After the battle for the cabin, it was time for dinner. Karasuma Gaki and his friends finished their dinner listlessly, packed up their things with a wronged look on their faces, and went to the cave.

With nothing else but a sleeping bag, they put their tennis bags on the wall, rested for a while, and then went to practice on their own.

After practicing multi-ball against the wall, Yukimura can now play 9-ball against the boss of Byodoin, and added one more ball at the end.

Sanada can also play 7-ball. Karasuma Gaki didn't practice too many balls, but he could play 6 balls in the first play. They can't fall behind too much!

Multi-ball practice improves speed and technique.


After sleeping in the cave for a night, the young man fell asleep immediately and slept well. He was so tired during the day that he didn't have the trouble of not being able to sleep at night.

"Muscle strengthening rackets, everyone come and get a racket." Mifune Nyudo brought over a basket of rackets.

Junior high school students and high school students each had a racket, and it was difficult to hold it in one hand and swing it, "Hahaha! I put lead in the racket frame."

Looking at several thin junior high school students holding the rackets with difficulty, Mifune explained with a big laugh.

"This racket is too heavy! I don't have enough energy to swing it without eating enough!" Wen Tai held the racket with difficulty and tried to swing it.

Junior high school students and high school students stood on the same court, and Coach Mifune stood on the opposite court, also holding a racket filled with lead, "Little brats, come and practice catching the ball!"

Try to lift the heavy racket and hit the tennis ball back, "It's so light! Didn't you eat?"

"That little breakfast is indeed not eaten!" Wen Tai tried hard to hit back a ball and was said to be light, and couldn't help but refute.

"If you have the strength to be so tough, you won't be so useless! Kids! Come again!"

Coach Mifune practiced with them for more than an hour. Seeing that everyone began to gradually adapt to the lead racket swing, he announced that they would continue after a half-hour break.

Everyone sat on the ground without caring about their image, and they were hungry again.

8 people looked at Karasuma Gaki, who turned his head and gestured, and the 9 people stood up together and returned to the cave.

They took out bread and sausages from their tennis bags, 2 each, and sat on the ground and started to eat.

"Little devil! You are eating alone!" Byodoin Phoenix and Omagari Ryuji came in from the cave entrance, looking at the food in their hands with sparkling eyes.

Everyone paused while eating, and Karasuma Gaki had no choice but to turn around and take out 6 more breads and sausages from the space for them.

"What brand of bread is this?" Omagari Ryuji thought it tasted good and could buy it to eat later.

After the break, Coach Mifune divided the high school students and junior high school students into two groups and asked them to continue practicing with lead rackets.

"My whole arm feels so painful and sore." Mori, Nio rubbed his arm.

Wu Wan Yuan also felt that his arms were sore and swollen. After lunch, there was a break. The nine people leaned against the wall of the cave and closed their eyes to rest.

Wu Wan Yuan quietly activated [Thinking of Wu Xie] and conducted group therapy to restore physical strength and relieve a lot of physical fatigue.

After the lunch break, the afternoon training began, and they stood in the water to do hitting training again.

They had trained like this when they first came, but the difference was the racket.

"The racket is already heavy, and now there is water resistance! I can't hold it anymore!"

"Ah!" Under the impact of the water flow, he held the racket with both hands, shouted to cheer himself up and hit it back with difficulty.

After the break after training, a group of starving ghosts came to Wu Wan Yuan again.

One by one, they consciously took branches and stood in a row. Some people took 2 branches, and some people took 4 branches!

Today is another day of hard work for the fishermen~

Came to the place where the fish was grilled before, and started to divide the work and cooperate.

Some people were busy collecting firewood to make a fire, some were preparing to pick up fish, and some were preparing to kill fish.

Simply put, it was a tacit cooperation.

Karasuma Gaki started to catch fish, and gave a knife to Kuwabara and Oqu, and Oqu senior also knew how to kill fish.

After eating the grilled fish, Byodoin and Oqu started their sparring work.


Karasuma Gaki and nine people stayed in the mountains for a full 14 days.

On the afternoon of the last day, after the training, Yukimura and Karasuma Gaki found coach Mifune to say goodbye, "Thank you very much for your care for two weeks!"

Mifune lay on the couch sideways, facing away from them and waved casually.

Karasuma Gaki took out more than a dozen bottles of Gin Nashun from the tennis bag behind him, put them on the table in coach Mifune's room, and turned away with Yukimura.

He also left a lot of bread and ham sausage for Byodoin and Oqune. Karasuma Gaki was very satisfied with their sparring work!

This is the red envelope reward from the boss of Karasuma!

Byodoin and Omagari were puzzled. This kid stole bread with his teammates every day for 14 days!

He actually left so many things for them. His tennis bag is Doraemon.treasure bag?

How did you fit so many things in it?

Sitting on the bus back, Niou touched his six-pack abs.

Unable to resist his curiosity, he leaned out from in front of Maori and asked Karasuma Gaki who was sitting behind them, "Gaki, how did you fit so many things in your tennis bag?"

"Last week, I consumed an average of 50 breads and 50 sausages a day, a total of 350 breads and 350 sausages a week."

Liu calculated the consumption and paused for a moment.

"It is estimated that 450 loaves of bread and 450 sausages will be consumed in the next week. According to calculations, the volume of the tennis bag is... The total volume of the bread and sausage is... In addition, the volume of the wine bottle is... The volume of the bartending tools is... According to the data, the tennis bag cannot fit!" (Too lazy to calculate (ง •_•)ง hahahaha)

Everyone in the car turned to look at Karasuma Gaki, who closed his eyes, "I feel dizzy๑_๑, I feel dizzy, I seem to be carsick~" He tilted his head and fell on Yukimura's shoulder.

Yukimura supported Karasuma Gaki's head and touched his head, "Xiao Yuan is carsick, let him rest for a while, he must be tired from fishing and grilling fish for you every day."

Everyone in the car: "..."

Carsickness is not like this, right?

He fishes as happily as if he were playing, he doesn't look tired at all!

And the grilled fish is obviously grilled by them!

Jingshi, you have to stay away from him, it's too easy to be deceived!

Rebellious children should not be spoiled too much!

The car was shaking, and Karasuma Gaki leaned on Yukimura and slowly fell asleep.

Today is Sunday, and the bus took everyone home.

Karasuma Gaki was woken up by Yukimura, and he was sleeping with a confused face, "Xiao Yuan, how about going to my house tonight?"

Yukimura's villa has a guest room prepared for Karasuma Gaki. Karasuma Gaki nodded, and Yukimura took his wrist back home with a dazed face.

After dinner and washing up, Karasuma Gaki was completely awake and was sitting on the bed looking at his mobile phone.

"Bang bang--" There was a knock on the door, "Is Xiao Yuan asleep?" Yukimura's voice sounded outside the door.

"No." Karasuma Gaki got up to open the door, Yukimura entered the room, and Karasuma Gaki pulled Yukimura to sit down by the bed, "What's wrong? Jingshi"

"In the car, how do you plan to solve the problems they asked?" After Liu and others had doubts, it was difficult to dispel the idea of ​​exploration.

Karasuma Gaki was silent for a while, "Just tell them."

After they know, he will be able to use his skills more recklessly in the future, it's a bit cool to think about it!

Everyone plays fantasy tennis, so magic and other things are easy to accept, Jingshi also accepted it very calmly!

[Ding-Congratulations to the host for completing 75% of the Prince of Tennis mission]

[Oh? What do you mean? What happened? ]

[Your current strength has greatly improved, and the task of preventing Qingxue from winning the championship in 2 years has taken a big step forward]

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