Summon a Little Fire Dragon at the Start

Chapter 866: Even break the level! Denying breakthrough!

Assessment space.

on the square.

The fiery red jade inheritance stele in front of Qin Ye exudes huge heat, making the scene around the stele blurred.

Billowing heat waves are coming.

Life below the fifteenth level can't get close to this inscription at all, and will definitely be roasted alive.

This is a fire-type inheritance stone monument, on it is also a fire-type domain talisman formation, there is no instrument spirit, and the heat wave emitted is only a passive reaction of the talisman formation.

"Seventeen elementary rune array!"

"It's not difficult."

With Qin Ye's gaze, he easily penetrated the incomplete place of the talisman formation in front of him.


Qin Yeke still didn't know how many incomplete runes on the inheritance stele had to be repaired before he could be ranked as a 17th-level rune master.


Qin Ye raised his right hand, using his finger as a pen, he began to outline the rune lines of the God Origin Era in the void, and these lines also exuded bright fire.

From the side, it looks more like red spirit snakes hovering around Qin Ye, very spiritual.

"go with."

After sketching out dozens of rune lines, he was under the control of his spirit.

All the red spirit snakes hovering around the body, as if they had received some kind of instruction, flew on the flaming red stone monument that was more than ten meters high in front of them, and directly merged into it.

outside world.

On the moon star text of the cultivation tower, on the mirror in front of him, after seeing Qin Ye Xingyun and flowing water, he directly outlined the power of the rune of the **** source era, the expression in his eyes lit up.

To be able to burn out the runes of the gods with such skill is to comprehend the runes of this era to a very deep level, and I must have obtained books on the inheritance of the runes of the gods before.

Otherwise, it is absolutely impossible to burn so many in such a short time.

But Yue Xingwen was extremely concerned.

It was the speed at which Qin Ye saw through the incomplete talisman formation.

Ordinary seventeenth-level rune masters often need to make multiple attempts when facing a rune array outlined in different eras, and it takes at least a few hours to find the flaws.

But Qin Ye's speed just now only took more than ten breaths.

The speed of seeing through the talisman array, I am afraid that ordinary eighteenth-level rune masters will feel ashamed to be inferior after seeing it.

Yue Xingwen didn't know how strong the disciple Ouyang Guiyuan received was, but what he was sure of was that he must have the qualifications of a rune master of level 17 or higher.

Otherwise, they will never be included in the inner door.


Seeing this hand revealed by Qin Ye made him understand that perhaps Qin Ye's rune master level was much better than he had imagined.

Examine the secret territory.

After Qin Ye's dozens of rune lines entered the incomplete rune array, each rune line began to be repaired in the incomplete rune array in accordance with a certain rule.

The whole process only took a quarter of an hour.


next moment.

The incomplete talisman formation on the inheritance stele was repaired, and a huge spiritual pressure that surpassed the previous talisman formation erupted in an instant. On the entire fiery red inheritance stele, it originally exuded a hot wave, from the surface, directly A spirit fire nearly ten meters high broke out and burned.

Under the coercion of the terrifying spirit fire.

Even Qin Ye had to create a defensive shield to resist the fire waves from the outside world.

The ancient runes on this heritage stone tablet seem to have given birth to a lot of spirituality.

After a burst of spiritual fire.

After that, all the flames were collected in the talisman formation, and the fire waves stacked on top of the outside also disappeared.

On the contrary, what made Qin Ye a little surprised.

From the ancient monument of inheritance, a pristine soul power was actually released, and it was integrated into Qin Ye's body, which was a counterfeit by the talisman formation.


Qin Ye's realm was at the top of the fifteenth level.

It's a miss.

This backlash of soul power was like a heavy punch, blasting on the sixteenth-level barrier, smashing the barrier in front of him to pieces in an instant.


After the spirit power realm broke through to the sixteenth realm, Qin Ye's back also showed a fourth inky black soul bone, like four lifelike black soul bone tattoos.

In addition, the soul bone tattoo exudes a breathtaking breath.

Not only that.

Qin Ye's sea of ​​knowledge also flooded with a lot of inheritance memories, and most of these inheritance memories were some powerful soul bone secret techniques.

These soul bone secret techniques.

There are also secret methods that can kill the enemy by going beyond the ranks, but they just want to be cultivated, but they need some very harsh conditions.

But once it succeeds.

It is not difficult to condense the power of the domain with the sixteen realms.

Qin Ye glanced over thousands of powerful fourth-layer soul bone secret methods, but he fancyed one of the soul bone Shura body secret methods. After training, he could create a 100 meters high soul bone Shura warrior, which could be protected. Live all over the body.

The most important thing is that after the Shura body is cultivated, it will condense the advanced field talent, Shura field.

A talent in the advanced field is invincible in the same level. If you encounter ordinary talent and medium talent, it is not difficult to crush it.

After denying.

The inheritance stele in front of him disappeared out of thin air like a teleport.

After the stele disappeared.

In a blink of an eye, a black inheritance stele appeared again, and the breath of ancient vicissitudes swept across the surrounding areas. The stele seemed to be cracked in many places because of its age.

When he appeared in front of Qin Ye.

A breath of coldness came out.


And from the stone tablet, there was a sound that sounded like a screaming ghost, like a stone rubbing on the glass, which was quite ear-piercing.

"Yin system inscription!?"

Qin Ye recognized the attributes of the incomplete talisman formation on the inscription, and the talisman formation seemed to be used by captive ghosts.

It’s just a pity that once this kind of rune formation is damaged, the captive ghosts in it will also be severely damaged. Even if the rune formation is repaired, the strange star pets that were raised in captivity have to be replaced. Capture and cultivate slowly.

It is also a seventeen-level symbol array.

It's just that the difficulty of this talisman array is a little higher than the previous one.

After he had tasted the sweetness of repairing the talisman array just now, he wouldn't just give up like that. If every piece of the incomplete talisman array was denied, he could have the same words as before.

Repairing a few pieces of such ancient rune formations, wouldn't his spirit power level be able to break through again? This is enough to save him a very large spirit medicine expense, why not do it.

Although these ancient runes are changing.

But never leave its origins.

Only the three ancient Xibo rune arrays, which are strengthened, gathered spirits, and strengthened versions, include most of the rune arrays imitated by these branches.

Many methods have changed, but it is still a template.

Qin Ye enveloped the entire ancient stone stele in his spirit power, and every sound of the strange star pets roaring in the incomplete talisman formation rang in his ears.

If he hadn't just broken through and had a thorough understanding of this rune formation, he would have been bewitched by that strange star pet if he was replaced by another sixteenth-level rune master, and would definitely be eliminated directly.

A quarter of an hour later.

Qin Ye converged a little this time, pinching a little, and slowing down the speed of repairing the talisman formation.


After the repair is complete.

Same as last time.

On this Yin-type talisman formation, there was also a spirit power denial, and even this time the spirit power denial was more than double the last time. It not only stabilized the spirit power realm of the sixteenth level, but also Up a little bit and reached the peak of the elementary level.

"carry on!"

Qin Ye's expression brightened.

Go on like this.

One more talisman formation was patched, and it was able to break through to the middle level.

This will not only be able to rank, but also allow one's soul power realm to get a breakthrough, which is a good thing with two birds with one stone.

outside world.

Yue Xingwen's eyes widened, and with a look of surprise, he watched Qin Ye repair two domain-level incomplete talisman formations within an hour.

That one Yin system talisman array.

He called it deliberately, wanting to see where Qin Ye's limit was.

The five-element rune array is the best rune array to repair.

And many of the rune formations of the Yin and Yang dual system are extremely special and difficult to repair. Some eighteenth-level rune masters can't achieve such a fast efficiency, only relying on the level shown by Qin Ye.

Qin Ye will be able to obtain the qualification of an eighteenth-level rune master!

The key to such a young eighteenth-level runeman is that this kid looks so relaxed, where is his limit?

Yue Xingwen's expression moved.

This time he took out a seventeen-level high-level incomplete stone tablet from his storage star pet, which he obtained from a cosmic secret.

The difficulty is eighteenth level.

It is difficult for a rune master who is not the peak of the eighteenth level to repair it.

He wanted to see what Qin Ye's limit could reach. Summon a small fire dragon at the beginning of the game, the latest chapter address: Summon a small fire dragon at the beginning of the game to read the full text: a small fire dragon at the beginning. txt download address: a small fire dragon mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click on the \"Favorites\" below to record this time (Chapter 866 Break the barrier! Deny breakthrough!) Read the record and you will see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Summon a Little Fire Dragon", please recommend this to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) Book, thank you for your support! ! (

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