Summon a Little Fire Dragon at the Start

Chapter 900: Be eyed by the sea clan! (on)

"So strong."

This scene was seen behind by Hua Wushuang.

The pupils in his eyes shrank suddenly.

This kind of strong soul cultivation is definitely above the eighteenth realm, otherwise it is absolutely impossible to pull out the spirit of a domain-level monster like this easily and restrain it.

"grown ups!!"


He took out the bone flying knife that Qin Ye had given back in his right hand, and when he wanted to attack the sea snake monster that came up close, such an accident happened.

Although An Luoli didn't know exactly how powerful the bone flying knife that Master Qin left him was.

However, she tried to probe with her spirit, and the powerful domain power contained in the flying knife was even stronger than what she had sensed from the senior sister.

Even if it couldn't kill the sea snake monster, it would definitely win some time.

After An Luoli's voice sounded.

Hua Wushuang and the others' eyes all fell on her.

"Lori, do you know this senior?"

Hua Wushuang said to An Luoli.

She was a little surprised.

The details of her junior sisters are all clear. An Luoli himself came to this Giant Ao Island from a medium-level cultivation planet, and his family is just a defeated family without a domain level.

How can there be channels to meet such a strong person.


"Unexpectedly, with your own efforts, you have joined the first-class power, but you are too anxious to use your current cultivation base to try this tidal monster."

Qin Ye, who was holding the spirit of the sea snake demon spirit in his hand, thought, the power of the spirit enveloped the sea snake monster soul and stuffed it into the void territory.

He had no interest in the demon souls of these seventeen realms.

After waiting, feed this demon soul to the surrendered Ao Fang and the others.


Qin Ye's gaze also fell on An Luoli and the others, with the costumes of the disciples of the Ice God Sect on them, and said to An Luoli.

"Yes, my lord."

An Luoli nodded respectfully.

"This time the variables are very big, and you are also unlucky. This time not only the Deep Sea Monster Race has been mixed in, but even the figure of the Demon Gate is present."

"Hurry up and head towards the inside of Juao Island."

Qin Ye said to them.

Since An Luoli still had a white bone knife in his hand, even if he encountered a domain-level monster again, he would definitely be able to deal with it.


Now they have reached the territory of Juao Island.

"Thank you for your help, Luo Li will remember it!"

An Luoli said respectfully.

This is the second time that Chief Qin has rescued her.

Qin Ye just nodded.

A few meters away.

The body of the black snake demon has now been swallowed directly by the black scale large python condensed by its spirit power, and there is a dull sound of bone fracture from time to time.

The black scale large python that swallowed the body of the sea snake monster also began to shrink visible to the naked eye. Within a few breaths, the body shrank to a length of no more than a few inches.

Like a delicate and small black snake, it flew into Qin Ye's right hand and plunged directly into his body.

Qin Ye could clearly feel it.

The black snake that entered the flesh and blood in his body suddenly turned into a torrent of heat and melted into his limbs.

It can nourish some of its flesh and bones.

This is the soul bone bloodline, one of the many secrets passed down.

The many secret methods inherited by the soul bone bloodline, any one of them can have a crushing effect in the same level.

He had just walked along the way, thousands of kilometers away, on the full-speed flight of this Domain-class warship, he could reach it in just a few minutes.


Before landing, I also used the exploration function of the battleship to explore the surroundings for hundreds of miles. Only a few of them were in front of them, and at least the surroundings were safe.

Moreover, the sea clan monster, there is a high probability that some blockades will not be set up on Juao Island.

After all, there is a rule-level existence on Juao Island.

The arrangement of the sea clan monsters has already touched some of their bottom lines. If they were to assassinate and ambush on the Juao Island, the law-level powerhouse might even do it directly.

Qin Ye didn't make much nostalgia.

He also wanted to be able to get away from here quickly.

Once those sea clan monsters were really frantic and chased to the island, even he might be in danger.


An Luoli looked at Qin Ye leaving on the battleship, and some other feelings appeared in his heart.


There was a sense of firmness in her eyes.

She must go back and practice well.

Make an early breakthrough to the field level.

In this way, the next time you encounter danger, you will not have to rely on senior sisters and adults.


"We are also thanks to you this time. Unexpectedly, you can let this senior personally help. I am afraid that this senior's cultivation on the soul body has reached the eighteenth level!"

"And seeing this senior is so young, he seems to be a senior from some other force, otherwise he would definitely not appear here at this time."

Hua Wushuang and the others in the same place said in a very emotional tone after bowing and saluting to the distant Domain-class battleship.

"Brothers like this."

"Let's go back and find out. We will definitely know the news. Luo Li, this is your opportunity, but you have to seize it."

next to.

Another domain-level female cultivator glanced at An Luoli who was slightly stunned, and said to her.


An Luoli's mind was a little gloomy.

What a talented person is Master Qin.

How can she compare.

Nowadays, even if she has a good talent, it is estimated that she will not have reached that level for more than ten years. After thinking of this, An Luoli has a little dim heart.

She may not be able to keep up with the Qin clan's footsteps, even if she wants to accompany an adult, it is a very difficult thing for her.

"It's not advisable to stay here for a long time!"

"The senior just now, but said that this time, not only is there a mixture of the deep sea monster clan, but also the figure of the magic door. No matter which one of those two, we will die if we are slightly involved in it."


"Unexpectedly, this time I will encounter such a big change."

Hua Wushuang on the side, with a thought moved, he summoned the ice magic sword a few steps away in front of him, releasing a wisp of white chill from his body, entering the magic sword in front of him.

Under the continuous nourishment of rich spiritual energy, you can see that the magic sword that was originally full of cracks on the sword has many small scars and has been repaired.

It's just a matter of counting the breath.

The sword regained some momentum.

After that, Hua Wushuang summoned a sixteenth realm spaceship. Although it was not as fast as the Qin Ye Domain-class battleship, it was no worse than some 16th realm bird monsters.

An Luoli and others also left quickly.



On Guiling Island.

Most of the area was submerged by the surge of tides.

Demon King Guangyi stood on Guiling Island, a submerged beach location.


Some of his nephew's breath remained.

It's just that now his nephew has been arrested by the human cultivators stationed on the ancient Guiling Island. Although the spirit aura has not completely dissipated, it is already extremely weak.

If it hadn't been for his nephew's divine soul, he had arranged a restriction, otherwise he would never perceive it.

His nephew has his forbidden asylum.

As long as he inspires the restraint, even a human cultivator at the pinnacle of the domain can have a chance to escape. What I didn't expect now is that he would be arrested so easily.

The lord of the Blood Jiao Palace, but his eldest brother.

My nephew is the third son of his elder brother. No matter how he says it, he must explain to his elder brother how his nephew was arrested.

Wouldn't it be easy to exchange for his nephew from the hands of the monks on Juao Island!


Immediately afterwards.

Guangyi summoned a huge phantom soul worm with a green body.

Phantom Soul Worm.

It looks like an enlarged silkworm, with white raised spots on the green skin, and on the spots there are several inches of white fluff.

The whole body exudes a tyrannical aura of the elementary nineteen realms.

One of the talent skills of the phantom worm.

It is to use some spirit power aura left on the scene to trace the light and shadow before, so that Guang Yi can know how his nephew and Na Aofang were arrested. Summon a small fire dragon at the beginning of the game, the latest chapter address: Summon a small fire dragon at the beginning of the game to read the full text: a small fire dragon at the beginning. txt download address: a small fire dragon mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the \"Favorites\" below to record this time Up! (top)) Read the record, you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Summon a Little Fire Dragon", please recommend this to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) Book, thank you for your support! ! (

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