Summon a Little Fire Dragon at the Start

Chapter 1103: Starry Sky Tyrannosaurus, Fengyu!

Tai ancient universe country.

The northern star field.

In the vast cosmic starry sky, a black stone with a diameter of three kilometers, from the sky is like a meteor flying by.

The goal is towards the Apocalypse Continent of the Taigu universe.

This is the Starry Sky Tyrannosaurus just out of trouble.

When he was banned.

I perceive that in this galaxy, there is a clansman of the Bone Demon clan who has just grown up, and the other side's realm has only just stepped into the law realm!

But at a thought.

The strong man who sealed his own Bone Demon clan, the Starry Sky Tyrannosaurus Beast emerged from the bottom of his heart with a huge amount of hatred.

Thinking of myself being sealed for millions of years.

The realm has also dropped by a major level.

At the elementary level of the twenty-four realm, it was one step short of falling to the heavenly realm. After getting out of trouble, this starry sky tyrannosaurus was also plundering the energy in the surrounding void and filling itself.

After flying for half a day.

His own rank was also stabilized at the elementary level of the twenty-four realm, and did not continue to fall. What is more, the bone demon family he perceives, his realm is the highest of the twenty-two realm.

The strongest combat power can't exceed the twenty-third stage. Before the opponent can fully grow, he must kill the opponent.

However, the Starry Sky Tyrannosaurus Beast has some emotions. With such a powerful bloodline of the Bone Demon Clan, it has been suppressed by the rules of the universe.

What I never expected is that it has been a million years, and the bone demons still have blood to survive.

But this is a junior of the Bone Demon.

The law realm came out, and the surroundings did not perceive the aura of other adult bone demons, which also proved that the number of bone demons clan had indeed dropped to a very low level.


The cosmic starry sky tens of thousands of meters away from the starry sky Tyrannosaurus.

A 10,000-meter-long spacecraft flies by in the vast starry sky. This is a transportation spacecraft of the Chamber of Commerce, which is driving on the navigation route planned by the brain.

In the central control cabin.

A middle-aged man in a white robe, holding his head, looked sleepy.


The next moment, in the blink of an eye, the control room was replaced by a dazzling red. In the line of sight, one could clearly see that a huge star map tens of meters wide was projected on the brain ball suspended in the sky.

On the route of their spacecraft, at some point, there was an extra meteorite that was speeding fast. The speed of that meteorite was much faster than that of ordinary meteorites, and it overlapped with the course of their spacecraft.

If this is not avoided in time.

I will definitely hit it.

But in this star field, they have been sailing for more than a hundred years, but they have never seen any meteorites. For hundreds of light years around, there is no huge meteorite belt.

"The spacecraft is re-planning its route to avoid meteorites!"

"The meteorite cuts off the detection signal and cannot be detected."

"Capturing the full picture of the meteorite."

"The full picture of the meteorite has been presented."

The beautiful voice of a wise brain girl rang in the entire control cabin.

But when the human monks, including the captain, saw the captured meteorite picture, everyone's pupils suddenly shrank, full of surprise.

On the whole, where is a meteorite, it is clearly a giant starry beast curled up.

The size of this starry sky behemoth is at least several thousand meters long, and it does not look big, but the starry sky behemoth that navigates the universe like this is definitely above the domain level.

But they don't want to encounter any starry behemoth designed to the domain level.

On their ship, they were only Domain-level monks in the early stage of the Eighteenth Realm, and it was also a Wood Element with not strong combat effectiveness. This behemoth in the starry sky was usually at the eighteenth level.

After they met, they were in trouble.

Moreover, a nearby supply planet is also more than ten light-years away. If they ask for help, it will be quite troublesome for the first-class forces on the planet to support them.


"Wisdom avoids this meteorite."

"The farther the better!"

The middle-aged man in the white robe on the seat, who was a little sleepy, stood up immediately, and spoke with a spirit of energy.

"I am planning a route, away from the meteorite!"


On the huge star map tens of meters in front of him, he immediately planned a route to bypass the star behemoth and moved it straight away.

Open the panoramic window.


In front of the control room of their spacecraft, it immediately turned into a glass-like projection, so that the vast galaxy in front of their spacecraft could be clearly seen, and the line of sight was far away.

The huge shining galaxies formed one after another traverse the sky.

Just when he was on the ship, to see if he could see the behemoth in the starry sky approaching their spacecraft with the naked eye.


In front of the huge transparent glass in front of their spaceship, a huge head like a lizard monster appeared out of thin air, the head as huge as a building.

And on both sides of the opponent's head, several horns that looked savage were born.

There are criss-crossing tines in the mouth.

Outside the spacecraft.

The Starry Sky Tyrannosaurus, who was still far away, felt a sense of curiosity in his eyes when he sensed that there was an extra human spaceship on the route he was flying.

After getting out of trouble, he has been recovering from his injuries, and he has never seen the current human race.

Starry Sky Tyrannosaurus looked down at the dozen human races in the control cabin, raised his right hand, and gently protruded a finger, tearing the protective wall of the control cabin easily.

It's like tearing apart a thin piece of paper, very simple.


The ship in the control cabin, as well as the crew of more than a dozen human races, were all displayed in front of the starry sky tyrannosaurus beast, everyone after seeing the starry sky tyrannosaurus beast suddenly appeared.

Almost held his breath.

They didn't expect that the giant starry sky just detected by the brain.

Why did you suddenly arrive in front of their spaceship?

If this behemoth of the starry sky really appeared at the edge of the brain's detection, now it suddenly appeared in front of them, enough to see the horror of the speed of the behemoth of the starry sky.

"The current human race is so weak!"

The Starry Sky Tyrannosaurus glanced at the human race in it.

Among them, there was one of the eighteenth realms, and the rest hadn't even touched the domain-level threshold. He sneezed over, and even those domain-level monks would have to die.

boom! !

After the Starry Sky Tyrannosaurus had achieved his goal, he directly raised his right hand and slapped it fiercely on the huge human battleship in front of him.

The human battleship quickly blasted into powder.

There is no explosion.

There is no metal shavings.

It was as if this claw attack of the Starry Sky Tyrannosaurus had directly photographed the original human battleship into another space.

Only the dozen human races in the control room on the spacecraft remained in place.

Of course, in that huge Terran battleship, in addition to a dozen people in the control cabin, there are also many Terrans in the other cabins, and there are more than 100 people in total.

But those people are not interested in Starry Sky Tyrannosaurus.

"Where's the spaceship?"


Suddenly appeared on the white robe ship in the void, as well as a dozen human crew members, looking at the spaceship that disappeared out of thin air, after they looked up, they saw the starry tyrannosaurus beast above their heads like a huge mountain range.

The moment everyone looked up.

He met the pair of orange-yellow vertical pupils of the Starry Sky Tyrannosaurus. In the cold vertical pupils, there was no emotional change, as if it were a contrast between the human race and a dozen little ants.

The starry tyrannosaurus bowed its head.

He opened his mouth, just like when he breathed normally, after a brief inhalation, the dozen human races under him were sucked into the mouth by a whirlwind released from the mouth of the starry tyrannosaurus beast.

In a blink of an eye.

The dozen human races, including the captain, didn't even struggle at all, and all fell.

A few seconds later.

The look of the Starry Sky Tyrannosaurus Beast flashed a little, and after devouring these human races, he also had an understanding of the area where he was now.

The power of this galaxy is now controlled by a Tai ancient universe.

The strongest of the forces.

That is, a Tianzun realm of twenty-four realms.

It's far worse than before.

Before the Middle Ages.

In every galaxy, the light is the human race's heavenly superior realm powerhouse, no less than double digits, that is the dazzling human race monk civilization, and the demon race is no exception.

Cultivating resources everywhere, but now that after so many years, in this galaxy, there is only one Human Celestial Realm that controls the entire system.

And the destination of his trip.

The Starry Sky Tyrannosaurus also knew that it was a high-level cultivation planet in the ancient universe, and the strongest on it was only a human monk of the 22nd realm, as well as a monster monk.

In his realm, he wants to kill the opponent with one move.

The Starry Sky Tyrannosaurus has been boring for so many years and wants to see what the planet is like today, and Starry Sky Tyrannosaurus also has a hobby.

For the food of the human race, but very yearning.


When he was banned by the powerhouses of the Xingtian and Bone Demon races, he stole a human monk from the Celestial Realm and made a delicacy that could enhance the time of cultivation for hundreds of years.

Not only is it delicious, but it can also increase the cultivation base, which really makes him have endless aftertastes.

Looking back so far, it can still make the Starry Sky Tyrannosaurus be an impulse.

And the Starry Sky Tyrannosaurus Beast also planned to enter the Apocalypse Continent silently first, looking for some traces of that bone demon, to see if it was a bone demon in the 22nd realm.

If he hurried to the door by himself, but met a bone demon in the Heavenly Venerable Realm, wouldn't it be that he would have to face the end of being banned again.

He didn't want to be sealed again as soon as he got out of trouble!

Although the sealing method of the Bone Demon Clan is inferior to the Xingtian Clan, but in the same level, no one will be the opponent of the Bone Demon Clan. The Bone Demon Clan’s ancestor-calling secret technique is ranked among the many secrets in the universe. The forefront.

The starry sky Tyrannosaurus who thought for a moment.

next moment.

His body was as large as a mountain range, and it shrank quickly visible to the naked eye, and within a few breaths, he became as tall as an ordinary human race.

And he became a handsome fan boy wearing a black robe.


next moment.

The starry sky tyrannosaurus beast Fengyu took out an ancient spaceship that was older than the Middle Ages from his own storage equipment. The grade of this spaceship and battleship has reached the 23rd level.

Although it was only about a hundred meters in diameter, it was dozens of times smaller than the one hundred human beings in the past and the spacecraft on which they were riding, but this spacecraft was carried by individuals.

It was in the Middle Ages that Feng Yu directly snatched it from the metal beings of the Heavenly Venerable Realm who came out of a scientific and technological civilization universe.

Only after a million years.

When Feng Yu took out the spaceship from it, everything on the spaceship, after such a long period of time, became worse.

Even so, it is still a twenty-second class warship.

The flight speed was a lot slower than him, but it was enough. In half a day, it would be no problem to reach the Apocalypse Continent.

Feng Yu entered the spaceship's control room. In the spaceship's control room, there were several burly mechanical life fighters, and the ranks of these fighters were also in the 23rd realm.

It is a link in the combat power system of this spacecraft.

In the entire spacecraft, there are as many as ten metal robots that can be used to control the spacecraft and can fight in close and long range combat.

Ordering some things to do daily, there is absolutely no impact.

Feng Yu released his soul.

After connecting to the intellectual brain on this spacecraft, he directly ordered to transmit the spatial coordinate position of the Apocalypse Continent to the intellectual brain that had just awakened now.

This intellectual brain is a square cube, the whole body is dark, and it can be seen on four planes, with a huge golden one eye appearing on it.

Circles of fine gears revolve like nature in them.

"Connecting to the Universe Brain..."

"connection succeeded!"

"Loading new data in the universe!"


"To establish peer routes!"

"It is estimated to arrive at Apocalypse in twenty-six minutes and forty-seven seconds!"

"Do you start the power engine?"


Immediately afterwards.

The wisdom brain in the control room in front of him fell into Feng Yu's ears one by one.

"start up!"

Feng Yu said.

outside world.

From now on, it was dark, like a devil fish-like spaceship. From its front end, a black jade bead the size of a basketball was shot out, and the black bead released a thick black mist from the air.

The black mist formed a vortex channel several meters in diameter, and the other side of this vortex channel led to a star field hundreds of light years away.

With this temporary artificial wormhole, it can reach the artificial wormhole in a faster time, so that it can reach the Apocalypse star faster.


Suddenly, this spacecraft, which looked like a devil fish, passed an afterimage from the sky, and immediately rushed into it, and disappeared.

Feng Yu in the control room is very leisurely.

Feng Yu casts secret methods.

From the memory of the domain-level human race monk who was killed by him, many delicacies made by the human race today were extracted.


Now his spaceship Zhinao was connected to the network of this universe nation, and Feng Yu asked Zhinao to retrieve the forum of the ancient universe nation.

On this forum, there are a lot of things about the ancient universe and the country, as well as some video materials.

Feng Yu the first time.

I want to search to see if I can find that cosmic bone demon, whether it is on the Apocalypse star of the Taigu universe, which is well known to everyone.

Generally speaking.

That little fellow of the Bone Demon Clan, even if he is very young, will show extraordinary and powerful talents in the same level, and he will definitely not be unfamiliar.

"this is……"


Feng Yu with a leisurely look searching for the key words of bone demon.

Was attracted by a photo video.

On this forum, Feng Yu actually found the guy with the bloodline of the Bone Demon he was looking for.

This is an occasion for an exchange meeting for the disciples of the Three Sects of the Thousand Demon Sect, the Giant God Sect, and the Blood God Sect on the Apocalypse Continent, on the Giant Ao Island.

When the white on the shadow light curtain only appears.

Feng Yu's pupils suddenly enlarged several times.

He finally found the Bone Demon Clan, but in this photo video, it only said that the Bone Demon's realm had only reached the nineteenth realm.

This is all bullshit.

What he perceives at the beginning, but is above the law realm.


The Bone Demon on the Star of Apocalypse hides its true combat power.

After thinking of this, Feng Yu's expression became more and more cautious.

Sure enough, it was the same as he thought!

The Bone Demon guy on the Qi Continent really chose to hide his strength. The law state he perceives at the beginning may be wrong. Everything has to wait until he has seen the Bone Demon White in person before he can know that the other party is. The grade is not hidden.

"The Giant God Sect!"

Feng Yu fell on the three words of the Giant God Sect, and a look of interest appeared in his eyes.

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