Summon a Little Fire Dragon at the Start

Chapter 1068: Old Ancestor Hong is dumbfounded! (Down)

Outside the city that never sleeps.

In a ruin nearly 10,000 meters away from the wall.

Dark mist is permeated.

On the ruins of a tall building hundreds of meters high.


In the silent black fog, a cloud of mist surged, and then a black bat with a wingspan of nearly several meters long and a body shape of two meters long flew over.

However, when the figure with bat wings fell on the top of the ruins, it became clear that it was a half-human wild monster.

He is a middle-aged man with black hair on his face.

In the middle-aged man's mouth, two sharp fangs appeared, like two canine teeth.

After a pair of pupils flew above this dexterously, he began to look at the black mist around him, but with his eyesight, he could only see the scene within a few hundred meters around him.

However, a slight sound wave rang out from the middle-aged man's mouth, which swayed in all directions around him.

His probing ability is carried out using sonar.


Because the surrounding black fog hinders sight and soul power, but the hindrance to sound is not high. Although there is also black fog limiting, the detection distance can be more than kilometers.

As a bat demon who just arrived in the middle of the 21st stage, he came to this outlying chaotic place in order to hunt down some zombies of the same level that were not very strong in defense.

His claws can easily tear through the defenses of those zombies.

Digging out the crystals of the laws in those dead bodies, and swallowing them, he can greatly shorten the time of advancement.

In this way, you can step into the high-end.

It is also because this bat demon has considerable confidence in his own speed of escape, so he came to this peripheral chaotic area.

Under the sonar of this bat demon.

It was indeed sensed that under a ruin more than 800 meters southwest of him, there was indeed a weak energy fluctuation. From the energy fluctuation, it was very much like a metal life in the realm of law.

The metal life of the same level, in his opinion, is an iron shell, and the energy crystallization in that iron shell is far less delicious than the life crystals of the zombie life of the level.

The crystallization of the zombie life, after he swallowed it, could also be quickly digested and merged into his own limbs.

But just when this bat demon wanted to flap its wings and leave this place, and then searched for another ruined area, looking for the lives of zombies wandering here.


In the dark misty void on his side.

From it came out a middle-aged man more than two meters tall and wearing a black costume!

"Human race?"

The bat demon looked at the middle-aged man who appeared out of thin air, and his expression was happy, his soul power was released, covering the celebrity man in front of him, but his soul power seemed to have been swallowed by a black hole. .

No feedback at all.

"High-ranking human race!"

Can't perceive this person's specific cultivation.

That is, with a high probability, the cultivation level of the middle-aged man in front of him is already beyond his realm, and he cannot detect a cultivator of too high a level.

escape! !

There was only one thought left in this bat monster's heart.

The other party doesn't know the depth, so he should go away to save his life.

If you kicked any iron, I guess I don't know how I died.

But just when he flapped his wings and wanted to leave.

The man in black attire in front of him raised his right hand and shook it in the direction where he was.


Immediately afterwards.

This bat demon sensed that his surroundings were enveloped by a huge force, as if two invisible big hands appeared in front of him, tearing his body alive.

Blood was scattered all over the sky.

It became a blood mist.

This person is Hong Jiu who rushed here from the city that never sleeps.

He came here.

He also wanted to hide, and when the intruder showed up next time, he must take action this time to make sure nothing went wrong.

This was an opportunity to seize the way to escape from the city that never sleeps, he would never allow himself to miss it.

The Hong family's hatred.

He wants to report.

What's more, he also wanted to know what's the situation in the Hong family outside. Perhaps he could know a little information from these intruders. This hope is enough for him to catch it himself.

And the bat demon he solved just now, to him, was just a demon on the side of the road.

It looks like an ant squeezed to death.

In his opinion.

The life of the cultivator in the 21st realm is only a few powerful ants, but no matter what, a single blow can crush the opponent to death, unless it is of the same level, there is a chance to compete with him head-on.

Hong Jiu's heart moved.

The bat demon exploded in situ, and the blood mist and powder formed immediately seemed to be attracted by some kind of power.

Gathered into a tiny blood stream, it was swallowed by Hong Jiu.

The law of blood knife controlled by Hong Jiu.

One of the nutrients of his blood knife law is the power of energy and blood of this carbon-based life of all things.

"Just wait here!"

Hong Jiu glanced around, thinking in his heart.

Near here, it’s not very far from the wall, only a few thousand meters away, and he used his own blood gas exploration secret method, blended into the blood fog, and the detection range can easily pass through these thousands of meters, directly to the touch. To the walls of the city that never sleeps.

It can be said.

As long as the opponent enters the Evernight City area again.

He can lock the opponent's position for the first time!

Thunder shot and surrendered the opponent!

But it's Hong Jiu.

When he began to cast the blood mist exploration secret technique, the wisps of blood released from him merged into the surrounding air and began to spread toward the surroundings.

He perceives it.

A kilometer away in front of him.

There was an object he couldn't reach.

That object rushed towards where he was at an extremely fast speed, and under the strong gravity of the city that never sleeps, it was able to show such a fast speed.

Twenty-two realms!

At this moment, Hong Jiu had such a thought in his mind that the opponent's speed was one point faster than him.

at the same time.

Hong Jiu's expression also became solemn, this time Evernight City connected to the outside world, could it be that the opponent also had many 22-level powerhouses, if that was the case.

That would be a huge blow to their current city that never sleeps.

Just as Hong Jiu was thinking about it.

The black mist in front of him surged.

A white, swift afterimage flew from a distance, without saying anything, it went to a place two steps away in front of him, at a very fast speed, and at the same time he saw a guy who looked like a human teenager.

Moreover, the law fluctuating in the opponent's body is indeed a strong person in the twenty-two realm!

Hong Jiu was extremely cautious.

Looking at this guy who looked like a human race boy, he waved his fist, Hong Jiu's expression was full of anger, this is the small Hong Jiu's blood knife law!

Hong Jiu's blood knife law is powerful, but it is comparable to some sword laws.

In terms of the exertion of combat power, in many laws, the threshold of the middle and upper laws can also be touched!

After all, the higher the level of understanding the law, the more difficult it will be to break through!

The law-level cultivators in many forces, when they are about to break through, are the most basic five-element rules, or some inferior rules, so that the difficulty of breaking through can be minimized.

At least they can make breakthroughs with a slightly lower difficulty.

Wait until the low-level laws he understands break through.

Then start to comprehend the higher-level laws he comprehended. In this way, he can comprehend for a longer time!

"court death!!"

The killing intent of Hong Jiu's eyes skyrocketed.

Raising his hands, since the opponent is of the same level, he dared not save a little bit. He almost mobilized more than 90% of the power of the law, and instantly condensed in front of him into a blood crystal nearly two meters long. Knife.

A strong suffocation exuded from the blood crystal long knife.

This suffocation is precisely because of his blood knife, but he killed a lot of magical monsters in the law realm, as well as some zombie lives, in order to be able to fill the resource vacancy in Xiaocang Mountain.

I have been to many areas in the periphery, and I can sweep a few small resource points!

All those resource points were looted, and the lives that guarded the resource points were all killed by his blood knife law and sacrificed his blood knife.


The blood knife slashed.

A blood rainbow broke through the air.

Click! !

"how is this possible!?"


But when Hong Jiu, who was full of confidence, his **** long knife condensed, slashed fiercely on the fist of this celebrity white-robed boy, the fist that seemed white and weak.

But directly smashed his blood knife.

This condensed more than 90% of his blood knives.

The core of his own law.

Hong Jiu was stunned!

Even at the same level, it is impossible to be so strong!

This is definitely not the same level of combat power, even if it is the peak of the 22nd realm, Hong Jiu believes it.

In the case of their same order.

It is still such a miserable loss, there is only one possibility, the opponent's law is higher than him, and it belongs to the blood knife law that crushes his comprehension.

After the blood knife was broken.

The fist still didn't stop for a moment, and it reached Hong Jiu's face in an instant, and a huge force poured down.


There was a muffled sound.

Hong Jiu's entire head was directly shattered!

"My head is gone!?"


The soul of Hong Jiu remaining on his torso felt that his head was like a fragile watermelon. After being directly smashed, his whole body was like a wooden person, standing still on the spot.

The opponent is simply outrageous!

"So weak!?"

Bai just wanted to try the strength of his physical body under the blessing of snake magic now!

But with one punch, he smashed the opposing law's manifestation.

Plus, it shattered the opponent's head.

With this series of actions, not only Hong Jiu himself was stunned, but even Bai Zi himself was stunned. He didn't expect that the enemy of the 22nd realm would be so fragile in flesh, as if it were paper.

Bai only knows now.

His ancestor's law, when faced with ordinary laws, still had the power to crush a large rank!

After thinking of this, Bai Zhi's expression was a bit fiery.

boom! !

But just when Bai Zhi's gaze fell on the torso of Hong Jiu below.

What he didn't expect was that Hong Jiu's torso burst directly from the explosion!

Hundreds of tiny pieces of flesh, like a series of **** streamers, fled in all directions, and every piece of flesh and blood was wrapped in Hong Jiu's spirit power.

"Star Eater!!"

Just a few steps away from the confession, there was suddenly an extremely dense white bone cell, which began to grow rapidly, and in a blink of an eye it became a 100-meter-long white python.

The white python opened his mouth, and a huge swallowing force came out of his mouth!

Like a black hole vortex.

The released pulling force covered the surrounding hundreds of meters.

Bang bang bang...

In the range of the black hole swallowed, the piled up ruined buildings, the metal and various stones on it began to fly, and were swallowed into the mouth by the white python.

And the fragments of Hong Jiu's flesh and blood also failed to escape, and all of them entered the white python's abdomen, completely dispelling the other's idea of ​​escaping!

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