Summon a Little Fire Dragon at the Start

Chapter 816: Enhanced version 2.0!

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In the silent passage.

On the thick withered bones on the ground, a few huge skulls were constantly devouring them.

If all the remains of so many powerful beings were eaten by the skulls made by Bai Zi, Bai Zi's realm would definitely be able to rise to a lower level or two.

"Master, someone is here again."

The blue flower flew around on the ground and picked a bone. A strong suction came out of the body. After swallowing up the remaining power on the bone, it vomited out.

Afterwards, he raised his head and looked at the front of the tunnel.

I saw it, and another soldier with a broken body walked out of the mist. This soldier was wearing a broken black armor, as if he had just gone through tens of thousands of people on the battlefield.

The black armor and sword on the soldier's body were vertical and horizontal, and one could see clear scars.

The scar pierced through the armor, and only a few places remained connected.

And the head of this soldier wearing a bronze mask has been chopped off in half.

The half of the wound was completely dark.

This soldier held a machete more than one meter long in his right hand. On the thick machete, several ancient Xibo words appeared at this moment, and the mysticism of the words is absolutely not wrong.

The text was red, and there was a dim glow on the knife body gradually brightening.

This black armored soldier is a fire-type domain-level powerhouse.

Judging from the aura and coercion, she was much weaker than the girl with pony tails before.

"White only, grab it."

Qin Ye said immediately.

This soldier looked much easier to deal with than the human girl with the ponytail just now. The girl with the white ponytail was too fast to grasp the power of the wind element.

It can also blend into the walls of this tunnel.

Extremely difficult to grasp.

But the tattered black armored soldier in front of him seemed to be very easy to catch alive.


Bai just said it.

Shot again.

He hadn't caught the ponytail girl before, and there was a trace of anger in his heart.

After expanding the field this time.

The gold and silver formations appeared under the opponent's feet. Behind and in front of him, a giant silver hand of about fifty meters appeared, flanking them back and forth, trapping them in it.

Even if the black armored soldier in the center reacted, his escape route was blocked.

The black-armored soldier who was pinched, only one eye was left with a fierce flame burning.

Raising the knife, he slashed it on the giant silver hand in front of him, but with the interlacing of metal collisions, dazzling flames appeared.

His long knife had no effect on this giant silver hand.


After a muffled sound.

The giant silver hands from the front and back collided with their palms together, like a thunder in the sky, a wave of air was set off centered on the two giant silver hands, rolling up all the bones that were laying on the ground.

The two giant silver hands pressed together and rubbed each other a few times.

After ten breaths.

The giant silver hand opened, and the black armored soldier in the middle of them was gone, only a piece of black metal imprinted with ancient Hippo writing, and a broken long knife he was holding just now.

The two ancient Xibo characters inlaid on this long knife still had a faint glow of fire, but it was much lower than the flame power just now, and it seemed to have fallen by a level.

Just now, when the **** of the domain attacked, it also had a certain impact on the long knife in the hand of the black armored soldier.

Both the long knife and the metal were taken in front of him by Qin Ye.

The metal Qin Ye is already very familiar with it. When he first encountered the inheritance of the ancient Xibo Forge, it was because of the inheritance contained in this black metal that he was able to obtain the two ancient Xibo rune arrays, "Strengthening" and "Gathering Spirit". of.

Now finally met again.

Qin Ye couldn't wait to inject the power of the soul into it.

In a blink of an eye, the familiar huge suction power came out from the black metal, and the soul power in Qin Ye's Consciousness Sea was continuously swallowed by it, after swallowing 40 to 50%.

Qin Ye's soul was drawn into an illusion space.

The world is dizzy.

After blurred vision, it became clear again.

Once again, he entered the huge school hall that was beyond sight. All the apprentices sitting at the desks were all in white robes and had various body shapes.

This time on the desk in front of Qin Ye.

There is a piece of paper.

It seems to be an exam question.

It is necessary to burn the enhanced symbol array completely.

Qin Ye's eyes were overjoyed. Before, he had burned the enhanced original rune array. Now he can create an enhanced rune array with very little soul power.

The question on the desk is very simple for him.

When Qin Ye branded the strengthening talisman formation.

The paper ignites spontaneously.

On the desk.

Another black jade slip appeared. Inside the jade slip, there was also a golden ancient Hippo writing. This should be a jade slip recording the forging method.

Qin Ye grabbed the black jade slip.

Maybe he can get the second layer of forging method.


After Qin Ye grabbed the black jade slip, a repulsive force spread all over his body, and Qin Ye's spirit power returned to his body.

He raised his right hand.

He was holding the jade slip just grabbed.

Soul power penetrated a little bit of it, and a torrent of information came out from it, and the pronunciation of the ancient Hippo script was heard in the ear, and each pronunciation would form a mysterious ancient Hippo script.

Every word was integrated into Qin Ye's sea of ​​knowledge.

After dozens of breaths.

Qin Ye opened his eyes slowly, his expression a bit complicated.

This is not the second level of the primary forging method.

It’s an enhanced version of Gu Xibo’s enhanced rune array. The previous rune array can only affect weapons below level sixteen, but this enhanced version can be used against domain-level weapons at level seventeen. has an effect.

Not only that.

This jade slip also records some simple knowledge about apprentice-level blacksmiths that need to be controlled.

It also added Qin Ye's ignorance in this regard.

This is exactly what he thought, this is indeed a blacksmith's inheritance, and the strengthening and spirit gathering he controlled before are all the lowest level zero runes.

Control more than two zero-level symbolic arrays.

It can be regarded as an apprentice-level blacksmith.

The zero-level symbol array is divided into three levels: lower, middle, and upper.

Strengthen the talisman array, which is inferior to level zero.

And Gathering, it is zero-level intermediate.

And just now, the enhanced talisman array 2.0 recorded in this jade slip was also a zero-level medium.

Level 0 is intermediate, and it can affect the seventeenth-level domain-level weapons.

Higher, it corresponds to the eighteenth level.

As for those above level nineteen.

Those who need to control the first-level rune formations, and those who control the first-level rune formations of Gu Xibo, can be called junior forgers, and they are also divided into three sub-levels.

In this jade slip, there are secrets about some powerful ancient Xibo blacksmiths.

It's just that the secret introduction is only a few dozen words, and about the things of that unknown era, it is only a fist-sized window in the sky full of stars. Summon a small fire dragon at the beginning of the game, the latest chapter address: Summon a small fire dragon at the beginning of the game to read the full text: a small fire dragon at the beginning. txt download address: a small fire dragon mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the \"Favorites\" below to record this time (Chapter 816 Enhanced Version 2.0!) Read the record, you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Summon a Little Fire Dragon", please recommend this to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) Book, thank you for your support! ! (

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