Summon a Little Fire Dragon at the Start

Chapter 826: Little Fire Dragon upgrade!

Half a day later.

Qin Ye also learned about Anjia Anzhao Temple from Qin Heli's mouth.

The traitor who had set up the family at the time was actually the deputy head of the patriarch.

Today's An Changge.

After Bai only learned the secret of the ancestor, although he got rid of the domain-level toxins that had been eroding him, it seemed to be the reason for too long time. Most of An Changge's genes were already necrotic.

Unable to recover.

After getting rid of the toxins, the only half of his head left soon came to the end of his life.

"the host."

"Should you kill An Zhao Temple?"

"I am in the Qin family, and I still have a star pet of the sixteenth level. With my daughter, I can easily solve Anzhao Temple."


Qin Heli in the void territory, standing in front of Qin Ye respectfully, said with a hint of chill in his tone.

"Your daughter's husband, if you kill it, don't you think about it?"

Qin Ye was a little surprised when he heard Qin Heli say this.

Although Qin Heli is now his servant, he has not been erased from his memory. He is also an independent intelligent life individual. He was a little surprised when he first proposed to kill Anzhao Temple so fiercely.

"The master doesn't know."

"My daughter, who focuses on cultivating the demon technique and approached Anzhao Temple, she also fell in love with Anjia's top-quality black magic stone veins. As for Naanzhao Temple, she has no affection."

Qin Heli explained.


Qin Ye nodded.

Qin Heli also said that the reason why he came was because of the value of the secret method of the An Family's Star Seal of Life and Death.

The purpose is also very clear, that is, to gain control of the entire Anjia.

prior to.

Qin Ye promised An Changge to pass on the cultivation method of the main seal of the star seal of life and death to the orthodox An family members.

He has gained a lot of benefits from An Changge.

The ability to burn enhanced and gather spirit talisman formations is all based on the account left by An Changge.

He will naturally not violate the promise witnessed by the power of the rules.

Naturally, it is best to clean up the malignant tumors in the homes like Anzhao Temple.

"I will leave for Jiuquxing in two days and clean up Anzhao Temple!"

Qin Ye said.

Jiuquxing is a medium-level cultivation planet. In addition to Anjia and Qin's family, there are still many big clans with domain-level cultivators, among the top clans on the planet.

There are even many powerful clansmen who have joined the first-class forces and super-powers, and some patriarchs hold positions above the middle and upper levels in the first-class forces.

Jiuquxing is also quite dangerous.

But with Qin Heli in his hand, Qin Ye also had five domain levels. With such a force on Jiuquxing, as long as he didn't challenge several big clans at once, there would be no danger that could threaten their lives.


Qin Ye had no spirit power elixir in his hand.

The spirit potions on the two planets Earth Star and Mars were all cleaned up by Qin Ye. If you want to reach a higher level, you must obtain cultivation resources from other channels.

And this time to go to Jiuquxing, relying on his main seal of the star seal of life and death, it was easy to solve Anzhao Temple.

Go to an home.

It can also replenish the spirit power elixir that is lacking today.

at this time.

Territory, God favors the mountain.

There was a wave of momentum that was not weak.

From that halfway up the mountain.

The small fire dragon in the fire pet lair is like a small volcano on a huge body with red glow flowing.

With the help of the fire-type pet lair, that pure fire-type aura.

After tempering the body for a few days, he broke through to the fourteenth level very smoothly. Under the aura tempering body, it directly improved the talent potential of the little fire dragon.

After breaking through the fourteenth level.

The scales on his body have become a lot denser.

The scales are much tighter.

The body shape has also changed from bloated to slender. Standing in the fire-type pet lair, the small fire dragon next to the fire-type spirit spring has shrunk to a height of about seventy meters, and the whole body has become much longer.

A pair of sickle-like dark red dragon wings spread out, slammed suddenly, and turned into a swift red streamer, heading straight towards Qin Ye, a few kilometers away from Shenchong Mountain.

Blink of an eye.

He landed in front of Qin Ye very steadily. As he fell, his body quickly shrank to a height of five or six meters, and he lowered his hard head covered with dark red dragon scales.

Qin Ye stroked the little fire dragon's head as usual.

The speed of the little fire dragon's breakthrough also exceeded Qin Ye's imagination.

Qin Ye's heart moved.

He took out the upgrade gems from the warehouse, and the upgrade gems like rainbow stones appeared on Qin Ye's right hand out of thin air, slowly rotating a few inches away from his right hand.


The little fire dragon in front of him felt the pure power contained in the upgraded gem, and he let out a longing growl in his heart.

The dull growl echoed all around.

The huge tail behind the little fire dragon also shook, and there was a sound of piercing through the air.

"For you."

Qin Ye smiled.

After receiving Qin Ye's instruction, the little fire dragon swallowed the upgrade gem into his belly in one bite. In an instant, the little fire dragon felt that his whole body was wrapped in a powerful force.

The aura and coercion on his body could not stop rising.

Just ascended to the elementary level of the fourteenth level, as if blessed with a super ejector, soaring in a straight line!

The body of the little fire dragon couldn't help becoming bigger in the city. The power in the body was too swollen. Only by making the body bigger can the body's swelling power be alleviated.

The body of a few meters turned into a huge mountain-like hundreds of meters in an instant.

Each of the dark red scales on the body has a diameter of several meters, and is radiant, like a dark red gem. Because of the growing power in the body, there is a pure fire aura escaped from the body. .

Fourteen intermediate level!

Fourteen high-end!


Fifteenth level beginner!


Sixteen elementary!

Half a quarter of an hour.

Under the effect of upgrading gems, the little fire dragon has directly straddled two great realms, reaching the elementary level of sixteenth level, its body size has reached a kilometer height, and its body length has reached more than two kilometers.

Of course, this body shape is the result of the suppression of the little fire dragon.

Let go all the way, it's definitely ten thousand meters long, and it's almost the same as the sixteenth-level juniors of the Eight-Eyed Giant Eye Clan.

Within the territory.

The breakthrough of the little fire dragon, but made a lot of movement.

Not far away, in the sky more than ten miles apart, among the huge man-made meteorites in the sky, eleven black streamers flew down, all of which fell beside the little fire dragon.

Among the eleven escape lights, there are the juniors of the Eight-Eyed Giant Eyes clan, these guys are all pure star behemoth clan, and they are all sixteenth level.

They were all very interested in the little fire dragon that had just broken through to level 16.

After all, in this void territory.

It was also the first time that they saw the advanced star pets like Little Fire Dragon, like the monster family, and they were all of the same level, and they also lived in the void territory, and they might be able to learn from each other. Summon a little fire dragon at the start of the latest chapter address: Summon a small fire dragon at the beginning of the game to read the full text: a small fire dragon at the beginning. txt download address: a small fire dragon mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the \"Favorites\" below to record this time (the 826th chapter Fire Dragon upgrade!) Read the record, you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Summon a Little Fire Dragon", please recommend this to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) Book, thank you for your support! ! (

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