Outside the Linghe Sect.

In the southeast, northwest, there is an elder from the high sacrificial realm who is stationed here.

They are very clear.

There was such a big movement on the bloodline test peak.

What they couldn't cover, and the incident happened suddenly, basically all the people in the Linghe sect knew everything they could do.

It is to arrange a high-level sacrificial elder in all directions of the Linghe Sect to surround the entire Linghe Sect.

It is also to prevent some secret spies of other sects from passing on the news. Those secret spies of the sect are all pervasive. Even if they check one by one, they will have no problem with their identity.

Those spies.

Basically, they used special secret methods to modify their memories from their infancy, and they have been transformed in dreams since they were young.

It can't be traced at all.

The only way is to wait for them to start contacting other sects by themselves, so that they can find some clues and uncover the hidden spies hidden in the sects.

of course.

They've found out a lot of this kind of thing, but for the other Blood Sand Sects, Blood Demon Sects, and Ten Thousand Puppet Sects, they certainly wouldn't arrange a spy.

Cunning Rabbit Three Caves.

They must have at least three spies.

Nowadays, such a big thing has happened in the Linghe Sect, a test stone that was excited on the test mountain range, releasing that powerful blood and wolf smoke.

It was definitely a disciple with high aptitude that appeared.

High-quality disciples.

There has never been one in the entire downstream.

The Linghe Sect now ranks third in the sect, and in recent years, it is even more because the tribes within the territories, the human races with good qualifications, have become increasingly rare.

The fourth ten thousand puppets.

Several disciples with good talents have appeared in a row, and if this continues, their Linghe Sect will soon be at the bottom.

Blood River has the least resources.

The disciple's talent can't keep up.

If this goes on, it becomes a vicious circle, and their Linghe Sect is over.

But now, Qin Ye's appearance is like giving Linghezong a booster!

The whole family of Linghe Sect will also protect Qin Ye.



An old man in a yellow robe stood in the air, with a yellow cloud of several meters in diameter beneath his feet. After he perceives the underground, after a flash of strong sacrificial atmosphere, his eyes flashed. Coldly.

next moment.

From behind him, he quickly fell down a high-level sacrificial earth spirit snake!

The speed of the spirit snake's escape was several times higher than that of the breath just now.

After more than ten breaths.

The Yellow Jade Spirit Snake, which was nearly ten meters long, flew up from below the ground, and in its mouth it bit an Escape Ankylosaurus that was no more than tens of centimeters long.

Because of the venom of the topaz snake, the topaz scales on the original body have begun to turn a little yellow.

The yellow-robed old man raised his hand and from above his right hand, a **** thread flew out like a blood-colored steel needle. It easily pierced the head of the yellow-robed old man and hooked a group of black souls in it. come out.

The old man in yellow robe searched for the spirit of this monster beast, and after knowing the appearance of the outer disciple who let him out, he casually typed out a messenger talisman and flew into the spirit river sect.

Exterior doors.

The gray-robed outer disciple who had just let go of the Dundi Ankylosaurus was about to go out of the retreat to receive a share of the outer disciple's resources.


He felt something wrong.

The guard circle he placed outside was touched several times in a row, and it was directly destroyed.

"It's over."

"Is it a conspiracy?"

The outer door was taken aback by surprise.

He didn't expect it.

As soon as the escaped armored dragon was released, the trouble came to the door. Obviously, the Linghe Sect had already prepared, and the escaped armored dragon was still a high-level earth-type monster in the sacrifice realm.

He was also good at hiding his breath, but even so, he couldn't escape.

Enough to be visible.

Outside the sect, there are masters stationed.

This time, perhaps it was a conspiracy against all spies in the Linghe Sect.



The outer disciple sighed secretly.

Just when he wanted to commit suicide.

After the ban was blasted off.

A reddish soul-locking chain passed through the stone door of his closed house from outside the house, binding his body very spiritually.

Half of the jade-like chains bound his body tightly, and the other half of the jade-like chains penetrated into his head.

He bound his natal soul body.


The stone gate of the retreat was directly blasted open.

A few burly, grim-faced seniors and elders of Law Enforcement Hall walked in.

A plot like this also happened elsewhere in the sect.

Half a day's work.

Seven spies who were hiding in the Linghe Sect were caught by other sects.

The number of spies.

After the announcement, the disciples and elders in the Linghe sect also felt a little surprised.

But fortunately these spies.

It's all from the outside.

There are no traitors in the disciples of the Inner Sect Sacrifice Realm.

And once they enter the inner gate, they will be bound by the blood spirits of the peaks of the inner gate. Under the deterrence of the blood spirit contract, they dare not easily betray the Linghe Sect.

But even though many spies were caught.

There were still other secret agents, and with the help of other secret transmission methods, the news about the appearance of the suspected disciples of the Linghe Sect was sent out.

Thousands of miles away.

Blood Sand Zong.

It is the main hostile force of the Linghe Sect. During the last sect ranking battle, the Blood Sand Sect squeezed onto them and severely injured one of their Linghe Sect's disciples. They are still recovering from their injuries.

Without a few years, it is absolutely impossible to repair the wounds on the soul.


The back mountain of the sect of the blood sand sect.

Zhao Tianqi, the suzerain of the Blood Sand Sect, looked solemnly at the series of **** words that appeared on the rune formation in front of him, in these lines of words.

That is to explain the occurrence of high-quality disciples in the Linghe sect.

"Superior qualification!?"

Zhao Tianqi's expression was also quite surprised.

First-class qualifications.

That has a high chance of being able to sprint to the world level.

Once the Linghe Sect appeared a powerhouse in the heaven and earth realm, the rest of the sects didn't need to participate in any sect ranking battle at all.

Certainly the first will be occupied by the Linghe Sect for a long time.

This is not what they want to see.

They think.

I just want to get more cultivation resources for myself to train the disciples in their sect.

"Find a way to get rid of him."

Zhao Tianqi hesitated, and finally gave this order to the past.

This is a top spy that he planted in the Linghe sect.

Many prices have been paid.

Simply, they were restrained from the bottom of each other's spirits.

However, once they sacrificed this spy, their Blood Sand Sect lacked an eye in the inner door of the Linghe Sect.

Their control of Linghe Sect's intelligence will also drop by one level.

But if you can kill the disciple with high qualifications, then everything is worth it.

at the same time.

Not only in the Blood Sand Sect, but even the two downstream sect forces of the Ten Thousand Puppet Sect and the Blood Demon Sect, through their respective intelligence channels, learned about the changes in the Linghe Sect.


They also sensed that, with the exception of a few secret spies that were extremely hidden, the remaining spies that were more likely to be exposed on the surface had all been killed.

All were resolved within half an hour.

In this way, it also proved the authenticity of this matter.

There was indeed a disciple with superior qualifications in the Linghe sect. As competitors with each other, they absolutely did not want to see a domineering scene.

Therefore, one after another sent out the strong men of the high sacrificial realm in the sect.

Go to the Linghe sect to determine the accuracy of the information.

Those disciples with high qualifications must be eradicated.


At this time.

Outside the blood river secret realm.

Xinghai City.

On the plain outside the northern city wall.

After Bai Zhi's support arrived, he shot and killed the Sea Clan monsters who had killed more than a hundred domain realms, which directly shocked everyone on the battlefield.


After realizing that something was wrong, the sea clan monsters all began to withdraw towards Xinghai City.

When they retreated.

I also noticed that some of the sea clan monsters who were stationed on the rear city wall are now gone, all have escaped!

This made the remaining Sea Clan monsters desperate.

But the white who had swallowed many realm monsters, felt a strong force in the body that was denying, and these forces gathered together.

It seemed to have turned into a giant stick to the sky, and slammed fiercely on the breakthrough barrier of the Eighteenth Stage.

A crack was blasted open on the extremely hard barrier...The opening call of a small fire dragon, the latest chapter address :Https://www.wuxiaspot.com/book/143360.htmlSummon a little fire dragon at the beginning of the game to read the full text : Https://www.wuxiaspot.com/read/143360/Summon a small fire dragon at the beginning of the game. txt download address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/down/143360.htmlSummon a small fire dragon mobile phone reading: https ://m.wuxiaspot.com/read/143360/For the convenience of reading next time, you can click the \ "Favorites\" records the reading records of this time (Chapter 926 of the spy!), you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Summon a Little Fire Dragon", please recommend this to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) Book, thank you for your support! ! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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