After entering the second year of junior high school, everyone's height has grown a lot. Senior Mori from the third year of junior high school has reached 1.85 meters tall, and he is worthy of being a tall man who will grow to more than 1.9 meters in the future.

Qian is now the tallest among the second year students. Karasuma Gaki, Yanagi and Sanada have grown to 1.75 meters, Kuwabara is 1.74 meters, Yukimura and Niou are 1.71 meters.

And Bunta, with his hard work in drinking milk, has grown to 1.65 meters, one centimeter taller than in the third year of junior high school in the first round, which shows that drinking milk is still useful! I hope he can break through 1.7 meters in the third year of junior high school!

Wen Tai secretly asked Wu Wan Yuan if there was any magic that could make people grow taller. Wu Wan Yuan looked at him with a beady look, "You still have a lot of complaints about your height, huh?"

"What man doesn't want to grow tall and strong!" Looking up at Wu Wan Yuan, Wen Tai looked out the window with a melancholy face, "I wish I could grow as tall as you."

"I'll help you think of a way."

The most handsome man in the universe: Grandpa, does that "growth plan" have any side effects?

No one knows better than me Crow: No, it's already mature. If you eat it, you can grow 10 cm taller if you are under 20 years old, 5 cm taller if you are under 50 years old, and 3 cm taller if you are over 50 years old. It has been sold in the celebrity circle for a long time.

No one knows better than me Crow: You are only 13 years old now, 1.75 meters tall, and you can still grow, don't be afraid

The most handsome man in the universe: Give me a few, grandpa

No one knows better than me Crow: 1 million dollars per piece, we sell celebrities for 3 million dollars.

The most handsome man in the universe: !!! Grandpa! I'm being too polite!

No one understands Crow better than me: I see you haven't done many missions this year?

The most handsome guy in the universe: I understand!

It's not bad to do more things and destroy the protagonist's halo.


Kirihara Akaya also joined the tennis club, and Yagyu Hiroshi also submitted an application to join the club.

In the second week of the new semester, the tennis club will hold a regular selection competition, and all freshmen and second and third year members who think they are capable of joining the regular selection will compete in group qualifying.

After a week of qualifying, the selected regular members of the Rikkai University Tennis Club are: Headmaster Yukimura Seiichi (2 years), Vice Headmaster Sanada Genichirō (2 years), Mori Jusaburo (3 years), Karasuma Gaki (2 years), Yanagi Renji (2 years), Marui Bunta (2 years), Niou Masaharu (2 years), Jackal Kuwabara (2 years)

The semi-regular members are Inui Sadaharu (2 years), Yagyu Hiroshi (2 years), Kirihara Akaya (1 year), Sakamoto (1 year).

Yagyu once learned tennis for a while, but he liked golf more than tennis, so he gave up tennis and focused on playing golf.

However, the Rikkai University Golf Club has few staff and insufficient funds, and the department's management is shaky. The school plans to close the golf club.

And Niou keeps pestering him and calls him every day. The phone bills they spend chatting account for a quarter of the family's phone bills, which makes his mother mistakenly think that he is in love!

"I will become stronger! And then I will defeat all of you!" After listening to Yanagi reading the list of regulars and semi-regulars, Kirihara Akaya took a step forward and raised his fist to swear.

"Haha~ Very impressive, I am looking forward to it, Akaya" After two weeks of getting along with this junior, Yukimura has already figured out the character of this silly and cute junior, "You are welcome to challenge me."

Facing the gentle smile of the good-looking director, the arrogant Kirihara Akaya put away his legs and touched his head, "Haha, you are too kind, too kind"

Niou Masaharu leaned on his scheduled partner Yanagi, looking at the silly junior, "Seiichi didn't praise you, piyo~"

"Liar senior! I won't believe you!" He has only been in the tennis club for 2 weeks, and he was deceived by this white-haired senior to practice many times! He is really exhausted! Damn guy, he will definitely defeat him!

"Kirihara-kun, it's time to go to training with me." The boy, who was cool in every gesture, wore a pair of black-framed glasses, and had a teardrop mole under his left eye and a handsome appearance, giving people the feeling that he was an elite, even though he was only a junior high school student.

Kirihara Akaya looked at this classmate who entered the semi-regular selection with him. Sakamoto had just moved next door to his house, and the two went home together after school. Thanks to Kirihara Akaya, the new neighbor could find his home accurately every day!

But he didn't even know the other person's name? ! "Hey! Sakamoto, what's your name?" When Senior Liu read his name just now, he only read his last name, it seems?

"My name is Sakamoto beep-beep-" Sakamoto looked down at this simple-minded new neighbor and said his name.

"Eh? Confidential information?" The name spoken from Sakamoto's mouth was muted by the beep machine! Even the lip shape was coded! Kirihara Akaya looked dazed.

"This world is becoming more and more mysterious"I can't help but sigh.

[How many animes are integrated into the customer service? ? ]


[Does Sakamoto have a mission? And Kaito Kid? ]

[Sakamoto and Kid don't have missions, they are guest stars]


"Mori-senpai, you are getting faster and faster now." Karasuma Gaki watched Mori break free of the pentagram and hit back his serve at 4-0.

Just as he was about to turn sideways to chase the ball flying to the baseline, his heart suddenly shook, a large mouthful of blood spurted out of his mouth, his eyes lost focus, and he slowly fell down while holding his heart.




Yukimura, who was on the nearest court next door, quickly dropped his racket and hugged the fallen Karasuma Gaki. Karasuma Gaki held Yukimura's hand and fell into a coma.

The entire Rikkai University tennis club was in chaos. Yukimura couldn't help but take out his cell phone with shaking hands to call Karasuma Rei, "Uncle Rei...Uncle Rei, Gaki suddenly vomited blood and fainted!"

Mori's eyes were red. What should he do? Was it because he broke free from Gaki's mental attack that he became like this?

Karasuma Rei received Yukimura's call. After hearing that the young master vomited blood and fainted, the hair on his head jumped wildly left and right. He immediately sent a message to the boss and Gin.

And notified Cognac to immediately arrange for the organization's rescue team to go to Rikkai University to pick up people.

The rescue team arrived at the tennis court and immediately arranged the scene. They first conducted an on-site examination of Karasuma Rei, but did not find the cause of the sudden illness.

Prepare to send him to the organization hospital first, and then do a detailed examination. Yukimura wanted to go with him, but was rejected by Cognac.

But because Karasuma Rei held Yukimura's hand tightly, there was no choice but to agree to let him go.

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