sanada, "Little Niou has... one, two, three, uh, four pieces that are vaguely visible~"

Niou was hanging upside down, holding a racket in his hand, his arms hanging vertically, looking like a salted fish, not wanting to refute Maori.

"Hahahaha, four pieces that are vaguely visible, Niou, who made you so picky, I'm sure you have the least abdominal muscles among us!" Wen Tai laughed at Niou loudly, he has six abdominal muscles!

"Tsk, little brat!" Byodoin was hung not far from the crowd of Rikkai.

Hearing several people discussing how many abdominal muscles there were, he couldn't help but interrupt and mock.

A bunch of childish brats, but Byodoin Phoenix has solid eight-pack abs, beautiful and strong!

He also went to watch the national competition this year, and was expecting Ueda Gawaminami to lead Makinoto to win the championship.

After completing the national championship three times in a row, he didn't expect a dark horse to jump out of Kanto and cut off Makinoto's three consecutive championships.

It's these guys, I don't know how they found this place!

Since they came to the door, he has to teach these arrogant guys a lesson.

"Byodoin Boss!" These days, Wen Tai has been hanging around Byodoin and calling him Boss, "You also have eight packs! Boss's abs are so beautiful!"


Byodoin couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth, he was a bit expressionless.

He simply couldn't control his expression, and he didn't feel very happy.

You little brats, you're good at flattering, even if you flatter me, I won't show mercy!

I will definitely teach you a lesson!

"You useless people! Don't be too relaxed! Don't let the ball fall! If you let the ball fall, you won't have dinner tonight!"

The tennis ball was thrown in front of him. He held the racket in his hand, supported his body with his waist and abdomen, and started to hit the ball.

"Ah, this is so tiring~"

"It should be training for the abdominal muscles and back muscles."

"Hmph, little brats, is this not enough?" The Phoenix of Byodoin hit the tennis ball hard and flew towards Yukimura.

Yukimura used his waist, abdomen and back to support his body and swing back, holding the racket in his hands with both hands and hitting the ball back hard.

You have some strength, huh, after all, you are the school that defeated our king, Makino Fuji.

Then let me see how strong you are!

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