Summon a Little Fire Dragon at the Start

Chapter 870: Honorary Elder!

"I tried too hard, and I was directly rated to the 20th level."

Qin Ye showed a helpless smile.

The highest one he repaired was only the nineteenth-level incomplete rune array, and the rune eye had raised his rating to the twenty realm.


It is possible that the eye of the rune saw through the power of the ancient Xibo rune in his body.


"Congratulations, brother Qin, for being able to rank smoothly. Brother, I am the supervisor in charge of this assessment, Yue Xingwen, the elder of the Tianhe City Rune Guild."


From the square next to Qin Ye, the silver light flickered, and there was a strong spatial force. The rickety white-haired old man in a black robe, Yue Xingwen, holding a wooden walking stick, has a slightly dark face. Said to Qin Ye with a smile.

Such an old monster called Brother Qin, which also made Qin Ye somewhat helpless.

"Twenty-level rune master, the rune stone guild on our Juao Island, but it hasn't appeared for a long time."

"This is a nineteenth-level high-level incomplete rune array I obtained from a rune master's cosmic mystery a few years ago, all of which were constructed from the runes of the God Origin Era and sent it to Brother Qin. Right!"

With a thought in Yue Xingwen, he raised his right hand that looked like a dead branch, and a green rune array of several inches in size emerged from the palm of his palm.

The aura exuding on this rune array is indeed all constructed from the runes of the God Origin Era, and there is also the presence of a spirit of spirit, which is of great value.

And Qin Ye could also see that although this talisman formation was incomplete, only a small part of it was missing.

It only takes half an hour to repair it.

This gift is not small.

"Thank you Elder Yue Xingwen!"

Qin Ye was not polite.

After this thing is repaired, it will still deny the power of the soul, and the cave on the Xuantian Peak can also be protected by a powerful rune formation.

There is a nineteenth-level talisman formation guarded by it, and it will definitely be as solid as the other talisman formations of Shang Qin Ye.

"Where, where, if Brother Qin needs any rune books, the security can contact me. This is the serial number of my communication brain."

Then, Yue Xingwen gave Qin Ye his contact method.

Wisdom brain serial number.

It is a method of contact in the ancient city of Thailand in the virtual network world, which is more convenient than in reality with the help of star pets.

"In the name of the Tianhe City Rune Masters Guild, I invite Brother Qin to join our Presbyterian Church and become the honorary elder of our Presbyterian Church!"

"Brother Qin, if you join the Presbyterian Church, you will have a lot of benefits, and you will be given a nineteenth-level star pet next to you."

"There is also the Treasure House of the Runemaster Guild will also be open to you. Except for the top rune arrays, which have to be viewed with some contribution points, the rest are available for inspection."

"For the restrictions on honorable elders of other forces, you only need to answer some questions in the Rune Master Guild Forum every ten years. If the rune formation can be repaired, the Guild will also give training resources of the same value."

Yue Xingwen enthusiastically explained the benefits of honorable elders and some things that need to be done.

Qin Ye had checked it before, but only understood a small part of it. After all, he didn't expect that he would directly rank it to the 20th realm.

"Brother Yue, then I can use another identity code to join the runemaster guild's elders. I don't want other people to know my identity."

Qin Ye also put forward his own conditions.

He is such a young Twenty-level Rune Master, and he is only a disciple of the inner door of the Giant God Sect. If this is known by the enemy Blood God Sect, wouldn't it be over.

The assassination technique of some domain-level powerhouses of the Blood God Sect can be seen from the heavy injuries suffered by their inner disciples before. If the opponent pulls his face down to deal with their weaker juniors.

They don't have much means to resist at all.

"Of course it can. Many people who join our presbytery will also choose to use the code name. Usually when there is any elders meeting, it is also held in the ancient city of Thailand. No one will privately explore a second person who wants to hide his identity. Rune Master of Ten Realms."

When Yue Xingwen heard Brother Yue called by Qin Ye, the smile on his face increased a little, and he patiently replied to Qin Ye.

He naturally knew what Qin Ye was worried about.

At the same time, Yue Xingwen's heart was quite complacent, and he had a good relationship with Qin Ye first, and after that, he wanted to see the spiritual rune of the Jinshan Era, and it would be smooth.

"Brother Qin, this is your Rune Master nameplate!"

"After being rated as the pinnacle by the Eye of Rune, there will be one. You can connect to the forum of our Rune Master Guild and the Rune Master Guild in the ancient city of Thailand through this nameplate."

"Of course, there are many missions about runemen in this, and the rewards for each mission are extremely rich."

Yue Xingwen took out a dark purple token the size of an adult's palm. This was a nameplate made of grade 20 materials, which contained a lot of amulets.

It can even be used as a small twenty-level talisman array for the body, not only that, but also a miniature brain inlaid in it, allowing the soul power to directly land in the ancient city of Tai to check some information.

In the Rune Master Forum, basically all areas are open to Qin Ye.

Domain-level runemaster forums, the lowest level among them, are all seventeen. Rune masters below the domain level are not eligible to enter this forum.

The number of level 20 runes, one hundred and thirty-nine!

This is the total number of Rune Masters registered in the Rune Master Guild in the Taigu Universe Kingdom.

The territory of the Taigu universe is very large. Among the eight superpowers and many star-like first-class powers, there are only more than one hundred twenty-level rune masters.

There may be many rune masters who did not choose to join the rune master guild even after breaking through.

That being said.

But if these over one hundred twenty-level rune masters can really obey the rune master guild, then the rune master guild can definitely be called the first of the eight powers.

After Qin Ye's divine mind left its mark on the identity plate, the purple token entered the sea of ​​Qin Ye's natal knowledge.

The entire token also released a gentle nourishing power, enveloping Qin Ye's soul, allowing Qin Ye's soul to be tempered slowly.

Although the effect is not strong, the focus is on long time.

Dripping stone wear.

If he has been so warm and nurturing, after decades, Qin Ye's spirit realm level can also be raised to a lower level.

Qin Ye also put on himself a vest called "A loose repair on the Giant Ao Island".

Except for the name of the vest, Qin Ye didn't fill in the rest of the information.

Even so, the golden mark of Qin Ye's twentieth-level rune master was still extremely dazzling. It was a grade symbol that had been recognized by the eye of runes.

It is the pursuit of many rune masters in the Taigu universe.

"Brother Qin."

"This opportunity to choose a star pet is a good choice. As long as it is a star pet within the nineteenth level, it can be selected. It is our Runemaster Guild who has spent a great price to surrender, and there are even star behemoths."

"And there are some powerful star pets that have reached the half-step 20 level. If Brother Qin chooses a good star pet, maybe after a few decades, he will have a twentieth level star pet working. Up."

"It just so happens that I have screened out three nineteen pinnacle star pet information for you, and now pass it to you."

Yue Xingwen said.

Afterwards, under Yue Xingwen's persuasion, Qin Ye followed him to the opponent's cultivation tower as a guest.

Yuexingwen's training tower.

The entire tower is blessed by nineteen talisman formations with no less than ten seats, and talisman formations with various attributes, perhaps even some cultivators of the twenty-level life level, can't penetrate the cultivation tower in a short time.

Inside the tower.

On the other hand, Yuexingwen planted a lot of plant star pet life, and replaced the walls of the tower with a green fluffy plant, making the aura of the entire cultivation tower several times that of the outside world. .

I felt the speed of the aura in the body after taking a breath, and it was almost a point.

This environment is much better than the inner peak of the Titan Sect.

It is worthy of being a rune master at the peak of the twenty realms, and his residence is comparable to a blessed land of cultivation.


"Brother Qin drinks tea."

"You can have this realm when you are so young. The future is limitless. I still know Ouyang Guiyuan. You don’t have to be restrained. If the Blood God Sect dares to stare at you, come directly to the Rune Guild in Tianhe City, I’ll give If you keep a cultivation tower, the Blood God Sect will not dare to turn his face with two super powers at the same time."

At the top of the cultivation tower, Yue Xingwen slowly sat on a dark brown futon, and said to Qin Ye who was aside in a relaxed tone. Summon a little fire dragon at the start of the latest chapter address: Summon a small fire dragon at the beginning of the game to read the full text: a small fire dragon at the beginning. txt download address: a small fire dragon mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the \"Collection\" below to record this time (Chapter 870 Honorary Elder !) Read the record, you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Summon a Little Fire Dragon", please recommend this to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) Book, thank you for your support! ! (

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