Summon a Little Fire Dragon at the Start

Chapter 863: There is a litter! The magic door? (under)


A faint suction power came from the sealed soul jade slip, which absorbed its soul power inside.

A few memory fragments poured into Qin Ye's sea of ​​knowledge.

Within the first memory fragment.

It was the scene of the gem lizardman hatching in a star pet secret room. This is a secret room where the walls of the secret room are inlaid with many spirit stones and some other ores.

After this gem lizardman came out of the shell hard, he turned to the side.

Qin Ye was also taken aback.

Beside, there are as many as a dozen eggs like the gem lizardman.

This gem lizardman actually has a nest.

According to the ancient universe, according to the star pet ranking data of these 10,000 super-strong bloodlines, this gem lizardman is not a gregarious star pet life.

An adult female gem lizardman, even if it can give birth to new lives, can only give birth to three at most, but now there are more than a dozen.

And these are some star pets with powerful bloodlines, comparable to the bloodlines of some star beasts.

Qin Ye also understood.

The power of the man behind this, and from the eyes of this young gem lizard man, the surrounding walls of the secret room were burned with amulet arrays.

There are also arrays arranged.

It can be seen that this was raised by a monk, and the person behind this raised was the guy who controlled the gem lizard people to attack the Yang family mine, although he did not know who the other person was.

But from this memory fragment, I also know that everything behind this is controlled by humans.


Fragmented memory.

In the next fragment of memory, some gem lizardmen who had been born in the secret room for several days, had eaten a lot of ore scattered on the ground of the secret room, and their volume became larger.

Each has already had a lot of combat power.


At the beginning of the birth of the gem lizardman, he had a combat power of thirteen levels.

Just swallowing some pure energy ore, their combat power value broke through to level fourteen, so growth, it will not take long before they can break through to level fifteen.

At the fifteenth level, because of their blood blessing, they can definitely kill some ordinary human cultivators.


The stone door of the secret room opens.

All the gem lizardmen in the secret room looked over, and Qin Ye also looked at each other's figure based on the lizardmen's memory fragments.

He was dressed in white without any variegated color, but the other party's appearance was shrouded in a cloud of black smoke, and he couldn't see the other party's appearance at all.

It seems that the other party knew in advance, maybe there will be repairers and star pet masters who will use the gem lizard people he cultivated to trace his identity.

after all.

In the ancient universe, there are a lot of powerful spirit monks and some star pets who are good at soul searching.

But it can also be known from this point.

This guy was not doing this kind of thing for the first time. The other party was walking strangely outside Tianhe City. He also dispatched his jewel lizardmen to search for the giant stone, and also killed a lot of Yang's guards.

Although I don't know who this person is, there is a high probability that it is the demon gate under the Blood God Sect, or the demon forces.

Within the memory fragments.

The man in white, whose face was covered up, entered into it, and began to walk in front of their gem-lizard-men, and instantly a terrifying force of spirit power was released from the opponent.

He suppressed all the gem lizardmen, and directly subdued these lizardmen with great strength, and signed a master-servant contract.

Immediately afterwards, this scene shattered.

The last screen.

On the other hand, several gem lizardmen like him, under the command of the man in white, flew into the lush jungle behind him.

The last picture is extremely short.

The face of the white-clothed man was still undetectable.

However, judging from the surrounding terrain, this is definitely on the coast not far from Tianhe City.

The picture is broken.

Qin Ye's spiritual thoughts withdrew from the soul-sealing jade slip.

"Clan Chief Yang also take a look!"

"I have to ask the teacher for help in this matter. The people behind it are not simple. They may be the domain-level experts in the magic door. Moreover, we have spied on his gem lizardman. It is not appropriate to stay here for long. "

Qin Ye said in a slightly solemn tone.

Now that the man in white had signed a master-servant contract with these gem lizardmen, the other party was absolutely aware of the process they had done with this gem lizardman.

The soul is broken and reunited.

It can't get rid of it, and the power of the contract above remains.

That is to say, their positions have been exposed, if the other party wants to kill people, they will definitely rush over here, although he has the five elements war puppets.

But if the opponent is a 20th-level peak powerhouse, then he is also powerless, the only way is to leave this place first.

Ask for help from the sect.

Let the elders in the sect be in charge of this matter. When he received this task, it was only a sixteenth level. He thought there was a small twist, but he was promoted to seventeenth at most.

But there is actually a trader behind this.

This is not what he can keep track of.

Qin Ye took the group of people directly back to the small battleship, and then the battleship immediately turned around, and the main body of the battleship disappeared from the air.

Control room.

After Yang Zhao also probed the contents of the jade slip of the soul, he was shocked again in a cold sweat.

When he saw the brood of gem lizardmen, he was also taken aback.

Fortunately, it was only one of the gem lizardmen who came to their Yang family. If there were two or three more, it would be a disaster for their Yang family.

The other party also deliberately spread the gem lizard people to prevent them from being too concentrated, like being caught by people like Qin Ye.

"the host."

"The tracking of the power of the contract is thousands of miles away, but it is thought that the maintenance of the power of the contract is too weak, and the other party forcibly cut it off and lost the goal."

Long Yue said to Qin Ye.

If all her tracking amulets were repaired, it would be possible to continue to trace the traces of the person behind it based on the strength of that little contract.

It's just that it's irrational to rush over so recklessly if he is not sure what level the opponent is under.


Qin Ye nodded.

He also knew that most of the rune formations in Longyue were damaged, unable to exert the powerful abilities of ancient Xibo runes, and Qin Ye could only repair the five-element battle puppet rune formations, and also used them for Dragon Moon Ancient Hippo Rune Light Ball.

For him, these ancient Hippo rune spheres only need to consume some spiritual power to burn them.

But for the Five Elements Fighting Puppet Talisman Array and Dragon Moon, it is equivalent to the existence of a panacea.


Qin Ye sent all the things that happened to the Yang family in this place to the mission hall of the Giant God Sect, and even his master Ouyang Guiyuan sent a copy.

The picture inside the jade slip of the soul seal also transmitted it to the past.

Inside the Titan Sect.

Xuan Tianfeng.

Ouyang Guiyuan's residence.

"Are from the Blood God Sect?"

"Pillaging the giant stone? Want to make trouble!?"

"Or are there other attempts?"

Ouyang Guiyuan prepared to go there himself.

At the same time, I explained to the people in the mission hall that the level of this mission has been raised to the lowest level of nineteen and all the mission levels near Tianhe City have been raised.

It is possible that the Blood God Sect wanted to use the trouble of their vassal forces as bait to lure their disciples of the Giant God Sect.

As the peak master of the inner gate within the sect.

Whoever dared to move the disciple of their sect, he would definitely kill the opponent in advance, not to mention the disciple he had just received this time involved.

With Qin Ye's rune talent.

In the future, there is a great possibility that he will directly catch up with his current cultivation level. If such a disciple is damaged, he must desperately kill a few twentieth-level old guys.

of course.

Ouyang Guiyuan also thought of it.

The opponent may also want to use his own disciple to lure him out, but with his strong combat power and his own several inheritance talisman formations, even if three powerhouses of the same level come, they want to suppress him. It's impossible.

Unless it is law-level.

However, as soon as the Law Level took action, it was able to immediately know which power the opponent was, and at the same time it was also declaring war with their Titan Sect.

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