Summon a Little Fire Dragon at the Start

Chapter 910: Two nineteen realms!

Little Black Bear Ridge.

Black bear cottage.

It was built in a undulating mountain range of more than ten kilometers. On the top of the mountain, if you look down from the air, you can clearly see some black wooden buildings.

From the side of the black bear cottage.

There are also open pits hundreds of meters in diameter.

Many small ant-like figures flew out from the bottom of the mine. On their backs, they carried a huge leather bag with a diameter of more than ten meters. The leather bag was filled with excavated from the bottom of the mine. Of raw ore.

These raw ore contained a not weak spiritual energy fluctuation, transporting it back to their endless sea monster clan forces, only need to find a forge, then the energy ore in the raw ore can be extracted.

From around the mine.

On the other hand, there are sea monsters wearing black wrapped armor and holding dark spears. They are all standing in place.

Staring coldly at the servant monsters flying up from the bottom of the mine.

The sea clan monsters at the domain level all released their own souls and fell on these cultivators who were shuttled back and forth, with the purpose of detecting whether they had some private ore.

There are also demon servants who will swallow some spiritual ore on the spot. After being sensed by their spirits, they will also be caught directly, thrown into the demon stove, and grilled for several days and nights.


among them.

A Sea Clan monster holding a spear, his gaze fell on a slender Monster Clan servant, and after sensing the weak spiritual energy radiating from the opponent's body, a chill flashed in his eyes under the black mask.

Lifting his right hand, from his right hand, a blue long whip nearly a thousand meters long stretched out immediately. The long whip was entangled with azure arcs. This is a thunder series of seventeen. Magic weapon.

Its waving out.

Like a blue lightning slashing down, a loud bang was heard in the air, and the thin kowloon demon slave servant was directly flew out.

The thunder whip entangled the dog-headed demon servant.

As a result, the dog-headed monster was completely covered by the blue electric light, and from the electric light, there was a screaming scream, and this process only lasted for a few breaths.

The skin of the dog-headed demon seemed to have been burned, becoming a **** flesh, and only the undulating chest could be seen vaguely.

The huge leather bag on his back and a piece of ore dug from the belly of the dog-head slave demon were summoned in front of him and included in his own storage star ring.

They are qualified as monitors.

And it can also find excuses.

He wished to have a few more monster slaves in private possession. In this way, he would also be able to obtain an unexpected training resource.

the remaining.

The demon miners who flew out of the mine looked at the sea monsters wearing black armor with dread. Of course, they only dared to take a look at them, and then they continued on their way.

But at this moment.

Before waiting for the Black Armored Sea Clan monster, he was delighted for a while.


In the place behind him, a huge black figure nearly five meters high appeared out of thin air, after this black figure appeared.

The few demon miners in the distance also saw it.

Everyone's eyes widened.

They are so familiar with that figure, Xiong Wanshan!

That was the former controller of Little Black Bear Ridge. They are all looking forward to the return of the Bear Village Master. Under the pressure of these sea clan monsters, it is too difficult for them to live this life.

"Be careful."


The other monitors outside the mine saw the huge black figure behind their companions, their pupils shrank, and they couldn't help but remind them.


The sea clan monster in black armor didn't feel anything.

Only after seeing the changes on the faces of some of his companions did he feel a very uneasy feeling in his heart. If nothing happened, his companions would not have that big reaction.

Can't wait for him to think more.

From the left and the right, there were two black bear paws spreading nearly one meter, and the middle monitor was smashed into meat patties, and even the armor on their bodies became thin pieces.

"Baby bastard!"

"I'll come out for you, Grandpa Xiong!"

Xiong Wanshan, who had shot the Sea Clan Domain Level Demon General to death, looked up at the Black Bear Village where he was staying in the distance, and said thunderously.

"The field unfolds!"


Xiong Wanshan's line of sight fell on the other demon generals at the domain level, and his thoughts moved.

A burning flame replaced his eyes.

The black hair on the whole body has also become dark red, and even more so. Under the wind blowing, it is as if the whole body is wrapped in dark red flames, and the aura has also increased a lot.

"Die all to the Lord."

Xiong Wanshan's arms were entwined with flame dragons, and his strength rose greatly.

At the same time, there has been a huge increase in speed.

When the sea monsters around the mine wanted to escape, they were all easily chased by Xiong Wanshan. A few flashes were easily patted into meatloaf with two palms.

The flesh is like fragile soft tofu.

Under Xiong Wanshan's attack, it was completely crushed.

At last.

Xiong Wanshan squeezed these domain-level demon souls and flew respectfully to Qin Ye who had just flown over.

"grown ups."

"The old tortoise has good combat power and amazing defense. I will ask the adults to help them afterwards. After the event is completed, what the adults want, Xiong Wanshan will do it for the adults."

After Xiong Wanshan finished his harsh words, he flew to Qin Ye with a smile on his face and said respectfully.

The reason why he has the confidence to speak harshly is all the confidence that Qin Ye has brought to him.

And Qin Ye also said.

He needs the soul bodies of these sea clan monsters.



Qin Ye nodded.

The several domain-level demon souls in Xiong Wanshan's hand were stuffed into the spirit bone domain, and they were used as food for Ao Fang's several eighteenth-level demon souls.

Only when these demon souls controlled by the power of the heavenly demons are promoted, can his soul bone domain become more and more powerful.

"My lord, you are back."

"Little ones, I have been looking forward to you."

"Great, you must kill those sea clan monsters, your lord, deceive the monsters too much!"

at the same time.

Some of the Shanzhai Monster Races in the surrounding mine pits all gathered together, and each one said with excitement.

"What is noisy."

"Run away quickly."

"With your strength, stay here and wait for death?"

"There is Lord King of the Giant God Sect here, don't disturb the adult's cleanliness, get out of here."

Xiong Wanshan glanced at the dozens of demon servants surrounding him. These demon beasts were basically the subordinates of the original cottage.

Look at the welts on them.

The anger in Xiong Wanshan's heart grew again.

After roaring those monster races who did not reach the domain level, those people were also very self-aware. They all understood that being involved in a domain level battle would definitely not end well for them.

The monster races who looked excited just now looked at each other, all of them started flying towards the bottom of the mine to escape, and only the bottom of the mine was safer.

And when the Lord Xiong came back, it didn't look like there were many people with him. If this was not defeated, they would still continue to dig in this mine and ran to other places.

If they were questioned by those sea clan monsters, it would all be fatal.

Just after the demon miners flew into the mine pit one by one.

far away.

After being yelled at by Xiong Wanshan, the cottages on the towering mountain peaks could be seen by the naked eye with tyrannical domain-level auras flying out of the cottages.

In the blink of an eye, it surpassed forty domain levels.

Among them, there are more than ten eighteenth realms.

In the highest cottage.

Then came out a strong bald man with a round head like a topaz tortoise shell. The strong man was nearly five meters tall and seemed to be taller than Xiong Wanshan.

This person is wearing a close-fitting green armor.

The muscles all over his body bulged, like a muscular monster.

A pair of huge orange eyes locked Xiong Wanshan's figure several kilometers apart.


Behind him.

There was another man with a slightly thin figure, only three meters tall, with a snake head made of white jade above his neck, watching Xiong Wanshan who suddenly appeared with great interest.

Moreover, the aura and coercion on this thin man had reached the nineteenth level.

Unconcealedly released their own breath, making the hearts of Xiong Wanshan and others seem to be crushed by a large mountain, and the atmosphere instantly became extremely solemn. Summon a little fire dragon at the start of the latest chapter address: a small fire dragon at the beginning of the game to read the full text address: a small fire dragon at the beginning. txt download address: a small fire dragon mobile phone to read: the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 910, Two Nineteen Realms!), and open the bookshelf next time You can see it! If you like "Summon a Little Fire Dragon at the Beginning", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), Thank you for your support! (

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